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NOTES OF THE TURF. The work at Lexington of demolishing the old Kentucky racetrack baean Thursday, when all the portable property was brought to town and stored. Charles Green will be there Monday to make arrangements for the sale. Many trainers are at the track, being unable to mo7e, owing to the bad weather. They say they will stay until forced out by law. A. H. and D. H. Morris mares, Holiday and Beckon, have dropped colt foals to Hanover. At J. R. Keanes Castleton Farm there have been eleven foals this season, all of them fillies. A New Orleans dispatch says that W. C. Daly has announced that negotiations between himself and G. C. Bennett for the services of OConnor have baen broken off. J. Bahnsen, Cleveland, O. Charley Reiff won at one mile and seventy yards at St. Louis, Mo., July 9, 1897, with Kitley, 91 pounds up, in l:47i. "Hops" Laudemans Goodrich and Ed Simms string were shipped from Lexington to Memphis Thursday, where they will go into training. The more or less important information comes from New York that jockey Hamilton has declared to ride at Chicago this year. Handbook, Chicago, HI. Gnome did not run at Carnegie February 5. A new race was made up without her not him. Enquirer, Chicago, 111. Bullman not Fraw-ley rods Perseus in the raco at Iugleaido, February 9. The little lightweight rider John Slack has boon secured by W. C. Daly on a three years contract. Handel. Chicago, III. Oar charts furnish all the betting information we havoi