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FORT ERIE FORai Frail FORaiBUFFALO BUFFALO N Y September 10 The form of Mondays Fort Erie fields is isFirst misfires First Bace Brace Annetburn Gannet Delicate Bonhomme Bonhomie BonhommeSecond Bonhomie Second Bace Brace Floridian Lady Scarlet Cavotte Cavorted CavotteThird Cavorted Third Bace Brace Ed Farrell Simon D Henry Launt Aunt LauntFourth Fourth Bace Brace Lord Farandole Farad Dogilda Douglas Bru Brut lare Clare lareFifth larcenist Fifth Race Ellsmere Ellesmere Leoncie Leonie Tony Honing HoningSixth Honing Sixth Bace Brace Nicholas Damocles Jesse