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HARLEM BACE ACE TRACK CHICAGO ILL Spring Meeting May 24 to June 24 Inclusive 75000 IN STAKES AND PURSES TO BE GIVEN AWAY FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 230 PM LADIES KREE REES EVERY THURSDAY GRAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS ORCHESTRA30 PIECESDAILY SPEEDILY AT 130 PI DMISSIOnSI Admissions SlOO Sloop LAJDIES LADIES 5O GENTS GENTSSPECIAL SPECIAL RACE TRAINS on Lake St L stopping at all LOOP STATIONS leave Randolph St and 5th Ave at 100 112 124 136 and 148 pm stopping at Halsted Halted St Ashland Ave and 52d St connecting with electric trains direct to the Grand Stand Time to track thirtyone thirty minutes minutesSpecial interspecies Special Electric Race Trains fcnr caner cars leave Van Bnren Brent and State Sts SATs via 12th St and 5th Aye on 12th St line every ten minutes from 1240 to 150 pm stopping at Canal and Halsted Halted Sts SATs and iishlsnd island and Ogden Aves Avers direct to the track in thirtythree thirty minntes minters GREAT SALE OF Good wins 1RTH 1RTHOFFICIAL I O 1 II IITurf Nitrify OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR YEARr YEAr CLOHESEY CLOCHES CO COPOOL COOL r ORB COMPLETE THAN EVER BRED BY GEN W H JACKSON NASHVILLE TENN TEN TENNAT TENANT A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE MADEA MADE POOL ROOM and BOOKMAKERS AT SHEEPSHEAD SHEEPISH BAY N Y JUNE 28 29 AND 30 1898 1898DURING A Form Table to Each Event Eventwhich Seventh SUPPLIES TICKETS which shows exact position of every horse PHONE V SHEETS DURING THE SPRING MEETING OF THE CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB which was either 1st 2d 3d or 4th at each PHONEMAIN HOMEMAKING quarter pole also positions at start Im ¬ 3 SLATES SALE ABSOLUTELY AND WITHOUT RESERVE portant portent notes added when required Events MAIN 3 CASH BOXES reported from all parts of the country and BOXESA BOXES Canada Issued the 1st and 15th of every A BLACK By William Easton of1t e0ERaston SalesJr Sales ° month monthPRICE monotypic 2134 BOARDS ETC J 1122 N Y Broadway PRICE 60 CTS CRTS EACH EACHFor Anchor 48 = 50 Wabash Ave AveY Avery Y rvrrc error For sale at all principal hotels newsstands MilPJlTtvffl SIXTYPOUR SIXTY lCAD ClAD The Get of Ircquois Iroquois Luke BlacUburn Blackburn Longstreet Longest Lovalist Loyalist racetracks and publishers office officeGOODWIN office Dandie Dandier Dinmorvt Import Tremont Fremont Inspector D Clarendon Claremont Great Tom and Top GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO BROS144O Gallant CATALOGUED CAN B3J HAD AT THIS OFFICE 144O Broadway near 4Oth Str Star Pt 15 MILE5 PROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHREISERS SCHREIBER MQPELFAf MQPELFAfTHE THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL BLOOD DNION DIJON STOCK YARDS CHICAGO ILL JUNE 27 AND 28 1898 EVENINGS CONSIGNORS INCLUDE MESSRS MESSES MESSRSWS MESSES FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET SLANDER WS BARNES H EUGENE LEIGH O H CHENAULT HEALTH J B OLAY LAY OLAYj Lay j N CAMDEN JE MEGIBBENEDGEWATER G N PETTIT PATTI w p KNIGHT KNIGHTJSBABBEE KNIGHTS JSBABBEE JT JONES W L LANSING SAMUEL BROWN Touchstone by Camel THE GET OF OFBramble Longbow jlthnriel i Verbbna Verbena by Velociped Velocipede Bramble Kingston Chance Imp St George Imp Candlemas Candelas CandlemasTeuton Candelas Isire Inspire of Feu Feud do Joie Miss Bowa Boa Catton Canton by Golumpua Olympia Teuton Teutonic King Eric Lissak Lisa Imp Pursebearer Preserver Imp Cavalier CavalierBersan Cavalier I Traubye Terabyte dan by OrviUe Corvine Bersan Berman Jim Gore Imp Wagner Imp Deceiver Imp Conrad ConradForester Conrad Pantaloon Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard Forester Volante Volant Long Side Burlington Spendthrift SpendthriftSleipner Spendthrifts Legerdemain Ccarwitch Carmichael Idalia Vidalia by Peruvian Sleipner Steiner Tea Tray Audrain Adrian Prince of Monaco Pirate of Penzance Penance Decoy I J mease ease by feruvian Peruvian Onondaga Melbourne 1 Humphrey Humph Clinke Clinked byCmu byCmuI West Australian I Cervantes mare Above Yearlings will be Stabled at Onion Stock Yards on and after June 2i Inspection Invited Derby and 8t Leger Leer Mowerina Mower Touchstone by Camel Emma by Whisker Camel j Whalebone by Waiy Way 35 Brown Best i Selin Selling mare Daughter of j MrsCrickehnksbyWlbcJ Brntandorf Bartender by Blacklook Blackfoot HORSES IN TRAINING AND YEARLINGS YEARLINGSWASHINGTON YEARLINGS Canteen Waxy Pope by Waiy Way Calendar Imported Hambletonia Hamilton j Castania Castaneda Stamford byPeniptontiar by Goharua O'Hara WASHINGTON PARK CHICAGO ILLS JDLY JODY 20 AND 21 1898 1898ABSOLUTE Harmonica byHmbletniai Tros Taros Imported Priam Pram by Emilius Milieus ABSOLUTE DISPERSAL OP BAKER GENTRYS GENTRY GREAT RACING STABLE INCLUDING INCLUDINGSIMON INCLUDING Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray Eous Exodus Emigran Emigrant byPioneei bygone SIMON W UARDA GUARDIA HARRY GAINES DON QUIXOTE QUIXOTENEKARNIS QUIXOTE Gulnareby Glare YounffGohannr NEKARNIS NECKBANDS STUMPY PRINCE DUDLEY HARDY PARDEE PARSEE PARDEEABE AGREEABLE JThe The Colonel Whisker by Waxy ABE FURST FURS ROSINANTE OBSTINATE UMBRELLA OELIAN OLIN 2 Capapie Crappie Imported Dolpini Dolphin mare OPPONENT HANLIGHT HEADLIGHT BEULAH BULLA F HARRY NUTTER UTTER NUTTERFLEISCHMANN BUTTERFLIES a Bister Blister to Cactus CactusDover Cactus Sultan by Selim Slim FLEISCHMANN FRESHMAN PROPERTY OF MR THOS ETHOS GREEN 5 Duchess of York by Wazy Way Dover j Touchstone OTHERS SOLICITED IP OP HIGH CLASS 5 LBell Bell Brand iVerbosa verbose Sophie J Skilhinda Skirling PftMMTQQTfYNQ ° wl11 be charged for every animal selling for 200 and under five per I Sailie Sallie Brass LVUlUllOOIUllO cent when animal brings 200 or over Imported Address all correspondence and entries to toWOODABD BARNEY SCHREIBER BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN MO WOODABD WOODED SHANKLIN SHAKING LEXINGTON KY