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LAKESIDE FORM CHART KO11Y 1NI November 4Sixth day Lakeside Jockey Club Fall Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 p m fll fall JQ FIRST RACK fi8 Mile 2yearolds Allowances C iJ O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third A Wt at J4 Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C iti85 HELENS PET 103 6K 2 21111 11 Sbeppard Sheppard Schwartz MillerlO Miller 15 10 15 1374 HAN LIGHT 105 91 31 81 32 21 T Burns J J Donovan 05131065 65 5343 NORA IVES WIVES 103 2 41 42 52 31 Flint W Ivet Civet Co 8 10 8 10 9343 SCATCOHEN CATCHMENTS 103 5 3 5 01 4 i Bloss Loss DM Hogan 15 15 10 10 8839 PEE WEE 105 7 01 2 2K K 21 fit Rebo Reebok J W ONeal Neal 10 15 10 15 8234 COUSIN LETTIE LETTER 103 14 7 Hi 01 McCann Mecca W J Smith Co 15 25 15 20 5 3723RIVAL DARE 103 10 10I343 91 7 7 7 WHMartin Wharton Walden Sweet 6 7 C 0 I343 MISS MARKS 103 11 101 91 81 8U Ellis M Jordan 2i 3 2t 3 72 LADY WEIGHT 103 13 11 11 91 91 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 50 50 50 50 x2Tii DOLLIE DOLLIED WIETHP WITH 103 4 12 3 KlOi Kali 10 Dean GgnhimGwynnlO 10 0 G 039 ET FA P 103 12 12 12 11 11 Goodwin Godwin James Huestou Hugest 50 75 50 75 15902 U902 HOLY SALLIE 103 105 14 145J372 13 13 12 12 Nutt Mutt H A Allen 15 30 15 30 305J372 5J372 LA JUANITA JAUNT 103 105 3 81 Id 13 13 McNickle Canticle W P Macraue Macaque 30 40 30 40 40NEW NEW WOMAN 103 8 14 14 14 14 ERobertsonLoob Robertson Call 20 40 20 40 40Time Time 12J 24 381 50 103 103Winner Winner NiletyPos Millet Blk Balk f by Faustus Faust Nilety Millet Pos 5 minutes Start good Won driving second and third were driving also Helens Pet got away nicnly nicely and always had clear sailing Sheppard took the short route and saved ground throughout It was a lucky win Haulight Hauling was the bast baste and a rough journey only kept hor Thor from winning Nora Ives Wives ran a greatly improved race She like Helens Pet took the short routn rout On the other hand Scatcohen Catchments went the long way Pee Wee showed a lot of speed Cousin Lettie Letter mado ado a strong bid on the stretch turn but died away at the and Mark her for early action Miss Mar a has developed into a bleeder and is consequently a bad betting proposition propositionScratched propositions Scratched Bolerie Bolero 103 Mountain Dew 103 Stella 103 Alice B 105 Pococanto Provocation 105 Anna Held 105 105Helens Helens Pet place C to 1 show 3 to 1 Hanlight Fanlight place 2 to 5 Nora Ives Wives show 2 to 1 9429 Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St i 1A 2i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner O H L C 9374ANDES 2 92 1 44 22 I Hi Holden Olden James Arthur 1 13101 65 93433CATHEDRAL 2 94 34 1 1 2i 21 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son2l 13524 135 5J341 TENOLE TENABLE 4 112 61 31 4J 31 32 Hothersall Others James Curl 8 10 8 10 93713H1NDOONET 3 107 2H 51 53 52 41 i Lynch C A Tilles Tiles 9400MAZ1E V 2 87 5 64 61 42 SNK SANK Seatou Seato R Bradley 9140 MR TIP TOP 2 84 1 21 3 61 Gli Glib McCaun Meccano Scanlan Canaan canan Canaan Bros Brows ros Eros rosV Eros 7491 PATROON PATRON 3 107 8 81 71 73 Ellis V McLatchy McCarthy 6633 8713 ASSESSOR 2 88 7H 7 7i 8 82 Hunter John Hall 40 40 10 40 40MrsF 9069 JOSEPHINE K 3 107 9 9999 Flint MrsF Mrs JKittleman40 50 40 50 50Time Time 13 251 38 Gli Glib 1 03 1 15t 15tWinner Winner Br c by Helicon Jess JessPost Despot Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving and out to the last ounce third and fourth also iully Billy extended Andes was the best and showed it He is a good colt and right on edge now Ho likes a route and can run either in the mud or on the dry Cathedral was staggering at the finish and had the race been much further he could not have been second Tenole Ennoble made a good showing Hindoonet Himont was raced in blinkers Mazie Maze V was all tangled up at the start and could never get through McCann Mecca did everything but fall off Mr Tip Top He almost did that too speedOverweights speedier at the eighth post Patroon Patron was heavily played but had no speed Overweights Overweighs Andes 2 pounds Assessor 4 4Corrected Corrected weights Mazie Maze V 87 87Andes Andes place 1 to 2 Cathedral place even show 2 to 5 Tenole Ennoble show 2 to 1 Ol Q THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances 7 tt O J Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third i Horses A Wt St St Vi V J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C yy13 DR SflPARD Flared 4 112 1 21 26 12 1 H Hi T Burns Foster Bros Brows 15 15 15 15 9371 GLOBE II 3100 2 31 32 35 34 2ii 25 E Scherrer Sherrie John Brenock Redneck 15 15 15 15 9375 MUSKADINE MISAIMED 3 105 44 5 6 43 46 52 3H W Dean F M Arthur 10 12 10 12 1293712OVEHLAND 93712OVEHLAND 5 109 5 11 12 23 2U 33 4G Caywood Cawed Wm Blauer Bauer 6 6 6 G 107 FR JAUBERT5 109 3 6 5 5U 55 46 5 J Shields A Shielus Shields 10 15 10 15 5371 ANNIE TU1N4 109 G 4ii 4 6 G 6 6 F Healy M H Healy 50 10050 100 Time 100Time 12i 24f 37i 501 1 03t 1 174 1 31i 1 45 1 57i 57iWinner Winner B c by Buchanan Voltine Voltaire VoltinePost Evolution Post 3 minutes Start good Won whipped out but with a lot left second and third driving hard Dr Sheppard was in a soft spot and far outclassed his field He went to the front when Burns got ready and was only loafing at the end The colt however is not at his best and should he hitch up with horses of his class they surely would beat him Globe II ran a good race It was right to the notch too considering the bad luck he had his last out Muskadine Misaimed finished with a rush Caywood Cawed wore Overland out in the first part of it and he stopped almost to a walk Frank Jaubert Jabber and Annie Teuton Teutonic ran bad races The former can do better than this Overweights Overweighs thisOverweights Muskadine Misaimed 2 pounds Globe poundsGlobe pounds II place 3 to 1 Muskadine Misaimed show 7 to 10 FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St fc ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8843 DAVE WALDO WEALD 3112 51 2t 2t 14 IK Caywood Cawed JFMeffert 2 1152 2 9341FERROLL 3 109 7 64 62 42 2i Lynch J Rodegap Bodega Co 3 3j 3 31 3191062QOOD 91062QOOD FRIEND 3 109 1 4 32 3 32 H Martin James Whitten Whiten 5656 89953LADY ELLRSLIES CELLULES 109 9 s ioi ii 112 74 43 Nutt Mutt T Licalzi Laical 21 3 21 145 6177 SLlGO Sallow II 6 H7 4 yf 4 51 51 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 8 10 5 5 8783 DAILY R FORM 3 112 10 1U 82 62 62 Goodwin Godwin H Heinsohn Henson 50 6J 50 60 60y401 y401 HENRY LAUNT AUNT 411712 12 10 101 7H T Williams Ed Fitzgerald 6868 94013HERMOSO 3112 2 31 511 g 8i Corner J Delong Belong 8 10 8 8 9178 LA CHAMPAGNE 3 109 11 93 92112 92 W Dean Walden Sweet 10 12 10 10 9404 SUMMER SEA 4 114 6 7 = t 71 9 103 Ellis M Jordan 30 50 30 50 9341 BILLY MASON 3 112 3 121 H 2t 115 Wfl Fl MartinWalden Marinade Sweet 10 12 10 10 8443 WEIRD 3 109 81 82 12 12 12 Bloss Loss A Mann Co 50 60 50 60 Coupled 60Coupled in betting Time 12i 241 361 49i l02i 109 109Winner Winner B c by Sayre Ayres Hehanthus Helianthus HehanthusPost Helianthus Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a terrific drive second and third driving just as hard Dave Waldo Weald barely staggered home in a very close finish Ferroll Ferro on the outside came like a flash while he was tiring badly Ferroll Ferro ran a grand race She was mixed up and badly inter ¬ fered feared with at the start Good Friend faltered on the turn and then came again Lady Ellerslie Wellesley was bumped into and almost thrown at the start But for this accident she might have won The filly looked hopelessly beaten at the threeeighths post but finished gamp and true Consid Consider ¬ ering erring ic was Sligos Slings first start for a long while his race was good Daily Racing Form also ran a good race Billy Mason showed his usual turn of speed Scratched speedScratched speeds Sugar Cane 114 Silver Sot 114 Roa Roma Gidd Giddy 109 Incetatus Dictates 114 114Dave Dave Waldo Weald place 4 to 5 Ferroll Ferro place even show 1 to 2 Good Friend show even O A Q C FIFTH RACE1 Mile 2yearolds Selling SellingJ Selling J tbO bO Purse 2400 value to winner 300 75 to second 23 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St ft J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9400 FACADE 96 4 4i 5 I HI 121 McNickle Canticle F J Kelly 2 21 2 21 9374 HARRY NUTTER UTTER 103 6 51 4 41 43 2 Lynch A C Clark 85958595 93721NAILKR 9372NAILER 8595859593721NAILKR 99 51 91 1 7 6 31 321 T Burns J Y V Schorr Scorer Son 3 333 3335J343 5J343 J J T 1041 1 2t 61 211 21 44 W Dean L Clark 20 20 10 10 9400 FOXNETTE 98 3 INK 2 3 5 53 Nutt Mutt Mrs F H Hall 4646 8920 METOXEN METRO 100 8 10 10 7 62 62 Hothersall Others Hinde Hide Baker 8 20 8 20 5372 FINTAN FONTANA 96 94 34 81 5 71 7 Seatoj Seato W H Snarley Snare 8 12 8 12 32 SAM LAZARUS ESQ 99 7 T If 83 81 8H R Narvaez Larvae F M Arthur 10 20 10 20 SUN GOD 99 2 62 3 10 9 9 Sheppard J Steppe 30 40 30 40 9372 THE WOOER 96 10 82 9H 92 10 10 Downs James Whitton Winton 20 30 15 15 15Time Time 13i 25i 39 521 1061 119 145 145Winner RupeePost Rupee Winner B h by Fabulous Rupee Post 4 minutes Start good Won cleverly at the end after an early drive second and third doing their best Facade ran a greatly impoved improved race He was not so stiff and sore as on the day before and performed altogether like a different colt He swerved under punishment at the head of the stretch but not enough to cause damage Harry Nutter Mutter had a rough journey and was generally poorly handled He wah wash coming strong at the end J J T stopped with his mouth wide open and perhaps was not ready to go so far Metoxeu Metro ran a good race Sun God was badly shut off on the far turn and obliged to pull up but for that he might have been a con ¬ tender i iOverweights overweighs Overweights Overweighs Foxnetto Fronton 2 pounds J J T 34 34Facade Facade place 4 to 3 Harry Nutter Mutter place 3 to 3 O J Q Q SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Wearolds Earls Selling 7ttOO Purse400 value to winner SSOO SOHO 75 to second 23 to third wtatKK tat M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9371FREE LADY 100 1009375HARDLY 5n 2t 2i i 15 1 11 Martin W P Magrano Marian 3 4 3 4 9375HARDLY 105 10593443DON 3 S K 3NK311 31 22 Hothersall Others C P Fink 4444 93443DON ORSINO ORSON 103 s 7i CM 5K 52 31 j Lynch C A Tilles Tiles 3 4 3 31 9376 LUCID 103 10393762QRAZIELLA li 41 41 4i 4 4sK 4 4x Ellis M Jordan 15 25 15 20 93762QRAZIELLA 2093762QRAZIELLA 100 10093752SURMOUNT 2 li t H 23 2 5 McNicklo Canticle F J Kelly 21 3 11521 93752SURMOUNT 1152193752SURMOUNT 103 10393113JULIA 9 80 8C H 73 62 Nutt Mutt W C Fessenden Essence 4 6 4 5 93113JULIA HAZEL 100 71 62 51 62 Gi Sheppard M L Kuntz Klutz 15 30 15 30 9373 PRINCE BLAZES 109 4K 9 9 9 81 8U Hart Sloan Hurst 15 25 15 25 9341 9311 TOM TOHER OTHER lOt 64 100Time 5172 8109 9 Goodwin Godwin W M Baird 50 100 50 100 281Winner Time 24 50 1 03 1 15i 1 281 Winner IIIPost Br f by Free Knight Fauna III Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily The next three wore extremely busy Free Lady had a grand turn of speed She held the race safe after going the first quarter Martin skinned the rails on the far turn and stole a winning lead Hardly displayed great gameneas gameness Hother Other ¬ sall sally drove her hard tie last three furlongs Don Orsiuo Torsion ran a cracking good race from a bad beginning He was slow in getting away from the post and was interfered with several times Graziella Grazie quit badly Prince Blazes wants a muddy track Scratched trackScratched tracks Guilder 107 Inuendo Innuendo 103 Black Fonso Fonts 100 Branch 100 Midian Indian 105 Mary Kiusella Kuala 100 Spring Leaf 103 Borden 103 Nannie Nannies Davis 100 Peg Parks 100 Ironical 100 showt shot Free 100Free Lady place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Hardly place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Don Orsino Orinoco show t f O