Aqueduct Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1899-04-18

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1 , j s 1 . j AQUEDUCT-FORM CHART. AQUEDUCT, L,. I., April 1?.— First day. Queens County Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, Wa, C. Cozier. Starter, C. H. Pettingill, Racing starts at 2:30 p.m. 1 1 4. FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 34 S X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9873*LALOUETTE 4 111 1 51 31 31 1h McCue R T Wilson Jr 10 10 5 5 112742TYRIAN 4 106 3 21 21 1« 23 Odom F V Alexandre 6 8 4 5 2281 NAUTCH GIRL 4 111 4 4« 51 41 31 Spencer J R and F P Keene 15 20 15 20 9439 HARRY REED 7 104 2 1« 1= 2« 4« OConnor M F Dwyer 4 4 2 2 96903 RARE PE»t FUME 3 104 9 7 7 6« 5« Maher G B Morris 5 8 5 8 94773SATAMP ANGEL 5 108 7 61 61 7 6" H Martin A J Joyner 5 6 4 5 8729 REY SALAZAR 4 102 5 Si 41 51 7 Moody H McCarren Jr 30 60 SO 50 111742TUT TUT I 95 8 9 8 8 8 Mitchell H T Griffin 10 15 10 15 9808 SOUTH AFRICA 6 102 10 10 10 9 9 Sullivan G W Graydon 10 20 10 15 9675 CHENILLE 5 102 6 8 9 10 10 Slack M J Daly 40 60 40 50 9810 RED SPIDER 5 104 11 11 11 11 11 Rowden M S Stephenson 100 100 100 100 ♦Substituted starter. Time, 13, 24, 50, 1 :02J. Winner— B. f, by Kinglike— Juliet. Start good. Won driving. LAlouette is fit and was nicely handled. Tyrian is a greatly improved colt and very good now. Harry Reed had some speed "but is not ready. Rare Perfume is good. Rey Salazar ran well to the stretch. Sonth Africa ran a bad race. Scratched— George Labar, 108; 81212 Hop Scotch, 91. LAlonette, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Tyrian, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. Nautch Girl, show, 3 to 1. Harry Reed, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. -|~ V O KP£ SECOND RACE— 4 1-3 Furlongs. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St k X % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C MONTANIC 10? 4 1 1« 12 13 J Morgan Marcus Daly 6 6 4 4 NEPONSET 111 1 31 2« 2« 2« Foucon Kensico Stable 10 20 10 20 11S38 SPECIFIC 109 7 21 31 31 33 Odom A H and D H Morris 4 6 4 6 ORTRUD 107 S 51 5» 4 4" Speacer J R Keene 10 15 8 10 10918 ALEX 109 5 61 62 5* 51 Scherrer F Reagan 3 3 21 21 112482KING THISTLE 111 2 7 7 62 62 McGlone J G Smith 4 4 3 31 ADVANCE wUARD 109 8 8 8 8 73 McCue W H Barrett 3 41 3 41 DECIMAL 10S 6 4« 4" 7 8 Slack W C Daly 20 50 20 40 Time, 12, 24, 49%, 56. Winner— B. g, by Montana — Walnut. Start bad. Won very easily. Montanjc ran like a good colt and won easing ap at the finish. Nepouset ran a fair race. Advance Guard acted green and may do better. Specific ran to his Washington form. The ethers are probably inferior two-year- jld=, thongh Ortrnd may improve. Scratched— Water King, 109; Shoreham, 109. Overweights— Neponset, 2 pounds; Ortrud. 1. Mentanic. place, 8 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Neponset, place, 8 to 1; show, 21 to 1. Specific, show, 4 to 5. Alex, show, 1 to 2. King Thistle, show, 3 to 5. Advance Guard, show, 7 to 10. -| "I « fT d* THIRD ttACii— 5 X-i Furlongs. 00 added. 3-year-olds. Selling. Iud~ Horses A Wt St H % * StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C " 9706*GAZE 101 6 1* 12 1» 1- Maher L Stuart 3 3 21 13-5 9478-iKIRKWOOD 107 3 51 52 42 23 Moody T F Barrett and Co 10 15 8 8 SWEET CAPORAL 111 8 8 7 5» 3« Sp«ucer JRandFPKeene 8 10 8 8 92892EFFERVESCENT 109 2 2» 31 3« 4« Srherrer J 8 OBrien 4 4 13-513-5 9703 ORDEAL 110 5 3* 2« 2« 5* McGlone J Boden 6 10 6 10 11310-LADY EXILE 101 1 61 61 61 61 O lom F V Alexandre 4 7 4 7 »478H1LEE 113 7 4« 41 7 7 McCue W H Barrett 8 12 6 6 111733SPURS 113 4 7 7 8 8 Littlefield R W Walden fcSon40 50 40 40 JAMES M. 106 9 9 9 9 9 J Morgan Regiaa Stable 20 20 20 20 •Substituted starter. Time, 12, 23%, Mfe 1 M9i 1 :09. Winner— Ch. f, by Falsetto — Glimpse. Start good. Won easily. Gaze had all ker old speed and won as she pleas ed, Kirkwooi closed strong through the stretch. So did Sweet Caporal. Effervescent was speedy but is not ready. Lady Exile was outclassed. Hilee is not ready and quit badly. Ordeal is about ready and will do to watch. Scratched— 109993 Village Pride, 101; 9586 Al Reeves, 99; 9742 Lady Bratton, 97; 9363Great-land,106. Overweights — Ordeal, 1 pound; Spurs. 3. Gaze, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Kirk wood, place, 3 to 1; show, evens. Sweet Caporal, show. pv«np. Eff**rvftsp**nt. Dar* *. av**tis : show. I to 2. Continued on Slid page. 11 Q K rT FOURTH BACK— About 7-8 Mile. 150 feet short of 7-8. 3-year-olds and up-J_Q»J I ward Carter Handicap. 81,000 added. Ind Horses A Wt St H, % X Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 11339*D. OF M DLEBG3 106 9 3* 1« 11 1h i« Sullivan G W Graydom 8 io~l 8 11291 DR. PARKER 3 100 7 9 9 8 3« 2* Odom J Smith and Co 10 20 10 20 8335BANNOCK 5 118 2 4" 61 3« 2« 3« Taral Kensico Stable 10 15 10 15 111893SIR FLORIAN 3 100 6 7 5« 5" 4« 42 OConnor F Reagan 6 6 4 5 111892CHARENTUS 4 105 10 10 10 9 7 54 H Martin O L Richards 5 6 4 5 8926LANKY BOB 4 114 13 13 IS 13 9 62 Mathews G B Morris 10 12 10 12 112912 BONEY BOY 3 98 12 12 12 12 6i 72 S*aten Mrs R Bradley 20 20 20 20 9878TRILLO 4 105 8 6i 2* 2« 5" 8 McCue L O Appleby 4 6 4 6 11023K. BARLEYCRN3 110 14 14 14 14 14 9 W Martin J P Robiason 6 6 4 4 9322 GLONOINE 4 100 3 8 8 10 12 10 Mitchell P J Dwyer 40 60 40 50 65672LARVA 3 106 11 11 11 11 11 11 J Morgan Marcus Daly 12 15 8 12 9874 FORSOOTH 3 90 5 5" 7 7 13 12 Regan Modjeska Stable 50 200 50 150 111712 LAMBENT 6 117 1 1h 3» 4h 8 13 Maher M Clancy 10 20 10 20 11339 DANFORTH 4 105 4 2* 44 6t 10 14 Slack W C Daly 15 25 15 20 •Added starter. Time, 12%, 23%, 36%, 49%, 1 :15, 1 :26%. Winner — Ch. c. by Cayuga — Lady McNairy. Start good. Won driving. Duke of Middleburg and Dr. Parker fought it out through the last sixteenth. On account of crowding at the sixteenth post Odom claimed foul against Sullivan but it was not allowed. It was too short for Bannock. He ran a good race. Sir Florian closed Btrong. King Barleycorn was ot badly. So was Lanky Bob, who made up a lot of ground. Trillo was speedy but was hardly fit and stopped in the stretch. Dr. Parker ran the best race. Scratched— 113393Nosey, 108; 113223Sensational. 100; 98782Dan Rice. 103: 9791»Diminutive 100; 113372Takanassee, 100; 11339 Roysterer, 98; 9812Kinnikinnick, 122; 9844 Lady Dora. 91. Duke of Middleburg, place, 3 to 1; show, evens. Dr. Parker, place. 8 to 1; suow, Utoli Bannock, show, 2 to 1. King Barleycorn, show, 4 to 5. 1 1 *J K Q FIFTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Selling? ~ Ind Horses A Wt St M K li StrFin Jockeys Owners 0~~R L ft ~ " SADDDCEE 105 8 21 23 23 1« J Morgan Marcus Daly 2 8-5 8-i" PEACEFUL 110 2 1» |1| 1« 23 Foueon Kensico Stable 10 i5 10 1. SHOREHAM 98 4 4* 4* 5 38 OConnor M F Dwyer 4 6 4 « 11292 FRELINGHUYSEN106 5 5« 5* 5104* Odom T A Magee 4 4 U 3 109182JOHNNY J. 106 1 31 S« 4» 515 McCue F Reagan li I » :, ♦MYNHEER 93 3 8 M 7 62 Moody J Williams 4 4 2* 3* BIG GUN 90 6 7« 7» 61 710 Dangman A J Joyner 10 20 10 li BEAUTIFUL 99 7 6» 8 8 8 Slack W C Daly U 4J 1. 40 ♦Substituted starter. Time, 12%, 24%, 37. 49%, 56%. Winner— Ch. g. by Bathampton— Sadie. Start good. Won driving. Sadducee came fast through the stretch, showing fl»« °n «d I: was a poor finish on Peaceful. He is a good colt. Shoreham is fairly good. Tu o u irs wen* always outrun. Soratched— Roxburgh,102; 11321 Monometalist, 100; Aibonita, 99; Lottie Sli-viUe, 99; Panliu*. Sadducee, place, 3 to 5. Peaceful, place. 6 to 1; show, show, 2 to 1. Shorham, show, evaus. Frelinghnysen, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Mynheer, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5 1 9KQ SIXTH RACE— About 7-8 Mile. 00 added. 150 feet slioTTof 7-8 = 3 yeeV- Xtltlt/ olds and upward. Selling . fnd Horses A Wt St K K X Str Fin Jockeys Owners 90O4 MAXIMO GOMEZ 4 110 6 6" Ci S« 21 1« Spencer M Clancy 2~ 3 2 S " ,?7TJRY„SHENA 3 89 9 8 7 1« H 23 Phelan Plate and Co « 10 « | 11823TYRAN 3 88 • 1» 1« 21 3* 3- A Hewitt P S P Randolph » li 8 IV 1US73MOKDECAI 4 111 10 10 10 10 51 4i Mitchell W B Griffia 3 luO J-i .., 18942BY MC CLELLND6 112 3 5» *» 4« 4« 54 J Morgan Marcus Daly 10 12 • 2 113403PLANTAIN 4 108 8 44 5» 7 61 62 Beaton Mrs R Bradley ro 40 M ;t 8573 AROUEBUS 4 102 77 8 9 9 7 McCue J B McQuaid 3u Ho M 4* 11339 PREMIER 5 115 4 3« 4 8 19 8 Scherrer J A kteLa wruiin i 1. A ;, 109993YILLAGE PRIDE 3 91 2 9 9 62 7 9 Odom T A Magee ii 6 6 « 9026 LONG ACRE 4 114 1 2« 24 5* 8 10 Moody T F Barrett * Co 6 |S | r, 9742 LADY BRATTON 3 84 11 11 11 11 11 11 Ryan Mrs J Brails 40 100 10 *J Time, 12, 24, 37%, 50, 1 :15%, 1 :28. Winner— Ch. c, by Victory— Quesal. Start fair. Won driving. Maximo Gomez was all out to win. H-» is n»t at hi« r« i«t yt. Tyr Shena ran a splendid race. Mordecai closed a big gap. Byron MciJellma h*d rp « d for six farlongs. Scratched— 98782Dan Rice, 117; 10037 Aquinas, 110; 11854 Harry Revi 110 IMI O-tolao. 10G Maximo Gomez, place, 6 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Tyr pUcs, . : • 1. suo... ivju«. TJlan, show, 2 tol. Byron McClelland, place, evens; show, 1 to 2.

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