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WW P S IB MSLE5 FROA FRO ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHREIBEKS SCHREIBER MOPEL MOPE rAR rare TME TOME CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS Longbow 1 1of jlthurlel J Verbena Touchstone CamelVerbena by Yelociped Velocipede by Camel ifairo fair of Fen Feti Fetid da do Joio Joie MissBowe Miss j Catton Canton by Golumpus Olympus GolumpusTranbys Tranbys Standbys dam by Orville Puntaloot Pantaloon J Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard O o Legerdemain Cwarwitoh Wraith Idaha Idaho by Peruvian I Decoy FilhodaPutPbyHphiarr FilhodaPutPbyHphiarri i Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne Humphrey Humph Clinkei Cline byCnmi byname Weflf Woeful Atietialiau Arterial Cervantes mare Derby end BtLeger Beleaguer MowerinB Mower 5 Touchstone CamelEmma Camel by Camel Emma by Whisker Caruel Cruel Whalebone WaxySelin Waxy by Waxy Selin Selling mare Daughter of f maref mare Brntandorf Bartender by Blaoklock Blackjack Mrs CrickshnksbyWlboi Canteen J Waxy Pope by Waxy Calends Imported Castania Castaneda by Gohanna Ghana HambJetotiie StamfordbyPleniptentiarj HarraonicBbyHrcbletniat StamfordbyPleniptentiarjHarraonicBbyHrcbletniat ros Eros Imported j Priam Pram by Emilins Millings EmilinsAlly Emotionally Ally by Partiear Artier AlicrGrey Aircrew Eous Exodus Err iprant important bj Pioneei Pioneer Gnlnareby Glare YotnuGoLrnnt The Colonel J Whisker by Waxy J fCap Cap srlfi rolfing lirijuii t d Dolpini Dolphin WaxyDolpini mare o S a I IP Bister Blister to Cactct Calcutta Sultan by Selim Slim SelimDuchess P 5 Duchess of Yorl York bj jj H I Touchstone 5 I Hell Brnnd Brand I i Verbosa Verbose Sophie JBkilhinda Sallie Brass Imported BARNEY SCHREIBERQtnBB Schreiber SCHREIBER QtnBB 81 Qfl Fl 1 Saa Saab I W4 6 35 B S fl f ° fim film P j BRIPGcETON Bridgetown MO