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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 3 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5236 Britmartis Primaries 103 655 4454 Gilberto Gilbert 105 625 625Jennie Jennie Reid 105 5190 Chilkoot Chloe Pass 105 635 5236 Abano Abandon 105 675 4833 SirUrian Silurian 105 630 5284 Rey Frey Hooker 108 640 5284 Faversham Feverish 108 645 645Cheated Cheated 108 5190 Zacatosa Acanthous 108 660 5245 Distance 108 670 5332 The Fretter 108 625 62553073Grossmolina 53073Grossmolina 109 665 665Gold Gold 115 Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances5312La 5312La Goleta Goblet 3 95 690 69053342Sardonic 53342Sardonic 3 101 685 5008 Recreation 3 101 695 5243 McFarlane 6 106 500 50052183Tripping 52183Tripping 4 106 670 497120Connell 7 121 700 Third Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward upwardGentlemen Gentlemen riders Ind Indo Horses Age Riders Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp53333Tulare 53333Tulare 4 Mr Hume 153 645 5308 Atticus Attics II 4 Mr Dunphyl53 630 5333 Little Cripple 7 Mr Gamage Damage 157 638 5336 Mike Rice 5 Mr Skinner 157 635 5333 Metairie Meteorite 5 Mr Forsland Foreland 157 648 5287 OFleta Flea 6 Mr Walker 157 642 5287 Wawona Aswoon 7 Mr Walsh 157 640 5360 William OB 4 Mr Hobart 160 650 650Fourth Fourth Race Slxort Slot Course 130 feet short oi 2 miles milesSteeplechase Steeplechase Handicap 4yearolds and upward 5215 Huntsman 7 135 635 5286 Esperance Esperanto 7 135 640 5286 Our Chimate Climate 5 138 642 64252862Qovernor 52862Qovernor Budd Buddy 5 150 650 65052863Silverado 52863Silverado 10 152 645 6455286Reno 5286Reno 6 162 648 648Fifth Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling 5246 Niihau Nihau 101 i 645 5242 OnGua Ogura Nita Anita 101 610 4494 Formella Formula 101 660 66052423Rio 52423Rio Frio Rio 103 655 5312 Defiant 103 625 62552372Qcturuck 52372Qcturuck 103 665 5242 Musculado Muscular 103 650 5239 Watomba Atom 105 675 5191 Elsmore Elmo 106 672 67251913Charles 51913Charles Lebel Label 107 670 67053112Don 53112Don Luis 107 668 6685312Major 5312Major Hooker 110 662 662Sixth Sixth Race 5 13 Fiirloiigs Firelight Fiirloiigs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 5356 Fortuna 7 108 642 5243 Naranja Mariana 4 108 635 5214 Torpedo 4 110 632 5312 Terra Archer 5 113 630 5171 Cavallo Cavalla 4 113 645 64552433Nervoso 52433Nervoso 6 113 650 4274 Gallant 6 113 640 5243 Senator Merrill 10 116 638 5336 Midas 6 116 648