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Inside Racing lnf or matron Combined with expert handicap figures is what we base our selections on. We have a correspondent on each track, and are in a position to give you THE MOST ACCURATE INFORMATION OBTAINABLE. Wired or ready at office at 11 a. m. daily. $• 00 per week. The Gulf-Pacific Track Exchange, 263 Dearborn Street, Chicago. NOTE. We have absolutely no connection with any other similar firm located in our building or elsewhere. OUR SPECIALS.. Are great. Win all the time. Be wise and get in on the good things we send out every day. Today two SPECIALS and Saturday we will positively have one of the best things of the season. Mail orders telegraphed by 10 a. m. .00 daily, .00 weekly. Race Track Information Bureau, Room 608, S63 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111..