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NOTKS KNOTS OF THK TKO TUKF TURK The highest auction price for a thorough ¬ bred in this country was 100000 paid for St Blaiso Blains by Charles Reed Fairview Stud Tennessee at the dispersal sale of the Nur Nauru ¬ sery sherry Stud property of the late Hon A Belmont in 1891 The best average was 860961 obtained at the sale of F A Ehrets Berets horses in training in 1892 when twentysix twenty head brought 223 830 At this sale M F Dwyer paid 30 000 for Don Alonzo Alfonso 24000 for Yorkville Orville Belle and 20200 for Dobbins The same year the horses in training of the late J M Brown Co averaged 607272 eleven head realizing 66800 In December 1890 the horses in train ¬ ing King of the late Hon A Belmcnt Belmont were sold at Babylon L I when ton head brought 71000 an average of 7100 The highest priced year ¬ ling was King Thomas by King Ban Maud Hampton which brought 28000 at the Rancho del Paso sale of yearlings in 1888 Turf Field and Farm FarmColonel Francophone Colonel William L Cassidy the wealthy St Louis turfman Truman who used to be interested with Johnny Huffman intends to campaign a select string of his own horsos horses next season He intends to have about six serviceable platers platters and will look tho thou market over thoroughly before investing Colonel Cassidy wired bids on Kenmore Queen Orion and one or two more of the Bromley Brome outfit recently but the prices realized were away beyond Colonel Cassidys Cassidy figures As all the recent sales would indicate the eastern market for thoroughbreds has been exceedingly brisk All sorts of fancy prices are being real ¬ ized sized for useful horses St Louis Republic RepublicIt Republic It has been definitely decided that a mooting will be given at tho thou Kentucky Association grounds immediately after the close of the Latonia Antonia meeting As the Latonia Antonia meeting will probably bo extended to about November 10 the Lexington meeting will probably begin about November 12 and continue one week or two as the weather is favorable or unfavor unflavored ¬ able Messrs Messes Milton Young and Gus Straus have the arrangements in charge chargeIt charge It is reported here that Mr J B Haggin Haggling has purchased St Gatien Gating Meddlers sire for 7500 the amount of the reserve fixed for him when recently offered at the Easton sales St Gatien Gating is still in England but it is reported will soon be brought over and established at Mr Hag gins Elmendorf Eleanor stud Hois Hopis 17 years old and said to be in fine health and vigor The Thor ¬ oughbred outbreed Record