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THE CALIFORNIA SEASONS RESULT RESULTThe Result The Breeder and Sportsman of San Francisco says of the past Californian season of racing aad ad speculation about it on both the Ingleside Ingles and Oakland courses The season Las been a disastrous one for the bookmakers and heavy plungers But one pen ciler coiler is a big winner on the season and that is Joe Rosev Rose who is fully 30000 ahead on the three books operated by him He and his confreres appear to be able to win where nearly every one else has failed Rose is 25000 winner in his own book while W Jackman Packman better known as English Bill is 20000 ahead on a bank roll of 2000 which Joe Rose staked him to originally Jackman Packman is a strange figure in the gambling world When poolrooms were in full blast in this city ten or twelve years ago Jackman Packman ran the proverbial shoestring up to 27000 which he afterward lost in a few weeks Ho has been broke for five or six years Jack Atkins Watkins who has been operating for Joe Rose the past month or two is 5000 to the good goodPete Godspeed Pete Riley went away about 10000 winner in the early part of the season W E Applegate Appellate is also credited with winning a like amount but he won the most of his money from the out ¬ side John Humphreys Humph a very conservative bookmaker Tom Hurlick Uralic and Phil Archibald are small winners anywhere from 3000 to 6000 6000But But the array of losers is a most formidable one George Rose is said to be 27000 loser although he was fully 40000 behind on the season at one time He paid a princely sum for the field book privileges at both tracks and they have not been remunerative this season and in fact have just about paid expenses For a while George Rose operated three books and a fortune was gobbled up in a losing streak of a couple of weeks weeksMax weeks Max Blurnenthal dropped a bank roll of 20000 but he is still on deck Barney Schreiber possibly quit 5000 loser and John Coleman lost a similar amount notwithstanding that he was 25000 winner at one stage of the game John ONeil Neil and Frank Eckert Becker are about even on their operations losing their winnings of 30000 the latter part of the meeting Joe Harlan Hartland let a bank roll of 10000 slip through his fingers Charles Walter who has a penchant for laying the longest prices against horses that look to have no chance was a consistent loser through ¬ out the season and went home 20000 to the bad Sam Summerfiold Summer and George Wheelock Headlock were small losers but nothing to speak about Jack Newman of St Louis got rid of 10000 Hugh Jones and W Cheppu Cheep are each probably 5000 loser by going on the block W Beverly is be ¬ hind this year on his ring operations which is quite a new experience for him Herman Hoff Off ¬ man the Anaconda Club Ed Wallace and Caesar Young quit loser Every book that went on periodically during the season with a small bank roll fell by the wayside wivh wish the excep except ¬ tion ion of two or three noted above aboveCharles boreholes Charles Quinn was the only plunger on the outside who won anything to speak of He went east 25000 ahead of the game gamePlunger gambling Plunger Ed Purser had a most disastrous season but is supposed to have recouped some of his losses on Cromwell who won at odds of 15 to 1 the other day dayElie dateline Elie Elise Perles Peerless as usual had access to more bank rolls than any other layer of odds in this vicinity vicinityWilliam vicinity William Fitch Itch made money on the block but lost it back on the outside