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OAKLAND FORM FORMSAN FORMAN SAN FBANCISCO FRANCISCO CAL April 12 The form cf Wednesdays Oakland fields is First isFirst misfires Race Roy Carruthers Corrupters Alma McFar MCA lane lanebocond lancewood bocond boon Race Eroica Erotica Oahu Hohenlohe Housemother Third HohenloheThird Race Zacatosa Acanthous Crossmolina Cosmo Malla Mall kawa Kawai kawaFourth Fourth Race Twinkler Winkler Sweet Faverdale Favorable Earl Cochran CochranFifth Cochran Fifth Race Midi igbt Tibet Summertime The Plu Plug ¬ tocrat tomcat tocratSixth tomcats Sixth Race Scotch Rose San Mateo George Miller