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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTAVESTCHKSTEK AVESTCHKSTEK AESTHETE N Y October 18Eleventh day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Autumn AutumnMeeting Attunement Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge E W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 215 p m FIRST RACE 78 Blile Bible 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling 9O92 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 1A V StrFin Strafing Jocke Joke Owners O H L C 8916 CHARENTUS CARETS 4 98 2 31 31 13 11 11 Ryan Ryan90263HEADL1GHT OL Richards 2 1152 2 90263HEADL1GHT 5 ICO CO 3 4u 41 23 25 23 Carter Carter88912FLEETING C M Miller 10 10 8 8 8Sensation 88912FLEETING GOLD 3 89 1 IH 11 41 51 SH Eades Evades Sensation Stable 12 12 10 10 9026 FIELD LARK 3 92 5 2n 21 32 41 4n Odom Sodom H H Hunn Hunan 8826 RINALDO RENALDO II 3 102 7 7 8 8 31 51 McCon Macon Turney Tourney Bros Brows 12 12 12 12 7616 JUNO 5 94 8 8 7 61 7 6 Petersc Peterson Peters G Winslow 4544 9022 MARITO MARION 3 89 11 6 61 7 62 7 Wilson P J Miles 8867 8845 GENERAL MACEO MACE 3 95 6 5 51 51 8 85 Wiggle W G Daly Dally 30 40 30 30 9026 ATLANTUS ATLANTIS 4 103 4 9 9 9 9 9 Zahn Zane W Jennings 30 40 30 30 308953JULIUS 8953JULIUS CAESAR 3 105 13 12 12 11 11 10 Mitchell MrsCLittlefieldJr20 40 20 25 7331 EIGHT BELLS 3 951010 10 10 10 It Douglass ES GardnerSonSO Gardner 30 25 30 8891 FILAMENT 3 921213 13 13 13 12 A Hewitt P S P Randolph 12 15 12 12 9052 bQUAN quean 4109 911 11 12 12 13 Pierce WL Oliver 50 ICO CO 50 75 Time 13 2 37i 494 1 151 1 28K 28KWinner Winner B g by CharaxusContenta CharaxusContentaStart Start good Won easily Charentus Carets was lucky and easily the best Headlight was oil well and as easily second best Fleeting Gold was simply lucky Field Lark very badly ridden was a good Lorse Lose in this race So was Rinaldo Renaldo Marito Marion took the long route after getting away badly Juno is in good form and ran well wellScratched Scratched Lady Disdain 98 Double Quick 97 Fairy Dale 89 Nearest 87 87Charentus Charentus Carets place 4 to 5 show 2 to 5 Headlight place 21 to 1 show 6 to 5 Fleeting Gold show 2 to 1 SECOND RACK Jiclipse Incise Course 500 adued adduced 2yearolds Selling 9098 A Wt tit M Vz 3A BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L L 90UOGAZE 112 1 12 13 13 12 Manor L Stuart 65 65 1 60 602H 8978 GREATLAND GREENLAND 105 3 2H 4 41 23 N Turner H E Leigh 4444 8527 BEN VIKING 100 5 5 34 2 83 T Burns F V Alexander 3434 8694 ANITRA ANITA 92 6 6 21 3 43 OConnor O'Connor Bromley Brome Co 10 30 10 20 8821 MARK MILES 95 4 41 51 5 6 Clawson Lawson J C Fitzsimmons 6756 8525 HI LEE 102 7 7 6 6io 65 McCue McClure W H Barrett Barrette 10 20 10 15 8954 EXCEPTION EXCEPTION87853CHAMPION 97 2 31 7 7 72 Kitley Kirtle P J Miles 15 0 15 40 87853CHAMPION 106 10 9988 Songer Sponger W C Hayes 10 40 10 30 8913 EASTER CARD CARD89782MORNING 107 8 9 9 E Jones P S Abrahams Abraham 20 20 20 2d 89782MORNING 92 9 10 10 10 0 10 Corbley Cobble J Rowe Co 10 20 10 15 15Time Time Hi 231 471 594 1 114 114Winner Winner Ch f by Falsetto Glimpse GlimpseStart Glimpses Start straggling Won easily Gaze beat the gate but was best anyway Greatland Greenland came very fast at the end and is now very good Ben Viking was short but ran well Anitra Anita closed strong Mark Miles had no chance at the start It was too far for him Morning had no chance in this field with the jockey and start startScratched statecraft Scratched Cormorant 105 Tendresse Tennessee 92 92Gaze Gaze place 3 to 5 show 1 to 2 Greatland Greenland place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Ben Viking show 3 to 5 THIRD HACK 68 Mile 2yearolds Selling The Castleton Carleton Stakes 1000 added Ind Indo Horses A Wt St V2 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 89552SATIN SLIPPER 104 1 32 32 3H U N Turner H E Leigh 45910710710 8955 DIMINUTIVE 99 4 490273EFFERVESCENT 211 22 24 214 OConnor O'Connor J A McLaughlin 6 20 6 20 90273EFFERVESCENT 99 3 41 42 42 3 T Burns Kensico Keens Stable 5858 8980 TENDER 100 6 14 IH IH 43 Maher W A Cbanler Baler 5756 8978 HELEN THOMAS 94 7 5 54 5 L R Lewis J E Madden 15 40 15 30 8980 MERRY HEART 99 2 7 7 62 63 Clawson Lawson C Lutlefield Putrefied Jr 6 6 6 6 7458 LA CHEVIOT 94 5 61 61 7 7 Moody Bromley Brome Co 15 50 15 40 40Time Time Hi 231 461 581 581Winner Stylitesv Stylists Winner B f by Kingston Lady Stylites Stylists v Start straggling Won easily Satin Slipper was best at the distance and lucky Diminu Dimming tive tie wafinely affined handled and ran well She wants mud and a longer race Effervescent closed strong at the end Tender ran far above her recent form She showed a great burst of speed but stopped at the end Helen Thomas is best over a route routeScratched outstretched Scratched Lady Lindsay 105 Water Girl 99 Sparrow Wing 102 Morning 99 Lepida Lapidary 99 99Diminutive Diminutive place 5 tol tool show 8 to 5 Effervescent show 7 to 10 CftK Ft FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3 yearolds earls Selling SellingOvJ Selling OvJ Nov O The McGrathiana Maceration Stakes 1OCO added Ind Indo Horses A Wt St Vi 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7681 BONADEA BLONDE 103 2 32 3134 31 11 Clawson Lawson Bromley Brome Co 4545 9001 LILIAN LILLIAN BELL 105 4 4 4 4 21 2 Maher J D smith 35352535 8891 LALOUETTE AFLUTTER 102 1 21 21 22 IH 33 Spencer R T Wilson Jr 10 10 8 8 890563TABOURET 90563TABOURET 107 3 11 1 1 4 4 T Burns T A Mageo Mage 4544 4544Time Time 124 24i 37 491 1 15 1 27i 27iWinner Winner B f by Esher Esther Sis OLee Lee OLeeStart Polestar Start good Won handily Bonadea Blonde was brst burst She finished gamely and strong at the endi Wendi Lilian Lillian Boll ran badly for her She stopped in the last eighth LAlouette Aflutter had no excuses and ran fully up to her best form this year Tabouret Tambour is best in mnd mend She was very sore in her pre ¬ liminary luminary liminaryScratched Scratched Lady Disdain 100 100Bonadea Bonadea Blonde dace even 1 ko FIFTH RACE 1 Mile J6u0 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H H blrFin blaring Jockeys Owners O H J 89573PEEP ODAY DAY 5 121 3 21 24 22 11 IH Taral Aral J H McCormick 65 6 5 91C910 91C9109024WAHRENTON 9024WAHRENTON 3110 2 42 52 41 3 22j N Turner W L Oliver 6868 686890243ALtiOL 90243ALtiOL 4128 1 11 11 1 21 SH T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 9 5 16595 13 5 5900l3jT 900l3jT CALLATINE COLLATION 3105 4 52 42 3 4 41 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 4544 9002 LADY MARIAN 3 8i 6 SH 32 510 56 L Moody W C Daly Dally 20 30 20 2i 9004 PREMIER 5 87 56 6 6 6 6 Ryau Ryan J A McLaughlin 40 50 40 40 40Added Added starters Time 13 25 371 504 1 03 1 15i 1 404 404Winder Winder B h by Ayrshire Yorkshire Sundown SundownStart Sundown Start good Won driving Peep oDay today was strongly ridden Warrentons Warrantors swerving in the last eighth cost him the race Algol stopped at the end He is not neaily sneakily as good as be was some weeks ago St Callatine Palatine sot a poorly judged ride Shu Shun was bumped in the stretch and shut off repeatedly and was a good filly today Lady Marian bled Premier has lost all form formScratched Scratched Irish Reel 123Estaca 100 Mazarin Mandarin ICO CO Nosev7 Sensational 87 87Peep Peep ODay Today place 1 to 3 Warrenton Warren place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Algol show 2 to 5 7 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 500 added 3yearolds Selling 9097 Ind Indo Horses A Wt rit Brit U y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 83262NOSEY 105 1 3ii2 21 23 12 Maher FleischmannSons65 6 5 4 5 910 9052 DECANTER 105 5 5 5 42 32 23 OLeary O'Leary FRT Hitchcock4 545 8422 GALA DAY 105 4 43 32 32 410 31 Spencer H H Hunn Hunan 3 4 3 31 8575 MISS 1ENNY 97 3 1 12 U IH 420 Michaels Michael H Unna Luna 7755 775588933BLARNEYS1ONE 88933BLARNEYS1ONE 105 2 2 41 5 5 5 Clawson Lawson J C Quinn 8 10 8 8 8Time Time 25 5U 103 1151 141 141WinnwB WinnwB Winnow c by Meddler Gicka Guck GickaStart Start fair Won driving Nosey beat the gate and besides being finely ridden was the best horse anyway Decanter fell out of the race and then closed vtry try fast iu the last quarter He might have won with stronger handling Gala Day ran finely Miss Teuny Teeny had but small chance with her jockey She showed speed ol a hifeh hive omer Homer and is evidently becoming good It was too far f or Bjarneystono Barnes BjarneystonoScratched Scratched Handpress Handless 105 Sensational 102 Long Acre ICO CO ICONosey Choosey Nosey ulace unlace 2 t 5 Decanter plare pare 2 to 1 show 1 to 2 Gala Day show 1 to 3