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GOSSIP OF THE TURF J S Wadsworth Adsorb arrived at Latonia Antonia from Washington Sunday night with his string There are about 10 in the lot including Komu Knout xasaki assail an Oaks candidate The arrival of the stable makes a decided acquisition in the jockey ranks at Newport in the person of the clever light weight Tommy Powers With the Wads worth horses came five belonging to H A Allen among them the twoyearold toehold Masconomah Macon by Imp Meddler who lost his opportunity to go in the English Derby through the death of his then owner the noted sportsman Squire Abing Dabbing don and now in the stud at the establishment of George S Forbes near Boston There are four other twoyearolds toeholds in the Allen lot by Simon Magus Bishop Browly Brawly and Octopus re spectively specially Cincinnati Enquirer EnquirerThe Enquirer The average turfman Truman in his hours of relaxa relax ¬ tion ion from the cares of the track and stable often finds in billiards the medium of whiling away an hour or two To all such as well as to others who admire the gentle game of billiards a lit tie book just published of which John Thatcher Hatchery is the author will prove invaluable It is a handy pocket volume replete with information of a kind that will prove most instructive to the amateur player and interesting to the profes profess ¬ sional spinal The many diagrams of intricate shots by the most noted experts is in many respects the most important and valuable feature of about the bet publication about billiards ever issued Sixteen foals are reported from Barney Schreibers Schreiber farm in St Louis County only three of which are colts Two were sired by Foul Shot the imported Australian stallion and the other is a son of the great Kingston out of Park Ridge a mare that used to race in the col cool ¬ ors of D A Honig Hong One of the Fqul Fuel Shots is a son of Ellen a mare that was raced at the Fair Grounds by Green B Morris two years ago and the other is a son of America a full sister to Assignee AssigneeAda Assignee Ada Adam Reese and Miss Howard two of Schreib Schreiber ¬ ers brood mares at J U Shipps Ships farm in Ken ¬ tucky tuck have foaled safely Ada Adam Reese is the dam of Climacus Climaxes a colt that beat the speedy Gay Parisienne Parisian at Little Rock this spring Penny royal and the sister to Uncle Bob both slipped their foals A list of the Schreiber youngsters will be found below Bay filly by Foul Shot Parolee ParoleeChestnut Parolee Chestnut colt by Riley Miss Howard HowardBay Howard Bay filly by Huron Ada Adam Reese dam of Cli Clio ¬ macus macs macusBrown Marcus Brown filly by Foul Shot Ottawa OttawaBay Ottawa Bay filly by Foul Shot Caroline Hamilton HamiltonBrown Hamilton Brown filly by Kingston Estolle Stole EstolleBrown Extoller Brown colt byFoul befoul Shot Ellen EllenChestnut Elenchus Chestnut filly by Balgowan Blown Spozie Spoiled Cbestnutfilly Chestnut by Brutus Bruits Grand Lady LadyBrown Ladybird Brown filly by Foul Shot Ohio Belle BelleChestnut Bellyaches Chestnut colt by Little Minch Inch Laura Agnes AgnesBay Agnes Bay filly by Foul Shot Innocence InnocenceBay Innocence Bay filly by Balgowan Blown Duchess DuchessBay Duchess Bay filly by Kingston Daisy Woodruff dam of Lieber Libber Karl Bay filly byFoul befoul Shot Miss Hall Kamsins Kansans dam damChestnut Amherst Chestnut filly by Service Derf Def a rgilla Gila rgillaChestnut guilloche Chestnut colt by Kingston ParkRidge Partridge ParkRidgeBay Partridge Bay coltt colt by Foul Shot America sister to As ¬ signee signer St Louis Republic