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HOW PEARL WAS BEATEN BEATENJockey Beaten Jockey L Smith fell into the doldrums while winning a race on Stovers Stoves filly During his restfulness Pearl was beaten The man of trouble and yellow diamonds was moved to grief Pearl had been backed from 4 to 3 to to win the fourth race a six and onehalf Neal furlong dash After Gnome and Fair Deceiver had raced themselves into submission Pearl went to the front and at the sixteenth pole had the race won wonMaster monastery Master Smith was impressed with the gayness of the occasion eased the filly up and went to sweet smiles at the populace While they were warming the grand stand Deyo Defy uncler unclear Shep Sheep ¬ herds vigor had stolen up on the rail and he fore Smith could get Pearl going again the post had been passed and Pearl had been beaten a head The crowd berated Master Smith and Stover Stove went to war with the world and all things therein The judges corrected Smiths folly suspensionStover suspensions with indefinite suspension Stover Stove got back what he lost and a little more in the last race He started Green Jacket and played him at 4 to 1 Pat Dunnes Dunes castoff out ¬ classed his field and his dickey legs did not bother him consequently after loafing the first half he drew clear in the stretch and won nicely nicelyThe nicely The racing feature of the afternoon was a mile condition race Indra Indrawn was its favorite and after causing a long delay at tbe tube post got away well and won as he pleased in 1 41i Kirk easily landed the mile and seventy yards event and Pope Leo at 3 to 1 cleverly captured the first race raceThe racketed The 2yearold race uncovered a good filly in Elsie G She got away none too well stood a drive the entire route and won with something left in 49 She is a nice looking youngster though a trifle small by Leonard Little Grove Queen