Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-07-07

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HARLEM FORM CHART. 1 CHICAGO, IIjI., July G. Twenty-first day. Harlem Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear: track very heavy. . Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter. Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. Q 1 Q 1 FIRST RACK 7-8 Mile. Purse S400. 5 to first; S25 to second. ! 0 k J k. 3-year-olds and upwards. Selling. Ind Horses AWt St M Yi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O TT L 13155 SPRINGER 3 10 S 11 11 1 1 1 N Hill H C Wagner 6 7 6 6 12486 HAKRY LEE 5 116 3 6i 52 31 3io 21 R Narvaez W B Ratterman 5 20 5 20 13060 FORENSIC 3 108 1" 51 4 4 4 31 I Powell M L Koch 8 20 8 20 i 10919 TOLE SIMMONS 4 114 2a 4" 3i 21 23 42 Aker T Hatfield 8 15 S 15 13060 FLORIE 4 112 71 81 74 81 61 51 W Wilson J M Mathowson 40 100 40 40 12806 SIR HOB ART 4 114 5" 9a. Si 92 83 61 W Narvaez W J Mnith 4 6 4 5 13085 INYKRARY II 4 114 6 71 9 61 72 71 Bassicger L G Smith 5 8 5 8 12596 WHIRMNTLNK4 112 91101112 71 92 81 Hirun JWMcKialeyandCo 15 40 15 40 12S0S NETTIE BROOK S5 114 10a 2 21113 101 92 Stewart H Robinson 15 15 6 6 13119 PIGIT 3 103 13n 131 121 10a 112 103 Ransom HJScoggan 10 20 10 20 12268 HANJ05E 3 108 14141 131 121 123 m Fallehey R M Henoessy 20 40 20 40 12909 GLENOID 10 116 ll15a 101 131 142 122 W Dean E M Bergen 15 20 15 20 13155 STORM QUEEN 4 112 41 31 61 51 52 131 Shenpard V Landsberg 12 20 12 20 12690 HUB PRaTHER 3 10a 15h 16 151 152 131 141 y Mo-mey SM Henderson 10 20 10 20 130E0 MULDREW 4 114 121 111 14 141 151 152 L Scott M T Miles 15 20 15 20 13119 EFFIE L. 3 103 16a 171 161 162 163 16 Nutt DWldo 7 15 7 15 13085 PERSPECTIVE 4 114 17 12a 18 171 172 173 V Trotter MraWBCrawford 40 100 40 100 12493 GOLDh-N ROD 5 116 18 18 17118 18 18 H Ward C hn and Doraey 30 30 20 30 1SC85 INSPCTRHUNT6 116 Left at the post Bloss C C Daiy 10 20 10 20 Time, 131, 271, 41, 55, 1:09, 1:24, 1:391. Winter Br. g. by Springbok Altipbone. Off at the first break to a good start for all but Inspector Hunt. Won easily. The others were driving and staggering Springer got a flyini start and -won all the way. He seemed to like the deep going. Harry Lee did v ell and finished very Btrongly. Forensic cutgamed Tola Simmons at the end. The lattor had p enty of speed but failed to stay. Sir Hobsrt coull never get within strikirg distance It was a very bad lot and they were strung out like a flock of sheep all the way. Storm Queen was bady kicked at the post and pulled up bleeding trom an ugly cut cn the leg. Scratched 13060 Anna Held, 103; 13085 Merry Glen, 112. Springer, place, 2 to 1 : show, even. Harry Lee, place, 8 to 1 ; show, 3 t3 1. Forensic, piece, 8 to 1; show. 3 to 1. Sir Hcbirt, place, 2 to 1; ehow, evens. Ql QQ SECOND RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. . 75 to second; 5 to third. O JL J i 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt M Yi BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13025 BRULARE 4 112 11 43 2 2 It 12 Nutt A B Watts 3 10 3 10 13155 ISEN 5 112 61 23 3 3s 31 21 Hamilton T Co3tello 4 12 4 12 131602TEDTONS 3 108 2 32 8 82 72 32 Bheppard T E Barrett 4 8 4 7 12205 FALSE LEAD 3 105 3 71 62 5" 61 4H J Mathews M E Dowd and Co 3 7 3 7 12587 FACADE .. 3 105 5a 5a 71 61 1 Si 5 Bassinger F J Kelly 4 6 4 41 130903POPE LEO 4 117 7" 31 It 11 21 65 Beau champ J W Wilson 3 3 2 11-5 13090 TIN CIA FT 4 117 4 II .43 41 4i 7 Akpr George Mitchell 10 20 10 20 13050 INOENDO 4 111 8a 62 51 71 5i 8 W Dean J N Hathaway 3 7 3 5 13060 TITLE 4 114 9 9 9 9 9 9 McCann F Urbanski 15 30 15 50 Time, 131, 27, 41, 551, 1:09, 1:231, 1:38. Winner Br. m. by Bradford Zdrneeta. Post 4 minutes. St ait mood. Won easily; second, third and fourth doing their bost. Brulare ran a good race; Nutt had her in a good position, and she came away on call in the stretch. Isen was herd ridden p11 the way. She ran a game race. Bo did Teutoas, who is a slow bginnor and nas far out of it down the back stretch. False Lead made up quite a bit of ground at the end. Facade had bad racing luck throughout. The going and distance were against Pop Leo. He retired quickly when the real racing began in th6 stretch. Inuendo looked dangerous for an instant on the far turn, but died away again. Sere tched 13162 Ramona, 114. Overweights Inuendo, 2 pounds Brnlare, plsc9. 4 to 1; show. 8 to 5. Isen, place, 5 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Teutons, show, 6 to 5. Pope Lso. place, 4 to 5; show. 1 to 2 1 Q1 QO THIRD RACE 1 Mile. Parse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLO JL"lJ"0 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St M Yi 3L StrFin Jockeys OwnerB O H L C 13155 P. THE FIDDLR3 100 1h 2i 21 43 311 13 Nutt G Landrr 6 10 6 10 13118 LORD ZENI 5 114 51 13 12 1 41 2j BeaucbampJ Carroll 4 10 4 10 131552J. J. T. 3 103 2 411 5i 2" 11 31 T Knight J B ResDasa 2 3 2 3 131512HABDLY 4 109 3 6H 73 3" 22 42 Fallahey C P Fink and Co 3 31 3 31 12670 1FATHERL AND 3 99 7a 7i 6 62 51 52 Dupee J Welch and Co 4 5 4 5 13065 MARTHA FOX 3 96 8s 3" 31 51 6! 6H Bassinger LwisandUcCllistrlO 10 10 10 13055 ERNEST WILES 3 99 41 51 4 76 71 72 R Narvaez H C McVey 15 25 15 25 131543W1NSLOW 6 109 6" 9 9 8S 9 81 Sheppard T E Barrett 3 41 3 41 13154 IDLE HOUR 5 112 9 88 85 9 81 9 Overton C DeWitt 8 15 8 15 Time, 13, 26. 40. 51, 1:081, 1:23.1:37, l:51i. Winner Br. g, by Major Domo Aril a. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily at the end after an early drive. There was a lot of action behind the winner. Pay the Fiaaler was best ridden and ran a good race. Nutt saved ground thronehcut. There was no choice in the going and hn won the race by taking the short loute Lord Zeni stooped and came apaia iu the stretch. J. J. T. went tp the fronton the far turn and seemed to be winning but Knight ti-ed and could not help the colt any. HardJy suffered from poor handling. Fallaney had her in and out all over the track. Winslow could not run fast enough to keep warm. Scratched 13049 Fintan, 94 Pay the Fiddler, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1, Lord Zeni, place, 4 to 1; show, 8 to 5. J. J. T. show, 1 to 2. Hardly, place. 6 to 5: show, 3 to 5. 1 Q1 A FOURTH RACE 5 l-2Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5tolhird, JL O i db- 2-year-olde. Allowances Ind Horses A Wt tit jj Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners OSLO 13024 BARRACK 103 1 2t 3i 32 13 sheppard T E Barrett 3 41 3 41 13165DICK FURBER 107 2h li 1 2 2 J Mathews Wand A McGuigan 8-5 2 6-5 6-5 13024 FRANGIBLE 105 4 3 21 131 Flick W E Applegate 8-5 4 8-5 4 131563CAVIAR 105 3 5 5 48 46 Nutt Settle and Co 21 3 21 3 13149 RUSSELL R. 103 5 4H 41 5 5 Ransom H J Scoggan 20 30 20 30 Time, 131, 27, 41, 54, 1 :07l, 1 :14i. Winner Br. c, by Bersan Fable. Post 2 minutes. Start good. Won with quite a bit to spare after an early drive; second and third were doing their best. Barrack is a good colt when going over a distance of ground. He got away flying, but was outrun in the first part of the race. Sheppard took matter easy and never made a move until the stretch was reached. He then went by Dick Furber and Frangible like a flash. There was some bnmping at the head of the stretch, but not pnough to call for judicial action. Dick Furber ran his race and bad no ezenses. The boy on Frangible made his run totscon. The race was always between the first three. Barrack, place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 3. Dick Furber, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Frangible, show, I to 2. Caviar, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. 1 Ql Of? FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. 1 O L Xj O 3-year-olda. Allowances. Ind Horses . A Wt St and K X Str Fin JockeyB Ownora O H L C 9638EVELYN BYRD 100 21 1 li 11 12 Nutt F C Moshier 8 8 3 4 13052 ANTIQUARY 110 41 414 4h 32 23 Gray James Curl 21 31 21 3 12968 NORA C. 100 3 33 3 21 321 Dupee WHFa-pett 10 20 10 20 131502CHEVAL DOR 110 11 22 21 4a 42 Rutter R H McPotter 3 3 2 11-5 13150 BAR ABB AS 105 51 6 6 56 5 BeaucbampW J Smith 3 4 3 41 12613 GLENRACE 102 6 5s 52 6 6 J Mathews C E Mahone 15 15 9 10 Time, 131, 26, 39i, 54, 1:071, 1:211. Winner Ch. f, by Perkin3 or Rowland Evelyn. Post 3 minutes. Start fair. Won hand ridden. It was a hard drive botween tho next thiee. Evelyn Byrd had the most speed of the party. She was the best and best ridden. Nutt hurried her to the front soon after the start and msde every post a winning one. Antiquary was slow to get going and seemed dull of speed. He about ran up to his notch, though. Nora C. performed well. She seemed to like the going. Cheval dOr got the best of the start but it did him no gcod. This horse is an in and outer. Barrabas can do tatter. Evelyn Byrd, place, 7 to 5: show. 3 to 5. Antiquary, place, evens; show, 1 to 2, Nora C, show. 2 to 1. Cheval dOr. place. 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. 1 Ql CkCi SIXTH RACK 1 Mile. Parse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL O JL J O 3-year-oldB and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St hi K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12965 CUIRA8SIER 3 97 4h 3" 2 1" 12 12 Nmt Morse and Pattersou3 4 3 4 13157 SUNBURST 7 112 5" 8 51 51121 21 Overton JECushing 8 12 8 12 13158 REFUGEE 6 113 6 52 6 61 61 32 Hamilton V M Leo 4 4 3 31 131603MRf EA8TON 4 110 7" 7 9 9 72 4 L Scott W W Clark 12 20 12 20 13118 JENNIE F. 4 105 3" 2 31 2 4" 56 BeauchampS S Bender 12 20 12 20 12373 VICE REGAL 6 111 2 1 1H 41 51 6" J Mathews W J Smith i 5 31 4 : : 1 - 1 1 I . 1 3 a . i 3 0 " - 1 ! i 13166 MUSKALONGE 6 112 1 4 8a 71 86 7i Dupee F M Arthur 4 5 4 5 13151 ELIDAD 4 110 9 9 4 3s 31 8 W Narvaes James Arthur 10 15 10 12 13029 PITFALL 7 109 81 6a 7" 811 9 9 Aker George Nelson 20 25 20 25 Time, 131, 27, 401, 51, 1:03, 1:24, 1:33, 1:52. Winnrr B c, by Bersan Kanette. Pest 32 minutes. Start good. Won easily: sacond with a bit in hand aftor an early drive. The others were doing their best. Nutts good Horsemanship as much as Cuirassiors ability wen the race. Durin tho loiig delay, while tho other horses were prancing around, Nutt took good care of Cuirassier and saved him from fatigue. Ho also picked the good going through tin entire route and nia his run at tin right time. Refugee c aused the delay at the poat. He ran his race there. Mr. Easton fioi3hed strong Elidad looked dangerous m the far turn, bat died away in the stretch. It was a bad lot and they were all very tired at tin finish. Scratched 13118 Moch, 110. Overweights Mr. Easton, 3 p. undj.-Cuirassier, place. 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Sunburst, place, 5 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Refugee, sho r, 3 to 5. Vice Regal, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899070701/drf1899070701_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1899070701_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800