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DUE NOTICE Is now given to all TURF FOLLOWERS including my numerous subscribers that for SATURDAY, APRIL, 29, we have something at Aqueduct that will be from 8 to lo to 1. Our clients are aware by thie time that we generallv MAKE GOOD. 00 weekly, 00 daily. Telearaphed by 10a. m . Race Track Information Bureau, Room 6O8. 263 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. BONEY BOY, 3 TO 1, WON. PICCOLA, 3 TO 1, WON. MC MEEKIN, 4 TO 1, WON, Were our promised sure winners yesterday and we defy anyone to coDtradict our statement* £?-,?fter day we show OIjTR SUPERIORITY CrtER ALL IN THIS LINE OF BUSINESS. We send one or two SURE WINNERS daily. rS. we tel1 onr customers what horses are SURE to win we NEVER make a mistake VVe have an extraordinary GOOD THING for Saturday, and you can commence getting your information on that day. Terms 0 00 for six days selections consecutively or otherwise We GUARANTEE 60 per wSLmandmi or lowing weeks services rut.t.. Information readj by 11 a.m. Call or send for particulars. The National Turf Invest men t Co., Suite 605, 167 Dearboru 8t., Chicago. 111. ..Free Selections.. I will send reliable information on trial three days tree— you pay for telegram only. Correspondents at all tracks. Address A. E. GARSIDE, 427 East 43rd St., Chicago..