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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL May 20 Eightyeighth Lightweight day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather cloudy track good Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is used Racing starts at 215 p m 5828 F FIRST RACE 3 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5657 HORTON 110 1 157393SJR 13 13 14 Thorpe B C Holly 2 2 65 65 65BH 57393SJR URIAN DURIAN 99 8 BH 41 2 I Powell Neil Coney 15 20 15 15 5739 SANTA FLORA 92 2 22 3 3 Holmes C Linde Linden 50 100 50 75 5657 STONE L 100 3 43 5i 4 R Narvaez Larvae E G McConnell 20 30 20 25 5710 PURNIAH PURINA 92 5 31 3i 2 5 Butler N S Hall 4846 4149 MAGNO MANGO 107 7 7COZEN 78 6i Ruiz Ritz H F Edwards Co20 50 20 40 40COZENO COZEN COZENO O 99 4 457693ORAIBEE 5 72 72 Clawfon Lawson H L Jones 4 4 3 3J 3J57693ORAIBEE 57693ORAIBEE 99 6 8 6 8 W Miller D A Honig Hong 6666 5549 CYMOMA 100 10 9 9 93 Garrigan Arian J C Nash 30 40 30 30 5769 CHILKOOT CHLOE PASS 92 9 10 10 lOi loci Hal Brown L H Ezell Bezel 40 60 40 50 5657 ELY 104 11 11 11 11 G Wilson Lassen Larsen Stable 15 20 15 15 5769 RACINE MURPHY 92 12 12 12 12 McNichols Conchoids P Siebrecht Select HO 40 30 30 30Time Time 12 24i 36i 43 43Winner Winner Ch c by El Rayo Rayon Fusillades Last LastStart Latter Start good Won in a gallop Drive between the next seven Horton was far the best Was heavily backed and is a good colt Urian Durian ran to the mark He is good and closed strong Was none too well ridden Flora showed a lot of speed and was not well handled Tab her Stone L was racing stoutly at end and is ready Purniah Pariah is only a sprinter Was used too much Co zeno zen showed speed and was cut off at start and on stretch turn Oraibee Lorraine was off badly and used too much to get up Others were never contenders contendersScratched contenders Scratched Maritillo Martello 95 Uhler Haler 102 St Kristine 103 5829 D VJ C SECOt SCOt SECOND RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5592 CODA 88 2 11 1H Hi 23 IKK VIKKI J Woods J N Burk Burke 332 2 5592 ALVERO VALERO 90 7 78 9 41 2 Clawson Lawson C W Chappell Chapel 8867 5802 LOST GIRL 84 4 3 3 2 32 31 McNichols Conchoids E G McConnell 4 4 3 3i 5709 THE DRAGON 93 5 41 41 31 IH 42 W Miller Caesar Young 8 12 8 10 5743 CHARLES A 93 3 5 51 bi 52 510 I Powell A M Linnell Lineally 15 20 15 15 4951 JOE TERRY 108 1 21 2u 7 8 62 Frawley Crawly J H Shields 2 21 2 115 5713 SONIRO STONIER 95 8 8 7 6 7 71 GaVrigan Avian Ed Corrigan 20 60 20 50 5709 TENACITY 90 6 61 61 42 61 Holmes F McCullough 12 20 12 15 5594 GEORGE PALMER 86 9 9 9 8 9 912 Hal Brown Lee Shaner Saner 40 60 40 50 5743 JOE MUSSEL 89 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bassinger Assigner JBEarnshawBrolS 20 15 15 15Time Time 25i 501 1 031 1 16 1 44 1 561 561Winner Winner B m 5 by Cyrus Rosette RosetteStart Rosettes Start good Won ridden out Coda was jostled on the first turn cut off on the back stretch and badly handled generally but still won Is good just now Under good riding Alvero Valero made up a lot of ground and finished well over a longer route than he likes Lost Girl was cut off pocketed and jostled on both turns and the back stretch Her bad luck was her bad rider Terry doScratched dispatched needs a strong jockey Charles A is good but was poorly handled The Dragon will not do Scratched Salisbury II 93 5830 Q f THIRD RACE 12 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi Vt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 57412TOLUCA 105 4 31 3 1 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 1111 11115567EL 5567EL MIDO MID 108 2 IH 1 22 Plggott Leggett H L Frank 686 7 5525EXCURSION 108 1 2H 2H 35 Thorpe BurnsWaterhsol 65 1 1110 5641 OJAI JAI 105 5 4 41046 Ruiz Ritz HowardThackerS Howard 12 8 10 4987 ROYAL FAN 1053 555 McNichols Conchoids L H Ezell Bezel 15 20 15 20 20Time Time 12 24i 36149 Winner Ch f by Nomad Sweet SweetStart Sweetest Start good Won in a gallop Not much action behind A threehorse threescore race Toluca Toucan was best There are none better here Mido Midol ran above the mark He was lucky likes a distance and is fit Tab him Excursion seems to like distance off and a meHow meow track He is none too game Was used too much Ojai Jai ran his race He and Fan were outclassed Scratched Panamint Anoint 100 Magdalenes Magdalene 105 4 5881 F FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5773 RECREATION 89 2 2 li 1 12 li J Woods BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 35 45 35 710 71056583ELSMORE 56583ELSMORE 94 1 li 22 23 2H 22 Clawson Lawson D A Honig Hong 3322 5770 FORMELLA FORMULA 83 3 32 32 33 31 3 Kiley Kelley W Boots Son 15 50 15 40 5658 MORINEL MORAINE 101 4 8 8 8 5i 4i Garrigan Arian Matt Storn Storm 8 15 8 12 57403SUSCOL 91 6 5i SB 5 61 55 McNichols Conchoids C Spooner Sooner 5 10 5 8 57443POLISH 104 8 4 41 41 43 610 Frawley Crawly FarrarTbervilleS 20 5 15 5467 THELMA HELM 103 7 7 7 7 7 76 Ruiz Ritz J N Burk Burke 8 20 8 15 5771 P A FINNEGAN FINING 106 5 61 61 63 8 8 Bennett Theodore Winters 20 60 20 40 40Time 41iWinner Time 241 50 1 02i 1 15i 1 41i Winner B f 3 by Morellq Morel Picnic PicnicStart Picnics Start good Won very easily The winner outclassed her field was nicely handled and is good Elsmore Elmo ran an honest race was well ridden and is at his best Formella Formula closed up a lot of ground in the last half and will do to watch Under bad riding Morinel Moraine ran a fair race and appears to be regaining form Suscol Subsoil ran as well as he can He was outclassed Polish was badly ridden So was Thelma Helm Finnegan Faineance was not among his own kind kindScratched indiscreet Scratched Los Prietos Prestos 91 Tom Smith 101 Chappie Happier 101 Olive 103 Red Glenn 105 Joe Terry 108 San Venado Vendor 106 p O O 6 FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and up Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 56402W OF FORTUNE 97 3 5 6 4 1 11 Clawson Lawson J Harvey 45 1 45 910 57132REY DEL TIERRA 89 6 6 41 31 43 21 Kiley Kelley E W Purser 4 4 852 57723RAPIDO 51 5 51 31 Ruiz Ritz S F Capps Caps 15 30 15 25 57722FORTUNA 5 4 IH IH 2 46 J Woods J A Carroll 4444 5550 CLAUDIUS 3 6 6 52 Holmes W Boots Son 15 40 15 30 5802 MASOERO MASER 96 4 60Time 31 2 2 3 6 I Powell J Lodge 15 75 15 60 Time 25 50J 1 03 1 16 1 43i 1 56 Winner 56Winner Ch m 6 by Gano Guano Jennie B BStart Start Start good Won in a hard drive of four horses Fortune was second best and lucky She is fit and can be so tabbed Tierra was poorly ridden He was cut off on the first turn and in the rear Was heavily backed Is as fit as a good fiddle Rapido Rapid ran an improved race and closed like a lion He is fit Tab him Fortuna was killed off by pacemaking peacemaking and naturally stopped in the final contention She is ready for what she can do Claudius was outclassed Masoero Maser is but a sprinter He is good Was badly ridden today Watch him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Argentina 99 = 5833 SIXTH EACE ACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi y y ± StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 55283BELLICOSO 100 5 31 3 21 U 11 Clawson Lawson J N Burk Burke 85 85 75 85 5804SHASTA WATER 95 4 5 51 51 53 2 J Woods BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 3 3 2i 3 5714ZAMAR II 104 3 41 41 43 41 32 W Miller D A Honig Hong 6655 56602MISSIONER 665556602MISSIONER 92 7 61 61 61 7 41 Holmes H L Frank 10 12 10 10 5712 SAN MATED 105 6 21 li 1 2i 53 G Wilson Miller Blazer 4746 57442SPRTMCALLISTR103 474657442SPRTMCALLISTR103 1 IH 2 3 3 63 Macklin Mackinaw J H Tarn 15 20 15 15 5690 MIKE RICE 97 9 8 8 8 63 73 R Narvaez Larvae W L Stanfield Spaniel 40 75 40 60 5773 SEA SPRAY 97 2 7 7 7 8 81 Ruiz Ritz P Siebenthaler Segmental 30 30 20 25 57733PEIXOTTO 104 11 10 10 10 10 95 Mooney J J Coalter Coater 12 15 12 12 5774CARBINEER 88 8 9 9 9 9 101 McNichols Conchoids Covington Coving Kent60 100 60 75 5774 KITTIE KITTIES BLAKE 83 10 150Time 11 11 11 11 11 Hal Brown Theo Winters 60 200 60 150 Time 24i 50i 1 03 1 16 1 29i Winner 29iWinner B h 6 by Peel Janet N NStart Start Start bad Bellicoso Bellicose was fortunate and well ridden He won handily Shaster Shatter Water is not at her best She ran an honest race and managed to head Zamar Zamia in the last stride because of a bungling ride on the latter Zamar Zamia was apparently the best and is good just now Missidner Missioner ran a good race and is a fair colt Under inefficient riding San Mateo quit in the stretch after showing much speed Is in good form formScratched Scratched Master Mariner 85 Tiny P 85 Lorena Lorna II 95 R Q Ban 100