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MEMPHIS FORM CHART CHARTMEMPHIS CHAIRMANSHIPS MEMPHIS TENN TEN April 16 Seventh day New Memphis Jockey Club Spring Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter C Chinn Chin Eacing Acing starts at 2 30 p m 5131 f FIRST BACE ACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5085 JOHN MANNION MANNING 103 2 21 31 21 Kuhn S S Brown 10 15 10 12 5067 TOBE TOE 106 1 5 21 31 Newcom Newcomer T P Hayes 8 10 8 10 5085 HUB PRATHER RATHER 106 3 3 42 45 Dupee Dupe J C Rogers 20 20 10 20 5085 LOGAN LAUDEMN106 5 4 5 5 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 10 12 5 10 Time 10Time 26 511 58 EteckaOff Winner 58Winner B c by Hanover Etecka Theca Off at first break to a good start Won easily second driving Lieber Libber Anton had the foot of the party He won all the way John Mannion Anion stopped but came again at the end Tobe Toe saved ground throughout Ho hugged the rail Logan Laudeman Laundryman lost half a dozen lengths on the home turn 5132 SECOND RACE1 Mile Purse J300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 51112BAN1SHED 3550593MILLSTREAM 111 2 11 li 12 12 11 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 45 45 3 5 35 50593MILLSTREAM 7524910EITHOL1N 110 1 25 21 21 22 23 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 7521 752 4910EITHOL1N 104 3 4 4 4 33 32 McJoynt Macon G C Bennett 6 15 6 12 5070 GLOBE II 103 4 31133 31 4 4 Barrett Barrette John Brenock Redneck 10 15 10 12 Time 12Time 251 51 118 144 Winner 144Winner B g by Longstreet Longest Exile ExilePost Exile Post 4 minutes Start good Won handily second cleverly Banished is good now He was under restraint all the way Millstream was handicapped by his rider Globe II went to pieces at end He is of little present account Eitholin Withholding can do better betterScratched butterscotch Scratched Wilson 112 Eleanor Holmes 105 5133 THIRD RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling The Tennessee Brewing Co Stakes 1000 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V X StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2150692TIMEMAKER 5025 HIGH JINKS 86 4 12 16 13 2 12 Dupee Dupe W M Wallace 2 3 2 21 50692TIMEMAKER 112 2 22 2 33 2 2 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 3 31 3 3 50183ESTACA 107 3 41 52 52 41 31 W Martin P Dunne 5756 49753TOM 575649753TOM COLLINS 91 5 61 43 21 31 41 T Leigh SimmsAnderson Insiders 5 10 5 8 4991 1550882GOOD J A GRAY 102 6 3 3 41 52 53 Barrett Barrette W A Porter 10 20 10 15 50882GOOD 46462658ULYSSES TIMES 112 8 7 6 65 66 65 R Williams J Brennan Brendan 4646 2658ULYSSES 110 7 8 8 7 7 7 Knapp C Groveling 10 20 10 20 5048 LINDA 95 1 51 7 8 8 8 Thompson A Cahn Can 10 12 10 10 Time 10Time 241 491 1151 1281 1281Winner BluePost Bleeps Winner B c 3 by Hiinyar Hinny Alta Blue Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily the next three were doing their best High Jinks made a runaway race of it Gray was cut off at the sixteenth pole He was closing fast at the end Timomaker Trinomial was hard ridden the last threeeighths Estaca Staccato showed much improvement Ulysses had no speed Watch J A Gray He ran a good race and is ready Tom Collins was right there It was a high class field pr A FOURTH RACE 1 11 G Miles Purse 4XV 4yoarolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Yt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1247 REMP REP 106 3 22 2 11 li 1 BeaucbampW Bedaub M Wallace 6 15 6 12 5110 BOANERGES BEANERIES 109 2 41 31 43 4 22 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 2 3 2 21 4991 PERFORMANCE 94 4 3K 4 3 31 3 T Burns S S Brown 1 1 45 910 5088 JUDGE STEADMAN1021 H 11 211 21 420 Barrett Barrette R E Maddox 15 20 15 20 50683BRANDYW1NE 113 5 52 515 550 550 5100E WilliamsJ Williams Brennan Brendan 5544 5089 LEONINUS LEONINE 97 6 6 6 6 6 6 Crowhurst Cowherbs J M Scott 100 150 100 150 150Time Time 261 5H 1 19 1 43i 1 50h OnvirlaceOff Winner 50hWinner Gh c 4 by Hay den Edwards Onvirlace Overlade Off at first break Start good Won driving second driving also Boanerges Beaneries was best and should have won Beauchamp Beach outrode outride Morrison Orison at the finish Remp Rep was sore going to the post Performance was hard ridden throughout She could never get up Judge Steadman Seaman stopped to nothing when the pinch came cameOverweights Overweights Overweighs Performance 34 pounds 5135 FIF FIFO FIFTH RACE 12 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yi V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 5045 RUTH BLACK 105 5 1 1 12 Barrett Barrette J Brennan Brendan 8521 852 5045 LIZZIE TIZZIES KELLY 1061 6 22 21 23 Conley Coney H Hurdle 8 10 8 8 IRENE F 105 7 31 31 31 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 2 423 5045 IRENE DALY DAY 105 1 41 4 45 Van Camp Timmons Simmons Marks6 766 4995 AMELIA 5655ODDITY T 105 3 52 5 56 Thompson StantonTucker Stanton 5655 ODDITY 105 4 62 61 62 Morrison Orison C L Applegate Appellate 6 15 6 12 5045 25SADIE TREE POT 105 2 7771 Hothersall Others T J McHale Chalet 20 30 20 25 SADIE ARTHA MARTHA 105 8 8 8 8 C Combs PalmerBensnColS 20 15 20 49563MISS 2049563MISS MEADE 105 Left at the post E Higgins R Kirkwood Ironwood 10 12 8 8 Time 25 51 Winner 51Winner Br f by Iroquois Trade Wind WindPost Windows Post 5 minutes Start poor Won driving second and third under pressure Ruth was made too much use of the first part of the journey She was staggering the last sixteenth and had to be hard ridden to win Lizzie Tizzies Kelly swung wide on the stretch turn She closed fast It was a poor lot lotScratched outstretched Scratched Lizzie Tizzies Kelly 11 pounds 5136 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y YZ StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5068 SIDONIAN SIDEMAN 111 7 31 31 21 IN Conley Coney SimmsAnderson Insiders 5 6 5 5 5019 AL LONE 96 1 51 INK INK 21 Kitley Kirtle D J Honan Hunan 4 5 4 41 5071 SEDAN 108 8 7 51 31 31 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 6867 5070 HESTER 99 2 2 61 53 42 T Burns J S OBrien O'Brien 75 8 5 75 75 5021 5050703HENRICA HARRIE HARRIET FLOYD 106 5 4NK 41 41 53 Gilmore C M Barrow 40 75 40 50 50703HENRICA 106 4 6i 7 7 63 Van Camp J C Tucker 6756 5049 LADY BRITANNIC 106 9 Of 9 8 72 Barrett Barrette G W Scott 30 75 30 60 5089 VAN BRUNT 114 6 8 8 9 8 Adams CW JSchwandt40 100 40 80 5089 WHIRLAWAY WHIRL 111 3 11 21 6 9 N Hill W D Sippy Snippy 12 15 12 12 50493KOSCIO 1250493KOSCIO 11410 10 40Time 10 10 10 Scoville Coiled W J Williams 40 50 40 40 Time 241 50J 1 161 Winner 161Winner B c 4 by Sidney Christine ChristinePost Christine Post 20 minutes Start good Won in hard a long drive of three Hester was carried very wide entering the stretch Kitloy Kilo took matters too easy with Al Lone Had he come on about his business he would have won Sidonian Sideman got up in the last stride Hester was outrun all the way Sedan hugged the rail throughout and saved much ground Scratched groundScratched grounds Hill Billy 108 Nimrod Imo 104 Jane 99 Sugar Foot 98