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15 ftLE fettle FROM ST LOUIS OM THE WABASH WABASHBABNEY WABASH BABNEY BARNEY SCHREJBERS SCHREIBER MQPEL IMPEL rARft rAft rARftTHE raft THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD j jFOUL FOUL FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS Ithnriol Thrill Tonchetona Touchtone by Camel CamelI Camel Longbow I Verbbna Verbena by Velociped Velocipede aireof Cairo Fondo Fond Joie Mies Miles Bowe Bowen Catton Canton by Golnmpus Olympus Tranbyo Rambo dare by Orville Panlnlcon Pantaloon j Castrel Wastrel by Bnzzard Buzzard Legerdemain Czarwitch Czarist Idalia Vidalia by Peruvian Decoy j HphearfI Hyperfine FllhodaPutaby Hphearf Hoper I Finesso Finesse by Pernvian Peruvian r Melbourne Humphrey Humph Clinbei Cline byCmni Weat Sweat Australian Cervantes mare Derby and St Leger Leer Movcorina Myocardial j Touchstone by Camel Emma by Whiaker Whisker f Camel Whalebone by Waxy Brown Bee i Waxyi Waxy Beht Beth mare Daughter of i Brntandcrf Bartender by Blacklcok Blackbuck MrsCrickEhnksbyWlbcl f Canteen k J Waxy Pope by Waxy Calendar Imported Castania Castaneda by Gobanna Groan Hambletonia Hamilton StamfordbyPleniptentiarj HarmonieabyHmblet Harmonica nian Ian Tros Taros Imported Priam Pram by Emilius Milieus Emiliusi Milieus i Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray Rons Irons Emigrant byPicneci byline byPicnecii i Gnlnareby Glare YotingGohanna Tho Theo Colonel 5 Whisker by Waxy Waxyi Waxy j rCapcpie crappie Imported Importedes Imported i Delpini Delphinium mare es j i Bislcr Bailer to Cactua Cactus j Snltan Sultan by Solim Slim Solimi Slim 1 i DuchoBB Dutch of Yort Ort by W xy Dover j Touchstone 42 Uall Udall Brand Verbosa Verbose Sophie jSkilhinda skirling jSkilhindaI I Sallio Sallie Braaa Imported BARNEY SCHREIBER BRID3ETON MO