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GOSSIP OF THE TURF. J The Harlem Jockey Club Will contiaue start- i ing its first ra-ie of the day at 2:30 oclock at the i cotni g fortn gltly moo ing, slchoueh at the : nxt meeting September 18-3J the shorter : afternoon will prub by compel a changa to 2 oclock. For convenience of horsemen at tbe Hawthorne track a representative nf the Harlem Jockey Ulub will be at the Cicnro courle tomorrow until 10 oclock to take entries for tbe rac-s opening at Harlem. Six ra es are cn the card for Monday, the sppcial f aure beiog tbe event for four-yer-olds and upward f r an extra pur se of SjOO. the distance bein one and one-sixteenth miles. Colonel Cassidy will appeal to tbe courts and bis attorneys say that the developments Will be. sensational. A peculiar point is raised in that C lone Cassidy is a memb r of the club, ai d threatens to stand on his rights as a member, which give him enttaoce to the grounds at aDy time. He is har ily likely to attack the legality of the track bitting, as before he was disciplined bo stated that he would not think of resorting to such measures, though he had bean advised to. St. Louis Sporting News. When it was discovered that Willis Duff, or Duffy, was a ruled-off person and consequently not entitled to the trainers license be had secured, the incd nt was made the text for ill-advised and unwarranted criticism of what would be smart turf scribes were pleased to descnbi as loose imUods in the administration of American Turf Congress affairs. This has ld secretary Ed Hopper to make the following conclusive statement of the case: "About two weeks ago I received information from Chicago to tbe effect that Duff, who was handling the horses of W. Huffman, bad no right to a license. He bad been rul-d off in California, and never reinstated. I at once wrote to Captain J. H. Bees, the presiding judsre, to investigate! the matter, and the result was that Duff V license was revoked. Thats all there was to the case. Duff was ruld off at the old Bay Distiict track, whieh was in operation bef re the advent of the Oakland tr-cc. The Bay District track was not a member of th Turf Congress, aud, therefore, we were not officially advised of persons ruled of at that track I "Duff apo.isation for a license this year was propuly made out, with tbe necossa.y recom-mondaiiLni." I A Lexington, Ky., dispatch to tbe Enquirer says that Ed A. Tipton, of the Fdsig-Tipton Company, New York, purchased today from Turney Bros, of Paris, Ky , the tou-yjar-od bay mart Puritan Lass, by Sj nd thrift Phoebe j M yfijwor, by Phaeton. Puritan Lass is tue dam of Till , winner of the Suburban in 1898; also of The Burlingtou R u e. Shi is uow in ! foal to WaeU8. fch is to be sent with M id of Bulowa kjnrcuosoJ yaaierJay to E g-land Toe Fa U-Tiptou Company ban a commission from n English pontlem n for a dozen high-class young American-brad mares. j