Toronto Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-10-01


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TORONTO FORM CHART CHARTTORONTO CARTOON TORONTO ONT September 30 Sixth day Country and Hunt Club of Toronto TorontoFall Toronto Fall meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Joseph J Burke Starter C H Pettingill Petting Racing starts at 2 30 p m S A fl H FIRST RACE 34 Mile turse curse 300 3yearoms and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Vt St V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8705 NELLIE BAKER 4110 4 li 12 IH 11 Mason I Wallenstein Valentine 21 5 21 5 8725 TARANTO TORONTO 4 113 5 51 5i 42 21 Bergen M Bergen 6867 8724 MAMIE MAMMIES GALLAN ALLAN 4110 7 41 3 2 31 Songpr Song H H Stover Stove 6868 8724 JIM FLOOD 6114 1 31 42 5 42 Sherland Shetland JTroxler Stroller 2i 3 21 21 8753 BOB TURNER 4 110 2 211 2U 3i 5 Castro J W Boll 5 6 4 41 8700 BEGUILE 3 110 3 7 6 t 62 66 Valentine J R Walker 3434 8681 SALLUST SMALLEST 3 HOi 6 6 7 7 7 McGlone McConnell J Garuer Arguer 10 15 10 15 15Time 1161Winner Time 25151 1031 1161 Winner Ch f by Whistle Jacket Emily Carter CarterPost Carter Post 5 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Taran Tarzan to ran an improved race He finished strong the last sixteenth Mamie Mammies Callan Allan was in a pocket all through the stretch Songor Sonora rode a bad race on her Nellie Baker off running won all the way Bob Turner tired the last furlong furlongScratched furlongs Scratched Kenosha 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundNellie pounded Sallust Salute i pound Nellie Baker place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Taranto Arrant place 21 to 1 show even Mamie Mammies Callan Allan show 6 to 5 8767 SECON SECOND ECON RACE58 Mile Purse 300 2year olds Allowances lud laud Horses Wt Sfr Sr M BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L L 8702 Seagram87262BRIDAL MISCHIEF MAKER 103 2 2H 22 21 Is Sherland Shetland J E Seagram 95 31 9 5 31 87262BRIDAL TOUR 109 3 1 12 lit 21 Blake J Brennan Brendan 6766 8702 CHAMPION 102 1 51 6U 42 3H Songer Sponger W C Hayes 2424 8665 IVY GOTTA GLOTTAL 92 5 586653ERGO 7 7 71 43 Mason P Stanton 12 15 12 12 86653ERGO 99 6 41 31 31 5 Valentine J A Newman 7868 8726 JACK CAREY 97 9 9 9 8 61 Hopkins J Flynn 20 25 20 20 8678 RENA RNA CAMPBELL 104 7 8 52 62 72 Powers A Brown Co 21 3 2 21 8726 LA GABHIELLE GABRIELLE 9910 10 10 9 81 Vitatoe Vitiate WWWorthington 50 10050 75 8665 ONATA SONATA VIA 99 4 32 8 10 9 L Smith G Patterson 15 20 15 20 8678 FLORIDIAN 102 8 61 41 51 10 Bergen F W Boshan Bosh 20 50 20 40 40Time Time 25 501 1 04 04Winner Winner B f by Meddler Miss Jack JackPost Jackpots Post 5 minutes Start good It was a driving finish Bridal Tour was raced to pieces the first half Mischief Maker came with a rattle the final furlong She got up in the last stride Champion finished strong Ergo quit when it came to a drive Rena Irena Campbell took the long route This was not her race Scratched Miss Meade 99 Royal Banner 92 92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Mischief Maker 4 pounds Jack Carey 5 Rena Irena Campbell 5 5Mischief Mischief Maker place 7 to 5 show 1 to 2 Bridal Tour place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Cham Chan ¬ pion piton show 1 to 2 Q H C ± Q THIRD RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances O I O O Green Hunters lad Horses AWt Wt Sc St Va StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 8S66ROMANCER 3160 3 31 3 32 1 13 12 MrReinhrtL Reinhardt Jr 2 21 2 I I8728JODAN 8728JODAN 8165 2 5 42 4H 45 S2 26 MrCmpbllT P Phelan Phalanx 85851 65 65KILTIE KILTIE 6150 4 li 11 I K 3 44 31 Mr HendrieMurray Hendrie Henries 6 868 87283DOLOBRAN 5148 1 2 2112 2 21 41 1 MrCrrths A Shields 6766 8750 REGINA 3 158 5 43 5 5 5 5 5 MrSeagramDr Morton 3524 3524Time Time 2221 Winner Ch g by Prince Royal Sasin Sassing SasinOff Casino Off at first break to a good start Won pulled up second easily Romancer was pounds he best and eased up in the last furlong Dolobran Doorman stopped to a walk at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Armorel Marmoreal II 140 140Corrected Corrected weights Romancer 160 160Romancer Romancer place 1 to 2 Kiltie show 1 to 2 FOURTH HACK 34 Mile 3yearoids and upward Allowances 8r7O i JJ The Paddock Stakes 500 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses AWtSt Latest 1A ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Jockeys8729JSOUTH Owners O fl L C 8729JSOUTH AFRICA 5 112 1 11 13 13 H u Powers Adam Beck 12 35 12 1 85773COGMOOSEY 4108 2 21 22 23 23 25 Mason Waters Hodges 2 11 2 115 11587483HENRYLAUNT 87483HENRYLAUNT 4 111 33 3 3 3 3 T WilliamsE Williams Fitzgerald 5757 5757Time Time 231 48J 1011 115 115Winner Winner B g by Tristan Dristan Zanzibar ZanzibarPost Zanzibar Post 6 minutes Start bad Won easily second cleverly South Africa got away TDEL DEL ing King He stopped but came again the last eighth Cogmoosey Compose wants a hard fast track He can beat South Africa on that kind of a track trackScratched tracks Scratched Bon luo lou 125 Judge Wardell Waddell 105 Zanetto Annette 104 104Ctgmoosey Ctgmoosey place 2 to 5 Orfy Cory OrfyV Cory V FIFTH RACE About 3 34 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward O upwardO upward 6 i Vy Allowances Open Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 4 8 12 18 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O JT L U 87033MASTER FRED7 150 6 63 53 56 42 35 12 Hueston Houston H E Bleecker Becker 3434 8727 POPULIST 5 168 4 23 Hi 12 12 12 21 Moxley Morley R McCarthy 2211 8703 PRINCE MARK7 153 8 41 42 32 23 3 2 Scott G C Mattocks 8 12 8 12 128522MARBLE 8522MARBLE 7158 2 32 4 22 23 410 415 Ray W C Hayes 10 15 6 10 8703 BROTHER BOB7 155 1 8 7 4 510 512 515 C Brown N Dyment Doyen 10 12 10 10 8703 LASTFELLOW PLAYFELLOW 4 138 3 12 32 65 612 625 610 Stewart J Whyte White 8 30 8 20 8703 KING KENN KEN 6 135 9 72 62 7 7 7 7 H Johnson W J Uonley Only 8 10 7 8 8668 DOWNING 6 155 7 9 8 Pulled up Pierce AllgrettiZmmrl2 15 12 12 8703JMR DUNLAP DUNLOP 8 165 5 52 Fell Dufresne Defense F H Penniston Benison 6846 6846Time Time 5571 5571Winner Winner Ch g by Macduff Mac Silken Bans BansPost Banjoist Post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second the same MasterFred Master made np much ground iu the lust quarter and collared Populist in the last fifty yards The latter tired on the end Prince Mark showed improvement Brother Bob got an easy race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Sweden 150 150Master Master Fred place 7 to 5 show 1 to 2 Populist place 1 to 2 Prince Mark show 2 to 1 BD SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allow atces aces 8771 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St k y fl Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H b 87252TILLIE W 3 111 4 4ui 5i 42 iij ii Mason H Warnke Warner Sr 685 j jIH jihad 87482V R CUSTOMS 3 114 2 287052LADY IH m H 21 Valentine W F MacLean Maculae 3 3 21 135 87052LADY IRENE 3 112 3 31 2 K 22 32 Freeman RiceBuirows Ricebird 2 li li 21 8729 NICHOLAS 5 113 7 51 41 I 4t Newmeyer Newsmonger FMaitin Fainting 3 4 2 31 8704 GOV GO RUSSELL 6 115 6 7 7 61 51 Blake S Mont gue ague 20 30 20 25 8676 DICK WARREN 6 110 1 22 32 34 66 J Shields D Wbelaban Sweatband 20 30 LO 25 8725 NIGGER NIGER BABY 3 3115 115 5 C5 e 7 7 Irving C R Talbert Albert 5 5 i iTime citrine 4i Time 24 50 1031 1161 1161Winner Winner B f by roquois Iroquois Turmeric TurmericPost Turmeric Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Tillie Lillie W came with a i usl us ot end Lady Irene swung wide into ihe he stretch and hung hon it came to a drive Nicholt Nichol E a letup letupTillie letup Tillie Lillie W place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 V R Customs place 4 to 5 Lady Irene show 1 to 2

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Local Identifier: drf1898100101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: