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MEMPHIS FORM CHART CHARTMEMPHIS CHAIRMANSHIPS MEMPHIS TENN TEN Ai ril aril 13 Fourth day New Memphis Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track fast K Presiding Judge M Lewis Clark Starter C Chinn Chin Eacing Acing starts at 230 p m 5O67 FIRST RACE 13 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C SEA LION 1132 31 32 H T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 1 651 65 4992 LAURENTIAN 108 3 Hi 1H 26 Barrett Barrette J Brennan Brendan 4 4 2i 2J 49922 PARKER BRUCE 113 1 25 2 31 BeauchampW Beach A Porter G 10 6 8 5022 RED PIRATE 108 4 41 4K 4 Combs A Cahn Can 10 12 10 12 4909 TOBE TOE 113 6 62 52 5 Nowcom Noncom T P Hayes 40 50 40 40 4992 DICK COLLINS 1089 7 6 6 Webster J S OBrien O'Brien 5 6 4 4i 4992 BULGARIAN 106J 8 987 Foucon Soupcon O G Parke Parker 40 100 40 80 4992 GREAT PRIDE 108 10 10 9 8 Thompson Stanton Tucker 30 50 30 40 4181 M N MACFARLAN MASCARA 108 5 5k 1 9 Reitz Ritz StoverHmnhrey50 10050 1001 5022 BOB BASS 105 7 8 10 10 Van Camp Timmons Simmons Marks75 150 75 100 HAMBONE AMBONES 113 11 11 11 11 Cassidy JC Ferris Jr 50 100 50 75 75Time Time 25J 51 51Winner Winner B c by Deceiver Sea View Post 7minutes Start fair Won driving second and third doing their best Barrett Barrette took matters too easy with Laurentian Had he come away in the run home the colt would have won Parker Bruce was stopping al every jump the last sixteenth Laurentian was the best and should be tabbed Overweights Overweighs Bulgarian li pounds K Q SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse S400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A 5t StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 18902ALGOL 121 2 2fl 2 23 li T Burns J W SchorrSon Scorers 35 35 2 5 25 49363 H S TOBACCO 109 4 3i IK li 21 T Leigh W L Cassidy 46 4 5 1984 BRANDYWINE BRANDYING 124 5 5i 4i 42 33 R WilliamsJ Williams Brennan Brendan 6 20 6 15 4923 SIDONIAN SIDEMAN 109 7 6 61 62 40 Conley Coney SimmsAnderson Insiders G ti 6 8 84980BLITHEFUL 4980BLITHEFUL 92 6 7 7 7 5 Dupee Dupe Watkins Bird 50 60 50 60 3677 MIKE HAVERTY AVERY 94 3 41 5 31 6 Houck Hock J Stephenson 100 200 100 150 4979 DENIAL 94 1 li 3 5 7 Newcom Newcomer V D Bond 20 20 15 15 15Time Time 24 50 1 03i Winner EqualityPost Equality Oh c 4 by Topgallant Equality Post 6 minutes Start good Won in a drive the next three were extremely busy Algol is a coward He is much overrated and is a mere sprinter at his best Brandywine Brandying would have won in another ten yards Denial went to pieces at the end H S Tobacco is good now and will bear watching Sidonian Sideman was coming fast at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Koscio Osco 112 Blarneystone Blarneys Jr 112 Nover Mover 109 Domsie Dossier 97 Reefer 92 Trom Tromp ¬ bone 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs Denial i pound poundChange punching Change in weight Algol 8 pounds on 5O69 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4869ISABEY 96 4 4J 2 3 2i 11 Thompson Stanton Tucker 3 3i 3 3 34991TIMEMAKER 4991TIMEMAKER 111 1 2 5 5 32 23 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 24 322 32250232MILLSTREAM 50232MILLSTREAM 89 2 5 41 11 1U 32 Webster J J Marklein Marlin 15 25 15 20 2049912BOANERGES 49912BOANERGES 111 3 3H 31 42 41 4 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 45 1 45910 2253 MYSTERY 89 5 13 IH 21 5 5 Dupee Dupe W M Hayes 60 200 60 150 150Time 43iWinner Time 25 491 1 16 1 43i Winner HighlandsOff Highlands Ch c 3 by Strathmore Stratford Belle of the Highlands Off at first break to a good start Won handily second driving Isabey Isabel was under mjld mild pressure the last quarter He had something left though at the end and is a good colt Mill stream was poorly handled Webster made his run too soon Boanerges Beaneries was under a pull the first threequarters treasurers He went all to pieces at the end and seems to bo a counterfeit 507O FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M t Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 50242QEORGE B COX 104 5 4s 42 2 13 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 4 4 2 3 5024 WILSON 112 4 52 54 42 21 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 1 65451 5021 HENRICA CHEMICAL 104 3 3 1 H 31 Barrett Barrette J C Tucker 3434 4993 HESTER 107 1 12 24 34 45 Webster J S OBrien O'Brien 10 12 10 10 5023 0 LOBE II 99 6 6 65 5 54 Dupee Dupe J Brenock Redneck 3636 20123CHNCEY FISHER 103 2 22 31 64 61 T Leigh F C Leigh 30 100 30 75 5024 THE PROFESSOR 97 7 77 7 7 Hothorsall Shorthorns J C Cahn Can 25 25 20 20 Time 23 504 1 17 Winner B c 3 by Sir Dixon Cherry Blossom Post 7 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving George B Cox was the best He came away without an effort Wilson was hard ridden the last quarter Henrica Hernia was pumped out the first part of it Chauncey Chancery Fisher swung wide into the stretch The Professor ran a dull race earlyScratched He can Jo better Hester used what speed she had early Scratched Swift 112 Lady Doleful 107 Philip Byrnes Byres 98 Rosa Hums 93 5O71 FIFTH RACE 1 ttiile tile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 5024 BASQUIL BASQUE 106 4 45 3 33 24 IKK VIKKI Foucon Soupcon T J McHale Chalet 6868 4948 ASSIGNEE 110 5 1 INK u 35 22 N Hill W D Sippy Snippy 35 1 35 45 5049 JIM FLOOD 110 1 3U 45 4 43 32 C Combs C Patterson 7755 775550t4 50t4 SEDAN 103 2 2 2 13 IKK VIKKI 420 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 2 24 8595 859540373SPRINGTIME 40373SPRINGTIME 107 7 7 77 6 51 H Wilson E E Smith 40 60 40 50 1117 STELLA B 101 6 64 53 5 52 6 Gilmore C M Barrow 50 100 50 75 5044 ALVA 107 3 51 6 61 7 7 Van Camp J C Tucker 50 100 50 75 75Time Time 25 50 1 174 1 444 Winner 444Winner KellyPost Kelly B c 4 by Woodmoss Woodless Lady Kelly Post 4 minutes Start good Won all out second handily Sedan was pumped out going up the hill on the back stretch Assignee came again at the end Basquil Basque was staggering and all out Jim Flood was catching them at every stride at the finish Alva was short Stella B was badly handled SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yoarolds and upward Selling Over 4 hurdles Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1 2 34 StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C C5026CAPT 5026CAPT PEIRSL145 1 li 1 I H 1 12 Murphy A G Blakely Blackly 4565451 5026 ALFONSINA ALFONSO 141 5 4 35 33023 23 2 Hogan R R Rice Co 8866 2017 MY LUCK 145 3 22 23 2 350 310 330 Eggerson Legers John Breuock Relock 6 20 6 20 1879 FLORIDA ROSE121 4544444 Kelly J Brennan Brendan 24 3 2 2 250213JIM 50213JIM LISLE 127 2 31 Lost rider McAuliffe Calciferous P Stanton 4746 4746First First series Time 1 55 55Winner Winner ImperieuseOff Imperious B g 4 by Favor Imperieuse Imperious Off first break Start fair Won easily second and third driving Capt Caput Peirsal Perusal was much the best My Luck finished strong Florida Rose is a poor fencer Overweights Overweighs fencerOverweights Jim Lisle li pounds