Harlem Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-09-02


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HARLEM FORM CHART CHICAGO September 1 Twentysecond Twenty day Harlem Jockey Club Summer Meet ¬ ing King Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 215 p m Q O O O FIRST RACE 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Sellmg Sell O A A Purse 400 value to winner 355 entrance 10 108 t Cnd Nd Horses Wt St H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7204 JUDGE TAR YIN 105 21 22 Hli Hi Everett J B Respass Trespass 357103535 7758 IRIS 102 3 32 32 2 McNickle Canticle J Huffman 10 30 10 30 8091 PAT CLEBDRNE CEDARN 107 4 6 61 32 Caywood Cawed John Hall 6 10 6 10 799 WILLIE HOWARD 102 9 51 1 4 41 JMcDonaldJ McDonald W Schorr Scorer Son 12 30 12 30 3079563NATIVE 79563NATIVE SON 107 81 72 5 51 Ruttei Ruttier P Ryan 7878 8208 MAZIE MAZE V 102 1 4 72 62 Bloss Loss R Bradley 8 12 8 12 7956 BARABBAS ARABIANS 10n 51 83 82 76 Jenkins W J Smith Co 12 50 12 50 7685 SPEEDY CASS 102 61 12 21 81 W Narvaez Larvae B C Watkins 30 40 30 40 8175 BOARDMAN BARMAN 105 7 92 91 9K Brown W B Sink Jr 60 100 60 100 8104 BLOSS LOSS 105 10 10 10 10 Rose W H Snarley Snare 25 40 25 30 30Time Time 241 49 15h 15hWinner Winner B c by Lord Hartington Harrington Eurie Erie EurieOff Hereof Off at first break Start good Won cleverly second and third driving Judge Tarvin Arvin was the best and heavily played Everett got him off in the front division and took no chances Iris was lucky to get the place She had clear sailing but from the sixteenth pole home was tiring Pat Cleburne Claiborne hid all the bad luck of the race He stumbled and almost fell at the start and after that was sharply cut ff twice He was a good colt and would have given Judge Tarvin Arvin a stout argument barring interference and surely would have beaten Iris for the place Willie Howard took the short route and ran a good race Mazie Maze V has had too much of it and seems to have lost her speed Speedy Cass is well named Barabbas Arabians wont do at all Native Son ran as though throughoutScratched throughout ho might like a route He made up ground throughout Scratched Air Blast 110 Iris place 8 to 1 show 4 to 1 PatJ31eburne show 7 to 5 Q O O Q SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yoarolds Allowances O 1 4 O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses Wt Si H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 81S7 PLANTAIN 101 1 111 1H 12 11 IH Bioss Boss R Bradley 30 30 30 30 30RobinsonMoore 81922GEORGE KRATS RATS 101 2 4n 4NK 4 SH 2 Knight RobinsonMoore Robinson 1 1 9101 8U42WILSON 104 51 610 625 60 46 3i JMcDonaldJ McDonald W Schorr Scorer Son 31 3 1353 13538512DEYO 8512DEYO 101 3 52 2 31 2 s 412 J Woods T F Buckley 31 4 3 4 480S5 80S5 OELUN OLIN 104 7 7 7 7 7 52 Ellis A C Clark 150150100150 8177 BRANCH 101 6 2 31 4 54 6 Grand C E Mahone Mahoney Co 100 100 100 100 8192 GLOBE II 101 4 SH 5 5 61 7 W Narvaez Larvae JohnBrenock 12 20 12 20 20Time Time 25 501 103 116 142 1431 1431Winner Winner Ch g by Knight of El lerslie leslie Banana BananaPost Banana Post 3 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth driving also Plantain was bf st ridden Thar Tar explains his win Bloss Loss hugged the rails all the way and when it came to a drive clearly outfinished untarnished Knight on George Krats Rats The latter was the best and with a more vigorous ide aide would have won He is simply a hardluck charlock horse Wilson seemed to prop all the w y He does not like a hard track and the going today was like a hard pavement Deyo Defy seemed to be ealloping eloping on the far turn but when the pinch came went all to pieces Ic looked as though the filly was cut off iu the stretch but her rider said not Oelian Olin was unable to raise a gallop the first part nf it but finished strong His race was a bad one but like the two behind him he was outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Official 104 King Bermuda 101 101Plantain Plantain place 8 to 1 show 3 to 1 George Krats Rats place 1 to 3 Wilson show 2 to 5 t O O A THIRD RACE 34 IVllle 3yearolds and upward Allowances O jb Purse 400 value to winner 00 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St U M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 8 87 FLORA LOUISE 3 98 2 2 2 = 2U 2t Everett J B Respass Trespass 6513101 1 752021 MP 4109 3 3 3 31 32 Sheppard D R Harness 4 41 3 41 413t83LADYOALLAHN4 3t83LADYOALLAHN4 104 61 6i 62 62 43 Ellis M Qughes Hughes 10 1610 16 7546 DOUSTKRSWIVL3 101 4 4 53 52 51 ERobertsonJohn Robertson Call 100200100200 8032 TENOLE TENABLE 4104 SNK SANK 5 43 43 61 Rutter Ruttier James Curl 15 30 15 30 6152 ELSIE BRAMBLES 98 7 7777 J Young William Ham 50 15050 150 150Time Time 24 48i 101113 101113Winner Winner B f 4 by Kantaka Kanaka Geuevieve Genevieve GeuevievePost Genevieve Post 3 minutei minute Start gOd Won eased up second whipped out third and fourth driving Eugenia Wickes Wickets got a flying start and had speed to loan She is very good now and if pushed out could eusily easily htivo hive run a half second faster Flora Louise hardly ran her race McDonald OQ Eugenia Wickes Wickets was looking back and laughing at Everett all through the stretch Imp hardly ready ran a good race Sheppard lost his whip at the head of the stretch and could not drive the fllly to the limit at the end Lady Callahan off in the rear division raced from behind nicely She hardly classes with those in front of her but is fit and ready and can win whan wham rightly placed Tenole Ennoble was right there the first part of it Elsie Bramble looks good and ran better thau tau the figures show showScratched Scratched Summer Sea 104 Buck Moran 104 Little Alarm 98 98Eugenia Eugenia Wickes Wickets place 3 co 5 Flora Louise place 1 to 3 Imp show 3 to 5 Q O PC FOURTH RACE I 116 lUiles lilies 4yearolds and upward Allowances O O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 525 to third Horses A Wt St 4 v StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8031 BUGH UGH PENNY 8103 11 13 13 13 13 12J J Reiff Riff F W Doss Co 1 1 710910 8I782HEKVOK 4106 21 21 2U 21 2n 21 Holdon Holding James Arthur 6868 8160 DUVOIS DUBOIS 4102 31 32 31136 33 36 H Martin T H Ryan 6766 8178 SATSUMA 6 106 4 4 4 4 4 4 J McDonald H E Rowell Roswell 3 31 3 3 3Time Time 24i 50 1 02i 1 151 1 40J 1 46i 46iWinner Winner B g 8 by Luke Blackburn Maud Ward WardPost Warps Post 2 minutes Start bad Won easily second and third were driving Hugh Penny was the b1 st Re was practiCHlly practically given the race at the start All the other boys with the exception of little Reiff Riff were pulling up when the flag fell Penny under the light weight led all the way without b ing King extended He wanted to loaf at the head of the stretch but the boy there went to tliH tallish whip At the weights the old horse was a cinch and did not have to get away so well to w n Fervor ran a ood od game race He was under a drive all though the stretch Dunois Dubois made a strou estrous hi I on the turn but died away at the end Satsuma was worsted a lot at tha than start It is doibtfu doubtful tho thou igh high if he could hnve hone won with same sendoff that Penny got Hugh gotHugh outthought Penny place 2 to 5 Fervor place 3 to 2 show 3 to 10 tContinued Continued on 2nd page1 C f C FIFTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances O J i J Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L 6641 RUSH 103 4 It 12i 13 13 JMcDonaldT McDonald C McDowell 2i 2 2 2 81613JOLLY ROGER 103 2 4442 Everett J A Vetter Fetter 4565451110 80822CANACE 91 1 3 2 2 3n McNickle Canticle N S Hall Co 5 5 4 41 8206 BONEY BONY BOY 100 3 2 33 3H 4 Seaton Eaton Mrs R Bradley 20 20 15 15 15Time Time 23i 49 1 01 1 07i 07iWinner Winner B f by Wadsworth Adsorb Reine Rene dOr doer dOrOff Dora Off at first break to a good start Won easily the others were driving to the limit Rush broke running and made every post a winning one She had a world of speed and after ening ending the first half had the others leg weary Sbe Be is certainly a filly of phenomenal speed Jon Roger as usual was outrun the first part of it He came though like a whirl wind at the end It was a tight fit for second place Roger getting it in the last stride Canace Cancel hung on gamely when eighthScratched eighths the pinch came So did Boney Bony Boy who fought hard every inch of the last eighth Scratched Onomastus Conformists 1C9 Rush place 1 to 2 Jolly Roger place 1 to 3 O b fc T SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 4yearolrts and upward Selling O SellingO Selling A A I Purse 400 value to winner 38i 10 entrance 132 to second 63 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St k V 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners OH 8085 MARTIN K 4 107 8 5 5 3 24 124 Ellis P T Kelly 12 20 12 20 8127 OSMON COSMO 4 107 1 1 13 Hi 3H 2 Eveiett Everett R M Fisher 7878 7878819i3INSPECTR 819i3INSPECTR HUNT5 104 3 22 22 26 12 32 Rutter Ruttier T Carey Co 8 10 8 10 8081 QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 4 104 lOi loci 12 11 86 64 4 Jenkins W Trauenicht Raunchy 12 20 12 20 2081802HARRY 81802HARRY GAINES 4 110 94 614 64 52 51 514 Caywood Cawed F W Doss Co 35 45 35 45 8180 CROESUS CRESS 4 104 HH 3 12ioi2 81 62 HVVilliams S C Wagner 12 12 8 8 6669 IDLE HOUR 4 107 44 42 4 41 4 72 Sheppard F L Slocum Locum 20 30 20 30 8028 HE3SVILLE 4 104 12H 104 10 6 72 81 J Narvaez Larvae J Brenosk Barrens 60 100 60 100 8015 GOLDEN ROD 4 107 74 7 83 112 n 92 McNickle Canticle Cohen Dorsey Dose 30 50 30 50 8162 SECOND CHANCE1 104 2 3 31QI 10 10 Rose R Bradley 60 60 60 60 8028 DOUBLE DUMMY4 104 64 82 92 9112 116 Bliss F Frisbie Frisbee Co 30 30 20 20 7838 LA SALLE SALE 5 107 14 114 73 74 91 12io JMcDonaldW McDonald J Speirs Piers 20 20 20 20 1787 FARMER LEIGH 4 104 134 92 134 13 13 13 Zeno Zen HA Cotton 60 100 60 100 6460 PANOUT PEANUT 5 104 5il4 14 14 14 14 Corner J R Martin Co 60 60 50 50 50Time Time 24i 50 1 024 1 15 1 42J 42JWinner Winner B c 4 by Free Knight Petticoat PetticoatPost Petticoat Post 18 minutes Start erood rood Won cleverly the next three were hard at it It was a poor lot and after the delay any liorse Loire had a chance to win Martin K ran a clever race and was nicely handled Ellis let him loaf along down the back stretch and made his move at the right time Osmon Olson was off well and ran his race So did Inspector Hunt The latter though made bis bias run top soon Queen Safle Sale came fast at the end So did Harry Gaines who had bad luck After the judges shifted jockeys on Idle Hour he ran a creditable race Croesus Cress came from far back furlongsScratched furlongs the last three furlongs Scratched Ma jesta jest 104 Whitcomb Witco 104 Goose Liver 107 The Tory 107 Governor Shee Sheen han 107 107Martin Martin K place 8 to 1 show 4 to 1 Osmon Olson place 3 to 1 show 3 to 2 Inspector Hunt show 9 to 5

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898090201/drf1898090201_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1898090201_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800