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1898 IS MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHREIBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFAftM MOPELFAftMTHE THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL BLOOD FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET = SLANDER Ithuriel Thrice Touchetone Touchtone by Camei Came r 1 1sire Verbbna Verbena by Velociped Velocipede sire of Feu Feud de Joie Mies Miles Bowe Bowen Catton Canton by Golnmpns Golan fTranby Fran GolnmpnsfTranby s dam by Orville Pantaloon Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard BuzzardI Buzzard Legerdemain Cssarwitch I Idaha Idaho by Peruvian Decoy j FilhodaPutaby HphBard I HphBardI Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne j Humphrey Humph ClinxeibjC1mBD ClinxeibjC1mBDi West Australian Cervantes i mare Derby and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower Touchstono Touchstone by Camel CamelJ Camel J Emma by Whisker Camel 5 Whalebone by Waxy 3 a iBrown Brown Beee Selin Selling WaxySelin Waxy mare Daughter of jBrutandorfby Blacklock Blackjack MrsCrickshnksbyWlbcb Calendar Canteen 3 Waxy Pope by Waxy Waxyi Waxy Imported i Castama Capstan by Gohanna Ghana Hambletonia Hamilton j StamfordbyPleniptontlarp HarmonicabyHmbletniafa StamfordbyPleniptontlarpHarmonicabyHmbletniafa JTros Taros Imported ImportedAlice Imported J Priam Pram by Emilins Millings I Cassandra a Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray J Hous Hocus Emigrant by Pionear Pioneer Pioneari Pioneer i Gnlnaroby YoungGohanno tThe tithe Colonel Whisker by Waxy Waxyi Waxy ra Capapie Crappie Imported i Delpini Delphinium mare Sister to Cactus Cactusf Cactus j Sultan by Balim Balm BalimDuchess Duchess of York by Wtxy Waxy f Dover Bell Brand Touchstone Touchstonei Touchstone i Vorbosa Verbose Sophie JSkilhinda Skirling JSkilhindaBailie Imported Bailie Billie Brass BRIPGzETON Bridgetown M