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GREAT SALE OF BRED BY GEN VV H JACKSON NASHVILLE TENN TEN TENNAT TENANT AT SHEEPSHEAD SHEEPISH BAY N Y JDNB DB 28 29 AND 30 1898 1898DURING DURING THE SPRING MEETING OF THE CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB SALE ABSOLUTELY AND WITHOUT RESERVE By William Eastosi Eastside of 1t1h0e0E 1t1h0e0Eston ston Aston Sale c cJ J 1122 Broaoway Broadway N Y SIXTYrciiR Sixty HCAD CHAD The Get of Ircquols Iroquois Luke Blackburn Longstreet Longest Loyalist Darvclie Archie Dinmont Dumont Tremorvt Tremor Inspector B Clarendon Claremont Great Tom and Top Gallant CATALOGUES CAN BE HAD AT THIS OFFICE Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable OWNERS AND TRAINERS When you ship yccr cc horaea Horace aefc Alec Express CempaEy Compare to stall your oar with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable Stall urij uri as table to any car thru D8curin absolute safety to jour horser hoarser while ia tranaifc Tirana wittci6 additional cost to the shipper ao express companys company furnish them free of coct cot to you They dor door S deface the car when adjnct adjunct p and can be set up in thirty minutes for an number of horses to 24 in double door baggage car Eipresa Depressant companies can procure Btaila Barilla by applying to toTHOSMcFADDEN THOSMcFADDEN Mgr 228230232 East Front Stieet Stet GINLlt Gillett NAi Nazi i 2 WUSTlBkg tp 8TUJB OT ANY