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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track good. First Race 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling, Ind. Horses Age Wt. Hdcp. 109012Bishop Reed 5.. ..112 685 10878 Protus 5.... 106 690 10855Seaport 4 .... 105 695 10870 Friskal 5. ...101 675 10917CanI See Em 5.. ..104 670 105393Celtic Bard 6. ...103 700 10839 Little Billy 7. ...103 665 10869 Possnm 4.... 102 670 10899 R. B. Sack 4.... 99 660 10896Jessie S 4.... 97 680 10899Lady Disdain 4.... 97 675 10867 Alamo 7.... 96 675 10860 Surveyor 5.... 96 625 Second Race 6 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. 108752Sheik 110 685 107483Our Clara 1C5 695 10552Dollie Wiethoff 105 700 10868 Colonel Cassidy 102 690 108983Nellie Prince 100 680 10868 Little Jack Horner 99 670 10898 Prince Frederick 95 660 108773 Yo No Se.. 93 !.".:675 Thtrd Race 1 3-16 Miles. 4-year-oldB and upward. Selling. 10893 Rockwood 5.... 120 690 10897 Jim Conway 5.. ..105 700 108992Bush Fields 5... .105 ......680 ii,wo.rdfman 5. ...100 695 1091a3Sadie Levy 4... 99 685 10857 Gallile 5.... 95 1650 Fourth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. ffifiP1 5-112 725 108973Branch 4. ...108 720 10900 Sensational 4... .107 .."""715 10900 Tnkanassee 5. 107 730 10837JimGoreII 4. ...103 10 0Tappan 5.:."lOB ."""tS 108a8 Prestar 4. ...102 .. 730 108703Barataria 4... 101 . 725 109002 Hobait 3. 99 740 10839Little Billy 7 98 700 10780VillBge Pride 3 97 730 io8732Qoid Fox U .. m 10748 Morning 3.... 90 !""725 Fifth Race 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 10901 Swordsman 5... 105 . 655 l8I2The Plutocrat s"" ""liSs 104ol-JKoyal Dance 5... 102 fi9.i 10899 zolo l... w ;; 700 109013Nemo 4 joi "!"690 10156 Necedah 7!l!!l00 ! 665 10S772Prince Zeno 4.."!l00 !!!".685 " 10841 Woodranger 4 100 . 685 10842 Weenatchie 6.. ..100 ..."670 " 10901 Nannie L 5... 100 660 10895 Annie Teuton 5...!l00 !!!!"650 Sixth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 10870 Briggs 5... Ill 645 10893Admetu3 5.. ..Ill """665 10917 Glenmoyne 8... 109 640 ffi7lCoDgtonKy : 5-.109 . "."685 10838 Tendresse 3.. 99 g60 10791 Volandies 3. . a G7n J 10898 Rose Apple . 3... 97 665 10856 Fintan.. 3 95 650 9923 Tut Tut. 3 88 ..V...m