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FORT EKIE EKE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cte cite j track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds SellingInd Selling 4yearolds and upward1 Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 7939 Chiquita Circuital 6 113 630 7817 Pommery Pommel Sec 4 112 642 64282203Odd 82203Odd Genius 4 111 640 640748i 748i Bombardon 4 109 632 8169 Sister lone 9 109 635 68 3 Rock wood 4 108 665 6658199GracieC 8199GracieC 7 103 655 8135 Devault Default 5 102 660 660S200 S200 Red 4 98 670 8228 Infelice Inflicted 4 97 652 8199 Downright 4 95 650 8071 Nero 10 95 645 8139 Percita Peoria 5 95 675 675Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 8217 Mildred Raines Rapines 110 645 645Frankie Frankie ch f by Kingston Mattie T 110 81332Prospero 110 675 8172 Annihilator 106 655 8229 Miss K 103 652 8047 Caroline K 103 660 7912 Kittie Kitties Regent 103 650 8047 Darbonno Dearborn 103 652 7623 Roll In 103 665 8217 Diana 103 670 670Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 8202 Brown Girl 4 104 640 8216 Me Jacks 4 101 635 8135 Jim Lisle 3 98 655 8169 Gew Grew Gaw Gawk 4 98 642 6428l693Forfeit 8l693Forfeit 4 98 652 6774 Sifter 3 95 615 61579692Tokio 79692Tokio 3 95 675 8216 Locksley Lockset 3 92 670 8202 Annie Lauretta Laurent 3 92 665 8174 Nellie Baker 3 92 662 8230 Fontumka Fontana 3 92 650 7487 Sister Mamie Mammies 3 92 660 660Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 8218 Ed Farrell 3 Ill 730 7308218Cogmoosey 8218Cogmoosey 4 109 740 74082182Alice 82182Alice Farley Fairly 3 108 750 75082183Miss 82183Miss Gussie Gussied 3 108 720 7208l712 8l712 imonD impound 3 101 710 7877 Venetian 3 101 600 600Fifth Fifth Race 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 8219 Floridian 102 645 8133 J E Clines 99 675 6758219Elurine 8219Elurine 99 655 81333 Mouzeltoff Ouzel 99 665 6658170Neada 8170Neada 99 670 67082012Lizzie 82012Lizzie Kelly 99 660 660Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8041 Debride Deride 4 107 670 8216 Collateral 4 107 690 5708 ReySalazar Resale 3 104 685 7424 Lady Irene 3 104 700 7008169Ferryman 8169Ferryman II 5 98 695 6958231BobLeach 8231BobLeach 4 98 675 6758220Beguile 8220Beguile 3 95 680 7037 Colonel Rowles Roles 3 95 650 650Seventh Seventh Race Short Course Course4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesSteeplechase Allowances Steeplechase Steeplechase8138Parson 8138Parson 5 162 635 80742 Brother Bob 7 150 640 64082032Arrozzo 82032Arrozzo 4 139 645 8203 Populist 5 138 650 65082033Lastfellow 82033Lastfellow 4 130 630 7447 Sweden 6 130 625 8203 Marble 7 136 625