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THE NEW MAKYLAND MARYLAND LAW The following is the original text of the Putzel Patel racing bill with the amendments as passed at the recent session of the Maryland Legislature and signed April 7 by Governor Lowndes Blondes A bill entitled an act to amend article XXVII XVI of the Code of Public General Laws title Crimes and Punishments subtitle Gaming by repealing section 121 A thereof as enacted by the act of 1894 chapter 237 and reenacting the same with amendments and by adding four new sections to aaid aid article to follow immedi dimmed ¬ ately lately after section 124 A to be designated sec ¬ tions ions 124 B 124 C124 D 124 E ESection Resection Section 1 Be it enacted by the General As ¬ sembly seemly of Maryland that section 124 A of arti Marti ¬ cle clef XXVII XVI of the Code of Public General Laws title Crimes and Punishment subtitle Gam Guam ¬ ing King as said section was enacted by chapter 232 of the acts of 1894 be and the same is hereby repealed and roenacted reenacted with amendments and hat four new sections to follow immediately after section 124 A to be designated sections 124 B 124 C 124 D and 124 E be and the same are hereby added to said article and to read as to said sections respectively as follows 124 A It shall not be lawful for any person or persons or association of persons or for any c jr poration oration within the State of Maryland to bet wage or gamble in any manner or by any means or to make or sell a book or pool on the result of any trotting pacing or running race of horses or other beasts or race contest or contingency of any kind or to establish keep rent use or occupy or knowingly suffer to be used kept or rented or occupied any house building ves Yves ¬ sel seal grounds or place or portion of any house building vessel grounds or place on land or water within the State of Maryland for the purpose of betting wagering or gambling in any manner or by any means or making sell ¬ ing King or buying books or pools therein or thereon upon the result of any race or contest or con ¬ tingency tangency or by any means or devices whatso Watson ¬ ever to receive become the depository of record or register or forward or purpose or agree or pretend to forward any money bet wager thing or consideration of value to be bet gambled or wagered in any manner or by any means or device whatsoever upon the result of any race contest or contingency and any per ¬ son violating any of the provisions of this section shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thdusand thousand dollars onehalf Neal of said fine to go to the informer and shall be subject to im ¬ prisonment presentment in jail for not less than six months nor more than one year or both fined and im ¬ prisoned prisoner in the discretion of the court 125 B Nothing in the next preceding section shall render it unlawful in any county of this State other than Baltimore City for any person or persons to make a book or to bet within the ground of any agricultural association race course or driving park upon the result of any uotting outing pacing or running race of horses which all be held within the same grounds race course or driving park uponwhich upon said person shall so make a pool or book or shall so bet upon the same day on which said race shall be held provided the grounds of such agricul agric ¬ tural ural association race course or driving park shall be licensed in the manner set forth in the next succeeding section by the Circuit Court of the county within which such grounds or tiack tack may be located 124 C Every person applying for a license as required by the next preceding section shall file with the Circuit Court of the county within which the grounds of such agricultural associa asocial ¬ tion ion race course or driving park may be located his her or their petition for such license and before granting the said license the said court shall cause notification of said petition to be published at the cost of the applicant at least once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper published in the county in which the grounds aforeresaid forehead may be located 124 D The said petition shall contain the name or names of the applicant or applicants second the name of the grounds upon which the license is desired third a definite descrip descriptor ¬ tion ion of the place where such grounds are located fourth a day or days for which license is desir desire ¬ ed and there shall be annexed to this petition a certificate signed by at least twentyfive twenty respectable qualified voters of the election dis dais ¬ trict strict of the county in which such grounds may be located praying the court to grant the said license 124 E In such license the name of the grounds track or park shall be stated and the number of days in which and the month there ¬ of during which betting pool selling or book making shall be permitted shall be specified and the said court shall not grant in the aggre agree ¬ gate licenses for more than thirty days in any year or more than fifteen days in any one month in any one county of this State nor for any days whatsoever during the months of December January February and March pro ¬ vided that the Circuit Court of Baltimore County may grant licenses for not exceeding forty days in any one year For every license so granted there shall be paid to the clerk of the court granting such license the sum of five dollars for every day which such license shall be granted The said sum to go to the Board of County School Commissioners in which such court may be located for the use of the public schools thereof provided however that the provisions of this act shall not apply to Cecil county provided that this act shall not apply to Washington county nor shall the provisions of countySection counteraction this act apply to Anne Arundel Roundel county Section 2 And be it enacted that this act shall take effect from the date of its passage but nothing herein contained shall apply to or ef ¬ fect fet any civil or criminal proceedings at the date aforesaid