Hawthorne Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1899-06-23

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., June 23.— Tenth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear ; track fast . Presiding Judge, apt. J. H. Reea. Starter. Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. IO Q f A FIRST RACE-5-8 Mi ,-. Porse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. dg l/V/rl: 2-year-olds. Allowances lud Horses A Wt St K % ~S~tr Fin JockeyB Owners O H L C 12286* PRINCESS THY U A 107 2* 1-4 1 1- m Silvers Kiuz-a Stone 3 5 i W 12513 ELIZBTHKLEIN107 3*« 3* 3* 3* 2» Everett : F Boscbemeyer 1-2 3-5 1-211-20 12850 ZAZA 107 1** V r- 22 S Benncha.noW R Griffin 8 10 8 10 12233 DRaMBURG 110 4« 4»« 4-3 4K. «!• Dupe* H H Stanhope 10 15 10 15 12802 PRESTOME 1064 5* 5» 51" 52 51 Rut.ter W P MtmiD* 40 50 40 50 FANNIE LELAND 107 6 6 I 6 I Niitt C H Hayrienand Co ;;o 50 38 50 Time, Hi, 221, 34,, 46,1 :0U. Winner— Ch. f, by KiDg Eric— Fragrance. Post 10 minuter Start fair. Won handily: it was a terrific drive for the place. Princess Tbyra displi; ed phenomenal speed. She spread-eagled her tield in th-» first three furlones. This was run vry fast Elizabeth Kl Mn conld nt-vr get within miking distance of her. The latter and Zaza had a staggering fioi*h for the place, and Elizabeth Klein bar ly got np in the very last striae Theiewas a ve:y strcnar wild blowing np the stretch, ; nd this is the onlv reason the track record was rot lowered. The field was strung out ell the way. Elizabeth Klein pulled up lame after »hn race Overwei jhls — Prestome, 14 poonds. Princess Tbyra, piace, 3 to 5; show, out. ElizabathKlein, place, out._Zaza, show, 3 to 5. Tf Ori ST-SECOND BACK- 3-4 I*ile7 n~r8e~00r"5 to second ; 5 to third. A. £k *JJfJ 4-year-olds and upward, eiling ind Horses A Wt St 4 H »~BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H J, , 12853 EINER 4 109 9»« 7* 4« 21 1* Vitatoe C E Mar. one 4 4 3 W 12691 BRULARE 4 107 7* 4U V 12 2W Nutt J F Davi* 10 25 10 0 12716 TAPPAN 5 111 84 8* |1 34 32 Bisping J H Smith 4 t 4 6 12762 YOURS TRULY 5 114 1« 9« 84 6« 4i Wilson C Whitman 15 15 12 12 12155 POOL 5 111 114 6* 101 74 5* Be uchampJ B Gray 6 7 5 5 12771 VINETTA 4 107 2« 21 9" 8* 6 Givens E Parks 6 20 6 20 12853 DEL PAPO II. 6 116 104 £»• 7* 54 74 Bloss F McCullough 3 6 3 6 12758 EMMA NORA 4 1084 4" 1*4 li 4" 8« Hamilton TCostllo 19 20 10 15 12752 LAROQUOISE 4 111 54 3« 324 91 9» Dupee John Bechler 10 20 8 10 12806 DAILY R. FORM 4 112 6" 10and 6« 114 102 Hr.iphy H Henohn 10 15 10 15 12885 MULDREW 4 109 13" 121 134 122 112 Silvers M T Mues 15 30 15 30 VQ1 SDAJ.or»- *««•»•• 134 141 1H1 123 MrCann Massie and Tabot 6 15 6 15 12684 PERCUSSION 4 109 15 15 121 Ml IX R Nat vaez J Mnlbusch and Son40 60 40 60 128M MISS WISE 4 107 12" 14115 15 1410 J Daffy A E Branigan 20 60 20 60 127622NEKARNIS 4 109 3" IP 114 102 15 Grav Morseandr-atterson5 8 5 6 Time, 121. 215, 364. 48i, 1 :01i, 1 :144. W inner— R. g, by Eolus— Nita. Post 5 minutes. Start good. Won in a long hard drive of two; third and fourth were also very basy. Einer stood a long drive g*m ly and only got np in the very last strid». After get-tirgout of a nasty jam at the stat he bad char sailing the rest of the journey. Brulare weakened in the last twenty y» rds. Not rode her strongly but the bosa ha-i nothing hfk to finish witn. Tappan was the best. Be was hummed and interfered with at every turn. With clear ■ailing be could not have lost. Yonrs Tinly nnishe t stoutly He can beat this kind at a mile Nekarnis was bumped into the fence at the star-. Both be and Gray pulled up lame. Vinetta, Larrquoise and Emma Nora -h« wed spf ed. T- ey ha 1 no exou-e- Scracbed— 12216 K. C . 114; 12758 Radaire, 107: 12486 Pitfall, 111. Overweights— Emma Nora, 14 pounds. _ Einer. rlace, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5._ Brulare, place, 8 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. Tappan, show, evens. "I 6 Q /O-THIRD BACEl~Mile7~ Purse S500.-5 "to~second75 tcTthird. ■A IQUU 3-year-ola* ana upward Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St M H » StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C HS?iET,!iE,VILL,E * 9* Si 14 1* I" 114 H Bisping J H Smith 3T~4 3 3~ ?X3|g4.N,9JUr 410° »"*" 2* 22*-2 224 Vitatoe C E Mahone 8 10 7 7 128a2 THE DEVIL 4 112 7 7 6" 51 44 3* Dnpee WdrdandAnderson4 6 4 6 r°5pNI 4 100 2» 5ii 4" 3" 3« 42i T Knight James Arthur 7 7 4 5 12772GREAT BEND „ 4 108 5i 31, 34 42i 51 5? Everett B Vincent and Co 2i 3 2i 14-5 128523KRISSKRINGLE4 110 6" 6« 5" 614 7 6i BeanchatnpWells and Co 31 4 34 3i 121012EINSTEIN 4 92 4" 4» 7 7 64 7 Bissinger Earnsbaw Bros 30 100 30 tOO _ Time, 18, 24i, 36, 48, 1:014,1:134, 1:264. 1:394. Winner— B c, by Ben Strome— Prudence Off at the first break to a good start. Won driving and out to the last ounce. Banneville ran a erecting good race He was much used in pacMnakiuar and wag staggering at the finish. With a more judicioos ride he wonld have won off by himself. He is a good horse. Branch was gaining r»pidly and had the race baen a sixteenth further he would have won. The Devil handh-d his weight cleverly and was coming stoutly at the end Moroji swerved badly in the stretch. Gr»at Bend ran below bis mark. Everett got away flying but was pulling up oa the first turn. Kiisf Kringle possibly sulked. At any rate he ran a bad rac. Scratched— 12772 Geld Fox, 90 Bemif-ville. place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Branch, place, 24 to 1; show, evens. The Devil, show, evens. Great Bend, piaca, evtnsj show. 1 to_2. Kriss Kringle, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. T"4 Q7V7~F0URTH "HACB-i MilerPar3e"007~5"toTecoladr5 trTthird; X £k *J f I 3-year-oldg. 8elling. [S Bor»ea A Wt St g H % StrFin Jockeys Ownerp O H~~L~C~ 12855 DEERING 116 14 2» p l» s* i»« Silvers R TrJkeT T~f~ 6~ 127612 BLUE LICK n0 fy, jrH 414 2« m Evre-t W E Applfgate 3i 4 3i 3i 12801 MALLAKAWA 110 i** l«« li 2* 34 34 BanchampH L Frank 4 44 4 44 12X0iUHLER ill 5" 7 7 Ml 4i i- Harrilton T Kiley 8-5 9-5 8-5 8-5 12119 J J. T. 110 2- 3a 3i 3i V M Trotter J M Dunn 20 40 20 40 12801 PAT GARRETT 107 3" 624 6*- 7 6- f | «isping J H Smith 12 20 12 20 12801 NATIVE SOS 107 7 4i 4i 6and 7 7 V.tatoe P Ryan 5 5 4 I Time. 124, 2 , 37, 49, 1 :0H, 1 :13i, 1 :27i, 1 -.42. Winner— ch. c, by Sir Dixon— Vassar Off at the first break t a good start It was a hard drive and a good floish between the first four Dee ring we- very lnchy to win He always had a clear path and took the short route. In the, stretch the colt faltrrcd and for an instant seemed beaten. The othars closed in on him, but he came egain and poked his beid iu front in the last few strides. Uhler wjs the best and should have won. Hamilton lay out of it too long and did not bgin his run scon enough. He was the freshest horse at the end. Blue Lick and Mallakawa were staggering and all out The winner was entered for 00, hut was run np tr ,000 by J. H. Smith. His owner bought him in. Scratched— 12653 Teutons, 110. Daeriug. place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Blue Lick.place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Mallakawa. show. 4 to 5. Lhler, place. 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5 T 4 lCftariand FIFTH HAOK-7-* Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. JL J CJ V/O 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. ind Horses A Wt St % % | StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 5 128512EUG . WICKRS 5 102 Ij p p| 2 . H 1- Everett MidltnandJngbb6-5 5*1 1_ 126813CHEVAL DOR 3 95 4« Hi 13 mo, 2- Vitatoe R H Mc Potter 10 15 10 15 12851 BIT rER ROOT 4 105 3" 51 V| SH M 3 BeauchampH L Frank I 3 2 3 12772 GOLD FOX 3 99 21 4" 53 4* M 424 Duree M Jordan 5 5 21 3 7706NETTIEBHOOKS5 102 5" 34 4" 5* 5» 5* Stewart H Robinson 100 200 100 200 gj» MAJ._eAWKPIS 4 Mi 7» 71 7« 7" 71 75 Hrrington 8 Krawl 50 250 50 250 12758 CADUCEC5 4 KM £ 8 8 • 8 I Aker 8 H Alien and Co 30 10130 50 Time. 121 23J. 35i. 48. 1 :00, 1 :13, 1 :23i Winner— B m. by KaDtaka— Genevieve. Post I2iiinutc. Start fair Won eased np; the Dext two were doing their best. Eugenia Wickes is in grand f 01 111. She looked fit to run a rc for a life and was. Everett placed her in behind Theval d Or to the stretch aud th»n went to the front with ease. Cln-valdOr is in good . «H „T1:s horse is best in mud. Bitter Rcot could naver get near the leaders. Neither could trcldlox. The latter seems to be off. Th others were outclassed. Scrntchd -12486 Harry Lee, 104; 12721 Nora 8 , 105; 12762 Springer. 9!; 18292oloiiel Weight-man. 104: 12763 Leoncie. 102: 12854 Inueudo. 102; 126W1 Hosi, 12. Overwe gilts— Cheval dOr, 1 pound. Corrected weiglitt— Gold Fox 99. Eugenia Wickes, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Cheval dOr, place. 5 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1 Bitter Boot, show. 1 to 2. Gold Fox, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. rOOf.Cl SIXTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. jg * wyjfj 4-year-olds and npward. Selling. Ind Horses A W t St 4 % % StrFin Jockeys Ownra O H L C 12775 FAIR UECE1VER4 107 2« i«« i»« 12 1. Nau Q U MeEeu 10 10 3 — 3 — S396 MARlATO 4 113 1" 32 224 2H 24 Everett MHIetuandJ gblth5 8 5 5 12721 LORD ZENI 5 114 44 2- 3" V 3U BeauchampJ K Redmon 10 12 10 10 12.21 IDLE HOUR 5 114 6» 6» 63 4b J2« p day C De Witt 20 30 * 0 30 12497 AL LONE 5 113 3« 4« 4= 3" 5« W Naivaes John Dowd 4 8 4 7 ,1S64.ER?.D,B,ABR 6 118 7" »8 8" w 6I Bo" JWMcKicleyandCo20 20 20 20 12853* KAMSIN 6 115 8« 92 104 104 7i H Brown L H E»ll 5 7 4 44 12600 MISS ROSS 6 111 11- 104 52 82 83 Reitz W R Griffin 12 15 12 15 12690 THERESA B. 5 111 9« 5U M 7«« 91 Vitatoe G B Havi |« 15 25 15 20 11963*AMELIA FONPO 6 109 5" 72 7* 6h 102 Rntter W P Magrane 15 20 12 15 12267 MC ALBERT 4 109 lOi 121 Ql 112 n« Stewart H Robinson 30 50 30 40 12853 LCST BLOSSOM4 109 12» lie 13 121 122 Hamilton W K Cleveland 8 15 8 15 .«£!.2LI?andi£. . 10 !H 13 :3 124 13 13 8 Miller E M Bsr*en so ico 50 100 128542M KINSELLA T 4 119 Left at th« doH Aker James Rudjy 20 30 20 20 _ Time, 12i.21J,49i, 1:011,1:14. Winner— Ch. f. by receiver— Hattie Vaughan. Post .8 a.inntes Start good for all but Mary Kicsella. The first five were driving to the limit. F«ir Deeiver. nnder a sirona- ride, barely iasted long enough. Marcato w«s coming fast and would havwon in another 8irid». Ha wes ready and ran a giod lace Lord Z m was pocketed all through the stretch Idle Hour ran well. Al L.ne quit whe 1 the pinch C8me. The race was always betwtei the first five. Ths weight stopped Iheresa H. Kamsm seemed stiff aud sore. Scratcbed-12885 Warren Poir-r, Hi; 12721 Elilad 114; H2716Mcch. 112; llfffTlflOX. 114. Conected weights— Kamsin. 115. Fair Deceiver, place, 6 10 5; show, 1 to 2. Marcato. place. 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Lord Zen i, show, 2 to 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899062301/drf1899062301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899062301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800