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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3jearolds 3jearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp51422Mocorito 51422Mocorito 3 95 690 5142 Towando Town 3 95 675 675S355 S355 Bonnie lone 3 95 650 5355 The Ace 3 97 680 5124 Moringa Mooring 3 97 640 64054052RebelJack 54052RebelJack 3 100 695 6955356ZamarII 5356ZamarII 4 109 665 66554053Miss 54053Miss Ross 5 109 670 5078 Masoero Maser 5 Ill 672 67251222Robair 51222Robair 4 112 685 5123 Bellicose 6 114 700 700Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 5407 Amoltepec Ampoule 98 660 66053323Bonibei 53323Bonibei 98 675 675Cleodora Cleodora Leonora b f by Sam Lucas Maiden Poem 98 52833Sweet Cakes 103 670 6705307Modwena 5307Modwena 106 672 672Third Third Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp5357Twinklo 5357Twinklo Twink Wink 4 105 668 4837 Devils Dream 4 105 660 5124 Merry Boy 4 107 655 5333 Lode Star 4 107 675 67551712Veloz 51712Veloz 4 107 640 5122 Fort Augustus 4 108 670 5356 Olive 6 109 650 6505308Hermanita 5308Hermanita 6 109 672 5217 Casper 4 110 666 5308 Cromwell 6 114 662 662Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesGentleman Allowances Gentleman Riders RidersInd Riders Ind Indo Horses Age Riders Wt Hdcp Dc 5406 Joe Dllman Dolman 4 Mr Hobart 154 650 5429 Huntsman 7 Mr Hume 158 642 5403 Wawona Aswoon 7 Mr Skinner 158 645 64554292Monita 54292Monita 7 Mr Boskopy Bioscopy 158 640 64053812Metairie 53812Metairie 5 Mr Walter 158 648 648Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward The Polyclinic Handicap Handicap53803Sardouic 53803Sardouic 3 95 690 6905408Thelma 5408Thelma 7 96 730 7305356Lena 5356Lena 4 96 675 5285 Hurly Burly 3 98 700 5406 Morinel Moraine 3 100 725 5360 Bernardillo Bernardino 4 104 735 528fc2May 735528fc2May W 4 104 750 54062Fonsavannah 75054062Fonsavannah 3 105 695 69552883Rubicon 52883Rubicon 7 116 740 74053352Qstler 53352Qstler Joe 5 118 720 7205192Satsuma 5192Satsuma 6 126 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile 3yearolds Selling 4950 Miss Dividend 95 660 6605246Tempso 5246Tempso 95 645 64538102Step 38102Step About 95 670 5121 Quirte Quite 95 625 5355 Lady Ashley 95 662 5242 On fcraa cravat Nita Anita 95 650 6505404Amasa 5404Amasa 97 668 5148 Castake Costae 97 658 4950 Milkarth Millar 7451 Sierra Blanco 2553 De Los Reyes 5193 Judge Napton Nation Napton4967Saticoy 4967Saticoy 3558 Tiny P 5055 St Callatino Collation