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Dally Racing Forms Selections Selectionshe Selections he Telegraphic Service over Racing Forms Daily Selections has boeia Bohemia remodeled and in future subscribers at 4 per week will be sent only a succinct telegram of some twenty words night rate Western Unioe Unicode Message containing the refined selections in all the races of the fai fail ROBY ROY FULL WORTS WORST RECEIVED BY WIRE OH ALL BAMNC BANC EYEKTS EYELETS Special trains leave P F W C ER Eepot Eelpout Canal and Adams Streets at 1 OOand Doodad 1 4O p m stopping at Archer Avenue 41 fetreet ferret and Engltwood Englewood Regular train at 2pm Keturn Return ng at 505 p m and afttr attar the iast last tan Jrancleco Francesco race raceAlley racially Alley L connects with electric cars at 63d Street and iviadison divination iviadisonLake invitational Lake Shore Mich Micah gan Egan South rn Van Buren Burn Street Depot Regular train at 12O5pm Returning at 431 and 634 p m mIllinois Illinois Illinois Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Roby Robby Electric Cars at 92nd Street COHBINATIONS COMBINATIONS ON ALL EVENTS EVENTSFare Events Fare for the Round Trip on All Roads 25 Cents