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ELKTON ELTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear j track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearplds 4yearplds and upward Soiling SoilingInd Soiling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 4689 Barytone Barton III 4 115 545 54546893Imporial 46893Imporial 5 115 547 54743002W 43002W G Harding Hoarding 6 112 540 4709 Congo Dick 9 112 537 4692 Salesman 4 112 535 53546913Flash 46913Flash V 4 112 542 3393 Ostracized 4 110 538 5384742DorcasL 4742DorcasL 6 110 530 4228 Mildred D 5 110 530 4782 Periodical 4 110 537 Second Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4802 Brown Fonso Fonts 4 109 3583 Hopeful 5 109 4302 Silver Bill 6 109 4744 Blue Jay 8 109 4657 Arian 5 109 4766 Lfiporello 6 109 4616 Little Cliff 5 109 4765 Lady Frances 6 107 4707 Helen T 4 107 4690 Shade 4 107 Third Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4761 Sandowne Sundowner 9 115 47072 Benefactor JH5 4801 Foundling 6 115 4765 Beau Brummel Brume 4 112 4636 Too Much Johnson 10 112 4707 Claude Hill 5 112 4801 Will Fonso Fonts 6 112 4746 Marie Lovell Lowell 11 110 4711IssieO 8 110 4784 Cake Walk 4 110 Fourth Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4783 Whippany Whipping 5 115 4637 Jonah White 4 115 4672 Full Speed 41J5 4781 Jackene Jackie 5 112 4761 Glover Vendig Vending 5 112 4764 Cashier II 5 112 1124779ABDade 4779ABDade 6 112 4781 Susie Hawze Haze 4 110 1104673Kassala 4673Kassala 4 110 4747 Belle Fowler 6 110 110FifthjRace FifthjRace Fifth 4 13 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4766 Little Jim 6 112 4727 Leonidas Lends 5 112 4724 Tim Hurst 4 112 4709 Scio Scion 4 112 4728 Advance 6 112 i227 Comedian 5 112 4656 Vick Vicki 11 110 45522Bettie Hall 4 110 3833Irish Lass 5 110 4707Bird of Freedom 4 110 Sixth Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4763 Metropolis 6 112 4480 Bronston Brownstone 6 112 4761 Now York 7 112 47652WillioG 6 112 4766 Dr Jones 7 112 4802 CharleyB Charley 8 112 4761 Vermont Bradford 5 112 4764 Beloved 5 110 4745 Pleasant Smiles 5 110 4801 First Light 6 110