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THE BELLE MEADE SALE The prices brought by the thoroughbreds sold by Gen W H Jackson at Belle Meade last Wednesday and Thursday were up to expecta expect ¬ tions ions The stallion Tremont Fremont was not sold no one bidding for him The principal competi compete ¬ tion ion Thursday was for the brood mares Madam Reel and Tulla Tulle Blackburn concerning which the Nashville American says saysThe sashes The feature or rather features uf the day were the exciting bidding contests on Madam Reel and Tulla Tulle Blackburn The offering of ihese these two great mares resulted in two of the liveliest bidding duels ever seen in a sales ring in Tennessee the principals in the contest being C H Gillock Hillock of Maplewood Marblewood Stud and S T Harbison Harrison of Lexington Ky supposed to have been representing Col Cool Milton Young YoungWhen Toughen When Madam Reel was led into the sales ring Mr Harbison Harrison started her at 500 Mr Gillock Hillock bid 1000 and raised each one of Mr Harbi Hari ¬ sons bids from 200 to 500 at every crack until the latter bid 2500 Mr Gillock Hillock raised this bid 1500 but Harbison Harrison came with another hundred and got her for 4100 4100Charles Charles McMeekin Emceeing of the breeding firm of McMeokin Emceeing Applegate Appellate of Lexington Ky started Tulla Tulle Blackburn at 500 Mr Gillock Hillock bid 1000 R A Hurt of Jackson raised this to 1100 and Wm Gerst Gears Jr made it 1200 Gillock Hillock said Two thousand and Hurt said Two thousand one hundred Harbison Harrison raised this to 2500 which put Mr Hurt out of the race leaving Harbison Harrison and Gillock Hillock to fight the battle out Mr Gillocks Hillocks next bid was 3000 Mr Harbison Harrison raised it by 100 and Mr Gillock Hillock bid 1000 Harbison Harrison said 4100 Gillock Hillock said 5OCO Harbison Harrison said 5100 Gillock Hillock said 6000 Harbison Harrison said 6100 Gillock Hillock said 7000 and the Kentuckian began to look pale around the gills but finally said 7100 Mr Gillock Hillock then made his last bid which was 7400 Mr Harbi Hari ¬ son hesitated for a minute but finally said 7500 and got her herThe hearth The yearlings and weanlings sold Wednesday brought the following prices YEAKLINGS YEARLINGS YEAKLINGSB YEARLINGS B f CourtneyGeorge Courtney by Topgallant Miss Courtney George Moore Nashville 60 60B B f by Longstreet Longest Goldie Lee Hall HallJackson Hallmarks Jackson Tenn Tenon 60 60B B c by Inspector B Tommie Tammie Belle W A ALonghurst Longhairs Longhurst Longhairs Nashville 140 140Br Br f by Iroquois Tomrig Storing R P Dodson Godson DodsonColumbia Columbia Tenn Tenon 50 50B B f by Longstreet Longest Lee Bells S P Har Hara ¬ lan Coumbia Columbia Tonn Tonne 110 110Ch Ch c by Inspector B Netetis Anesthetics S P Har Hara Harlan Hartland lan Columbia Tenn Tenon 110 110Ch Ch f by Clarendon Claremont Margo Margot S P Harlnn Harlem HarlnnColumbia Columbia 350 350Blk Blk Balk f by Topgallant Plenny Penny S P Har Hara ¬ lan Columbia 110 110B B c by Inspector B Theodora J A Car ¬ penter enter Columbia 150 150Ch Ch f by Inspector B Netroma Neutron M J Man Mannion Anion nion anion Nashville 110 110B B c by Clarendon Claremont Toribera Tribe M J Man Mannion Anion nion anion Nashville 110 110Br Br f by Longstreet Longest Martha M J Man Mannion Anion nion anion Nashville 110 110Br Br f by Inspector B Carrie A J H Ter Tear Terrett Terre rett Brett Nashville 125 125Blk Blk Balk c by Tremont Fremont Buttercup W F Allen AllenNashville Nashville 55 55Br Br f by Iroquois Secret J A Carpen Carpe ¬ ter tear Columbia 100 100B B f by Longstreet Longest Charity D Reardon Radon ReardonNashville Nashville 45 45Br Br f by Tremont Fremont Aileen Eileen J A Mask MaskBolivar Misbeliever Bolivar Teiin Stein 65 65B B f by Longstreet Longest Castilla Castillo J A Mask MaskBolivar Misbeliever Bolivar 55 55B B f by Tremont Fremont Myopia S P Hanan Hanna HananColumbia Anacoluthia Columbia 75 75Cl Cl f by Inspector B Great Lawn Lee LeeHall Lethally Hall Jacksun Jackson Teuu Tutu 110 B f by Inspector B Glenview Lee Hall HallJackson Hallmarks Jackson 125 125Br Br f by Tremont Fremont Blue Bells W F Allen AllenNashville Nashville 55 55Ch Ch f by Inspector B Tatto Tattoo S P Harlan Hartland HarlanColumbia Columbia 60 60B B f by Major Domo Dom Joe L S B Mill iron Nashville 30 30B B f by Inspector B Nettie Nettle Kent S P PHarlan Phalanx Harlan Hartland Columbia 110 110Ch Ch GeorgeMoore George f by Inspector B lalaria malaria George Moore Nashville 50 50Br Br f by Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont Ocean H A AH H Gay Nashville 85 85Ch Ch f by Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont Money Maid MaidS S R Milliron Million Nashville 60 60WEANLINGS WEANLINGS WEANLINGSCh Weanlings Ch f by Inspector B Ada Adam B R P Dod ¬ son Columbia 50 50B B f by Loyalist Bonnie Meade A H HCarpenter Carpenter Carpenter Columbia 35 35B B f MaskBolivar Misbeliever by Iroquois BricaBrac Briar J A Mask Bolivar 60 60Ch Ch f by Luke Blackburn CapaPie Crappie C CH H Gillock Hillock Maplewood Marblewood Stud 210 210Blk Blk Balk f by Tremont Fremont Carrie A J G Milli Millie ¬ ron Nashville 50 50B B f by Clarendon Claremont Castilla Castillo A H Gay GayNashville Gainesville Nashville 70 70Br Br f by Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont Contralto S P Harlan Hartland Columbia 75 75B B f by Luke Blackburn Charity AH Gay AHGay Agway Nashville 105 105B B f by Tremont Fremont Emulation E H Owen OwenNashville Nashville 30 30B B f by Longstreet Longest Embitter J H Tiar Tiara Tiarrett Tare rett Brett Nashville 50 50Ch Ch f by Luke Blackburn Fantine Antoine A H HGay Gay Gay Nashville 105 105B B f by Clarendon Claremont Golightly Ghoulishly A H Gay 45 45B B f by Clarendon Claremont Grapeshot William WilliamGerst Villagers Gerst Gears Jr Nashville 45 45B B f by Tremont Fremont Gamelis Gaels H E Waller Wailer WallerNashville Ballerinas Nashville 25 25Ch Ch f by Clarendon Claremont Irony A F Gay Nash ¬ ville vile 110 110B B f by Loyalist Irrepentance Irrelevance S P Har Hara ¬ lan Columbia 90 90B B f by Loyalist Lithe S P Harlan Hartland Co ¬ lumbia Lumina 150 150Ch Ch f by Loyalist Lorena Lorna Mac J A Mask MaskBolivar Misbeliever Bolivar 100 100B B f by Inspector B Miss Modish AH AHGay Agway Gay Nashville 40 40B B f by Tremont Fremont Minnatoka Innate S J Milliron Million MillironNashville Nashville 40 40B B f by Tremont Fremont Margo Margot R P Dodson Godson DodsonColumbia Columbia 65 65B B f by Longstreet Longest Martha A H Gay Nashville 50 50B B f by Longstreet Longest Margery Daw Dawn A H HGay Gay Gay Nashville 115 115Ch Ch f by Inspector B New Era J R Allen 35 35B B f by Inspsctor Inspector B Pansy Blossom BlossomWilkerson Blossom Wilkerson Wilkes Brds Bards Nashville 55 55B B f by Tremont Fremont Secret A H Gay 55 55B B f by Longstreet Longest Tomorrow A H Gay 75 75B B f by Loyalist Tarantula John Ter Tear Terrett Terre rett Brett Nashville v 45 45Ch Ch f by Clarendon Claremont lalaria malaria S P Harlan Hartland HarlanColumbia Columbia 40 40B B f by Longstreet Longest Toribera Tribe AH Gay 50 50B B f by Tremont Fremont Wadasjra Wada Henry Cot ¬ ton Davidson County 30 30Thursday Thursday was devoted to the sale of stallions and broodmares The imported sire Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont went to C H Gillocks Hillocks Maplewood Marblewood Stud Farm for 1500 He also secured the broodmare Fairy for 1100 a great bargain The other mares being mainly young and un ¬ tried brought moderate prices none reaching the 500 mark though many were beyond doubt worth that sum and more The total for the two days was 23385 for 110 head