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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND, Cal., April 18.-Seventy-third day. California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track good. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, J. B. Ferguson. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. " 11396 FITeaarAo?dEs7FSellinr short of 3-4 mile. Purse 00. [ad Horses A Wt St M % jj StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C~ K3FLORENrE i$ ? 9 1" J! £hoJrp? , Burns* Waterhse 1 8-5 1 8-5" !S S8?f ENFCAENFINK FINK 181 7 4 h I. 1« S S Coan 12 S IS ? llo3 GUAAMB0L°SSOM S 1 ? S ?yld fSBreasD*Co 50 l6b 50 S. iifi KnSi SS J fit ai B Vincent , P P J?nkm8 6 8 6 8 iiS irLKS8 S ,? I ff »" !! EST i??C - S L S Time, 24i, 504, l:02i, 1:131. w Winner— Br. o u - L .- „ f. by Stromboli— Guidon. : h„J5laStg£?d- Won handily. Banewor was the best of a bad lot. She was lucky and well handled Florence Fink showed quite a dash of speed in the stretch. Royal Fan was off we unlucky, 0Soewa18pi?lu,cas Peach Blo9som sh wed improved form. Guatemoc was cut off Ind Scratched— 11372 Felicite, 107. Overweights— Banewor, 2 pounds; Pallucas, 2; Earl Islington, 4. vJSS!l¥u%ioU ■*»■« *»*• BoyalFan, show, 2 to 1. 11397 SEC0ND RACE~1-2 MUe- Parse 50. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. End Horeee A Wt Bt W H j StrFin jSckiys Owners O H L C 11327 FLUSH OF GOLD 115 2 14 12 12 Piggott Crane A Ow»n tust- 11373 THE BUFFOON 115 3 34 24 2* E Jo "s HB Howell A fi A «~5 »3«0fBOULIA 118 1 24 3* 35 f Shi GWBeTy1 I S t H 1280 M?SS VFRA IH J £ £ £ J W,ald B Schreiber 2© 70 20 70 1139? RIG HORN ii« a S S If ienkins G W Baldwin 8 12 8 10 DUCKOY i! fi o ? S Singley JJMorao 20 40 20 40 !2 2 Burns* Waterhie4 llSOCASTIriO J08 6 4 6 MllsMARG4RFT if S « Spencer GrantandDavenprtlOO 100 60 75 HQ1ft m S 5 ,« Watson D J McCarty 11397 I ORFI TO £ 10 30 10 30 11059 HALIFAX 11? 7 ? Q ?? ?"*" C 17 I . 100 100 100 i0O i] H w8 ThackerandCo 15 30 15 30 U37 LOYTA ii1? mil il ,12 19 ,12 N rvaez Cambridge Stable20 40 20 40 MM 10o98 MY M Y SECRET SPTRTCT 115 13 U U. U Sn, der Neil and Coney 30 60 30 60 "* Winner— Ch. f, by Royal Flush-Gold Cup nn. 3rt, Won °a»ily- With a good rider up Flush of Gold was easily best and won without urging. The Buffoon ran a fair race. Bamboulia ran to the mark. Kolena showed some improvement. Miss Vera is not ready, but will do to watch. The same aPPues applied to to Dnckov u«ckoy. Scratched-Flamnla, 115; 10966 Ovando, 115; 113483 Artilla, 115 Overweights— Castiso. 5 pounds; Lorelio, 4 __Fln8hofGold, place, 1 to 2. The Buffoon, place, 2_toJ; show, evens. Bamboulia, show, 7 to 10. 11398 THIRD HACE-3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horees A Wt St jj StrFin g % Jockeys Owners O H L C sman sal ststsik eandwi8hard83 . liSa™ !»! != SsTltable .» B ? S SSifNLf 1187 i IT t f iandT-Jflgr b 60?5 Id b 60?5 la Time, 24i, 494, 1:014, 1:15. w Winner— B « u u- .-, c,by Himyar— Aileen Aroon. Scratched— 11352 Bonnie lone, 111. Ailyar, place, 1 to 2. Frohman. place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Etta H., place, 3 to 5. 11399 F°URTH ■*"-* MUe fn -se00. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt jj g | StrFin Jockeys Owners O H Z c" 1131. BOiDRUNNEB I 15 I 5 21 4 4 S MSL JolESS" 12 5S« S and Winner-B. h, by Buchanan— Voltine. Corrected weights-Dr. Sheppard. 119; Storm King. 115 Storm King, place, 1 to 3. Sly, show, 7 to 10. H400 FIFTH RACE_1 1_16 Mile8- Pnrse00. 3-year-olds. Selling. riOTTlSr AWtBtij g ii StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L T~ SS HUMIDITY S I U S H 8 il fet8 -d * Humphry8-5 8-5 4-5 9-10 11302 CROSSMOLINA 97 2 4* 4 34 Si $ mSS? laTrDKWaterh« M * M 4 * J S ,wf?L Kittleman 6 6 4 4 11303WING i 7. 07 i 7 ei c- 1 979GIFNGARFR iS - 99 o S S 4 i Relff William Duke 7 9 7 9 11284 FAVERSHAM II MB 8 8 8 fi fi « S JK°DeS H.frJones*Co 10 50 10 50 11163 OBAIBKK ? ? S ggfeS p te*yon8 40 S 40 " W 6 62 8 11350 WHALEBACK 106 5 j. 5* ? S i" PoteT fDyer 0 S S S lj , Time,25i. 50, 1:15J, 1:424, 1:49. ro- D u „■ Winner-Br c, by Pirate of Penzance-Miss Thomas. Malay, place, place, 1 to 2. Humidity, place, 6 to 5; show. 1 to 2. Crossmolina, show, 3 to 5. 11401 81XTH RACE-7-8 "»•• Pnr,e00 4-year olds and upward. Selling. ndaiMH°"e8 AWt8tk g X StrFin Jockeys Owners O WTTIT liNiNTo Sail 8 S 3f § and£££ wPFi?h 3-23-21 1:- 113.V2--NEW MOON 6 107 7 4 4- I ! S rrCillckle ?rPJlnk, 10 20 10 20 ?i §ray J L Crooks 8 12 8 11352 RA PI DO 7 10Q 7 7 o c 12 2025 NEBULA I RSS and.9fVS 10 30 ■ 30 5 1OT 5 14 1 1 U 10798 NARANJA 5 107 6 3« I" ll a U Pri°D.e8 VCJBoots 6 20 6 20 11181 tSSf ia,?MaaU8 15 40 15 40 TEMPO 4 109 10 9 9 8 • 71 11352 Sif1 ? F?Utaln 10 20 10 20 RINGMASTER 5 It 9 11 10 10 10 10 x w o 11210 SILVER STATE 8 109 8 8 8 7 8 Si Sarllin lm W? 20 20 20 20 104893FLEMING S 9 f86,, 8 12 8 12 4 106 4 51 52 51 7 in w W v Narvaez 9781-M4RPLOT if J? BertolacciandGo 25 40 25 40 4 109 9 11 11 1 11307 GRAD* 11 BUI Left rlJfiJn: at the 11i11 Thorpe Burns* Waterhse 8-5 24 8-5 24 post Cole Crane 1* and Owen 15 15 15 ■ Winner-Ch c, b, - Preston-pans-KaUe Flkcffi * ** - PlJe[T%otnit0PlandCet0li 8how-4tol. New Moon, show. 2 to 1. Marplot,