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HAWTHORNE TRACK ummer Summer and Toll fleeting Begins August 5 DA IT OR FIVE OR MORE RACES EACH DAY BEGINNING AT 2 PM ADMISSION 75 GTS GETS LADIES 50 GTS GETS Special Race Trains to Track in Twenty Minutes ILLFNOIS ILLINOIS CENTRAL TRAINS CHICAGO BURLINGTON QUINCY TRAINS TRAINSLeave Translate Leave depot at foot of Randolph dtreet street at 945am 1230 100 120 and 50 pm stopping Leave Union depot at 12 15 1 05 1 35 and 2 10 pm stopping at Sixteenth Street Bine Bines Island at Van Buren Burn Street Park Row Wabash Avenue Halsted Halted Street and at Ashland Avenue re Avenne Avenue and Western Avenue returning at 450 and immediately after the races turning at 434 pm and immediately after the races Do not stop at Ashland Avenue Special Race Train leaves Drexel Boulevard and Lake Ave for the Hawthorne Track at 1 pm stopping at Cottage Grove and Vincennes Incenses Aves Avers Grand Boulevard Michigan Ave State St Wentworth Ave Halsted Halted St Ashland and Archer Aves Avers and Brighton Parkconnecting Predominating at 1 8th St with C B Q train due there at 1 45 pm pmSpecial psychical Special Twelfth St Electric Cars leave State arid Van Buren Burn Sts SATs every 1 5 minutes from 1250 to 205 p m to track in 43 minutes without change f he Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated and Madison Street Ogden Ayenue12th Street and 22nd Street Surface tines connect with Electric Cars rimningdirect rimming to toeGrounds operands Paper covers ready for delivery August 2 2Leather Leather covers ready for delivery August 5 pggfEOlY Monthly Racing Form paper 100 100Leather Leather 150 150Twoflonths Twoflonths Woodlots Racing Form paper 200 200TwoMonths TwoMonths Torments Racing Form leather on order 300 300Three Three = rionths riots Racing Form leather 400 400FiveMonths FiveMonths Fifteenths Racing Form leather 600 form Sheets and Entries expertly ifidex bifid IV 1 tS ecia cia n The Leather Book is Specially Bound for Hard Use Its Covers are Flexible and the Index printed on Linen Paper and Lettered for Finger Use our own tresses tressesBefore tresses The Books Index is Plain and Serviceable Before the Chicago Dai Dais THE INDEX rFULL FULL AND COMPLETE 3H HS EDITION IS LIMITED THERE ARE BUT FEW OF THE LONGTERM LONGER VOL VTOL TUMES TUES ORDERS FILLED AS RECEIVED WE PAY THE FREIGHT 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL