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THE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1898 is on general sale. It is a record of the turf, billiards, pugilism, trotting, pacing and all the leading lines of snort up to January 1, 1899. All the matter within its pages have been compiled and edited by experts. It j prints a list of all the turf and track records by Daily Racing Forms Btaff, billiard figures, past and present by John Thatcher, the fights of 1898, with comments by George Siler, harness records to date and of the past by John Hervey, the statistician of The Horse Eeviow and three handicap tables, with directions for their application and expert comment. The Manual, in paper covers, sells at 30 cents and in soft morocco covers at 50 cents. PEDIOKEE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colors, ruled and arranged for six generations of sires and dams of individuals and their ancestors. Ten cents each, .00 per dozen, .50 per hundred. No owner of a stallion should be without a supply. DAILY EACING FOEM, 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, ILU MONTHLY AND TERM FORM BOOKS. The regular monthly book of charts in paper covers, price , covering the racing term of December 1 to December 31, 1898, will be ready foi delivery Tuesday, January 3, 1899. The morocco covered volumes, .50, can be had by Friday. The half-yearlies in morocco, July 1 to December 31, price 0, will be out at the end of the week. So also will be the yearly in two volumes, morocco covers, price 0. Special books can be supplied on order at the rate of .50 per month. The index to all books covers the year and is full and complete. That attached to the morocco monthlies, term books, half-yearlies and yearlies is lettered for hard use and printed on linen paper. YEAKLY RACING FORM. Those who want the yearly edition of Daily Racing Forms charts had better order early. There are not more than-thirty of the edition unsold. Yearly Eacing Form is in two volumes, bound in soft morocco with a hard-use lettered index on linen paper. Volume I. includes the racing from January 1 to June 30. Volume II. from July 1 to December 31. The two books cost 0. Dally Racing Form in San Francisco. Beaders of Daily Eacing Foem in San Fran cisco can get the paper regularly from Foster and Orear, Ferry Bnilding. foot of Market Street, WINNERS SENT YESTERDAY WE LEAD. OTHEBS FOLLOW. Ballista, win, 6 to 1. Ach, win, 3 to 2 Lilian Bell, place, 2 to 1 We send good things every day. Thursday at New Orleans one that will win sure, 50 for three days, or 00 for six dajs selections. Ready at office by 10 a. m NOTE THE NUM-BER OF OUR BOOM. 608 Dont go to any-other. Race Trak Information Bureau, suite 008, M63 Dearborn St , Chicago. BOSTON OYSTER II l 17 G If MADISON AND ill U kJLi CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED ETn ISEw SERVICE THE BEST A High Class Modern Restaurant fKlUfiJ...... EpFE r WCLTY. MANAGED TURF EXCHANGE.... AT ROBY, INDIANA. FDLL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE ON ALL RACING EVENTS CHANGE OF TIME On and after Wednesday, Nov. 16. pf cla tralrs Jeave F.F. "W. and C.B. B renot Canal and Adams streets, at i :00 and 1 :30 p m., stopping at Archer Ave 41st St and Engle wood. Regular train at 5: p.m. Returning at 5:C5 and after an iran. Cisco races. Alley Li connects with electric cars at 63d Street and Madison. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Van Buren Street Depot. Regular train at 12:05 p.m. Returning at 4:31 p.m. Illinois Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Roby Electric Car at 92nQ Street. COMBINATIONS ON ALL EVENTS. Fare for the Round Trip 25 Cents on all Reads