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MEMPHIS ENTKIKS MENTIS Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Hdcp5022Lieber Horses Ago Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5022Lieber Anton 118 700 5085 Logan Laudeman Laundryman 100 600 5085 HubPrather Hibernate 106 615 5067 Tobe Toe 106 625 5085 John Mannion Anion 103 600 600Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Selling Selling507Q2Wilson 507Q2Wilson 112 675 67551112Banished 51112Banished Ill 640 64050693Millstream 50693Millstream 110 645 64551123Eleanor 51123Eleanor Holmes 105 665 6654910Eitholin 4910Eitholin 104 640 6405070GlobeII 5070GlobeII 103 610 610Third Third Race 78 Mile MileThe Millet The Tennessee Brewing Co Stakes 1000 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling50692Timemaker 50692Timemaker 4 112 750 75050882GoodTimesi 50882GoodTimesi 4 112 700 7002658Ulysses 2658Ulysses 5 110 730 73050483Estaca 50483Estaca 4 107 693 4991 JA Gray 6 102 76C 5048 Linda 95 720 72049753Tom 49753Tom Collins 3 91 73C 73C5025High 5025High Jinks 3 86 755 755Fourth Fourth Race 1 11 G Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances50683Brandywine 50683Brandywine 6 113 690 5110 Boanerges Beaneries 4 109 725 1247 Remp Rep 4 106 700 5088 Judge Steadman Seaman 6 102 65C 5089 Leoninus Leonine 4 9Tf i60C 4991 Performance 4 9L715 i 2yearolds Maidens Al pc Pi Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree7Wi Hdcp Dc 4995 AmeliaT Amelia 105 600 600Irene Irene F 105 Staff 5045 Irene Daly Dally 105 nSOa nova nSOa49563Miss 49563Miss Meade 105 65C 65CSadie Sadie Artha Martha b f by Siddartha Skidder Evelyn 105 5045 Lizzie Tizzies Kelly 105 55C 55COddity Oddity 105 5045 Tree Pot 105 55C 5045 Ruth Black 105 63a 63aSixtli Sixtli Sixties Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling1 Selling1Ind Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5089 Van Brunt 6 114 57C 57C50193Koscio 50193Koscio 5 114 59C 5089 Whirlaway Whirl 4 Ill 62C 5068 Sidonian Sideman 4 Ill 66C 5071 Sedan 4 108 65C 5021 Hill Billy 4 108 60C 5021 Harrie Harriet Floyd 5049 Lady Britannic 50703 Henrica Hernia 5089 Nimrod Imo J070 Hester TiOS9 Jane r 049 Sugar Foot 5049 Al Lone