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a ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. liODIS, MO., August 10. Eighty-fourth day. St. Louis Fair Association. Bummer Masting. earner clear; track fast. traaidiqg Jaaga , Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, William Biggs. flacing starts at 2:30 p. m. The recall flag is used. FIRST iiAUK 1.-4 fillies. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, Xt5 Ind HorseV" A Wt St Bt and K Si Btr Fin Jockeys Owners O H L. 140613ETIDORPHA 3 99 12 10 10 7 E 11 Dcminick G M Millor 6 8 5 7 H016 AMhR.EAGLE 5 IDS 2 51 51 5" 64 45 21 Lines T W Sumner 15 15 10 12 14061 GLEN GAbhR 3 96 3 2 2"" 21 22 21 .32 Bauch HL. and Co 20 50 20 40 14061 a. PRESTON 3 101 9 11 11 12 13 12 46 McUusky D M Lion 8-5 2 i 8-5 2i 14003 oCHL GlilL 4 107 10 11 11 8 7 7 52 IkicJojLt P Browning 6 8 6 8 14061 PA W NEE 6 111 1 12 12 9 8 8 62 Lowne CAAIdenon 12 15 12 15 1379i DOMESTIC 4 106 5 31 31 31 4i 61 72 Stevens M S Kio and Co 7 7 6 6 13757 CONNIE LEE 5 1U9 8 4b 4h 10 9 9 81 Southard J S Brannon 6 6 4 4 lb9tJ7 El, GHOR 3 98 11 61 61 4i 31 32 9 F Givens G V curiis 20 20 20 20 14063 GAGE 4 104 6 7 7 11 10 10 10 D Vi atoe M P Haltingly 60 1C0 60 100 14U10 baDiEARTHA3 91 7 8 8 12 11 11 11 Fruzee Palmer and Benson 60 1E0 60 1E0 13787 GLAD EYEa 5 109 4 9 9 612 12 12 W NtrvaezTE Nolan 15 15 15 15 13508 FUulNO 4 104 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Giimore ScntznalandMyr 10 100 40 100 Time, 251, 5l, 1:161, 1:43, 2:10. Winner B. c, by Patron Ethel. Post f minutes, atari g od. Won easily : Eecond and third driving. Etidorpha was much the best, tibe was off badi und had a rough journey. Hairy Preston was maae too much nte of ana tirea in tuus.retch. G.engandber showeu speed. Bchool Girt ciosed with greatest determination Americhn JSufcle ran and good rco. Overweights is.udoipha, 3pouuds; Harry Preston, 3; Domestic, 4; El Ghor, 2. Etiuorpha, piace, 24 to 1; bhow, 6 lo 5. American Eagle, p;aco, 5 to 1; sbow, 2 to 1. Glen-gaber, place, 15 to 1; show, 8 to 1. Harry Preston, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. m numoa A iu St Bt it Vt jand atr Jin JocKoyn owners o ix U 14096 J. BTEADMAN7 109 2 1" 1" 41 a 33 1 Lines R E Maddox 6 6 4. 4t l4l0aElTUUi.lN 4 110 4 63 63 6 63 42 21 boathard John Doyle 8-5 2i 8-5 2i 14066 BaBQUIL 5 112 6 41 41 3? 11 12 3i McJoyut XJincdale 7 8 6 8 141963 UARhjiE 4 x07 1 2 2s 2h 53 2" 4 bilmore T Sayeis 3 3 2i 2t 139?0iRANBoM 7 112 5 52 52 52 21 5 530 toacon O W Bardman 7 12 7 12 14U6dB.POWu.LL 6 119 3 7 7 7 7 7 63 Coiiins Wi.lis and Co 100 200 100 2u0 13871SIK J.ilBrR 4 107 7 31 3i 11 31 63 7 G Taylor C P Kennedy 10 20 10 12 14003 aiONT,DNiC04 110 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Nntt OJKunsandCo 7 8 7 8 Time, 25, 50i, 1:16, 1:43, 1:56. Winner Br, g, by Heretog Leila B, Post 7 minutes, atari good, n ou handily with the first four driving. Eitholin was the best but he was cut off bad got the worst of nil the bumping. Judge Staadmans race was a deemed improvement over hiB itcont form. Moutedonico broke down. Barbae was shut off at the half milo post Tne hard track stopped air Josoph Lister. There was a lot of rough riding in the race. Ransom andnu Baequii haa no excuses. Scratched 14106 Mr. Pip, 110; 14091 Elne, 107. Overne.ghts uansum, 3 puunds. Jauga ateaoman, place, 9 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Eitholin, place, evons; show, 2 to 5. Basquil, Bhow, bvenB. Barbae, piace. 4 to 5; snow, 2 to 5. J rjTHIUD UAUE 5 1J :Furiongs.Purse 0072.year-oldB. Handicap: ind norseB A Wt Bt 34 M BtrFin Jockeys Owners U li L C 130972CAPRON 113 3 43 3 35 11 Lines G C Bennett 2i 2i 9-5 2 1399 jIDBuW 112 1 2i 22 2" 2U Foucon C YaLSiuddiford2i 3 12-53 14064 ttilaa MAE DAY 109 4 la 1" is 38 Hmkey Stnbba Bros 2t 2 2 11-5 14064 EEUOftiPENoiS 100 2 31 45 43 4" tt Bmiih C VanStuduiford2 3 12-53 14006 V. OF MJSL.B URNE 103 6 7 7 7 5 Southard C C Mtffict 8 15 8 15 13874 oUE JOHN eON 102 7 61 5a 51 62 Cannon and Co 8 15 8 15 140x5 GUSTO 108 5 5k 64 63 74 Nmt H L Jones and Co 7 7 7 7 14102 MAY I GO 95 8 8 8 8 8 Dominick Hatcbett and Co 12 20 12 20 Coupiea in the bettiDg. Time, 24, 49, 1 :09. "Winder uh. c, by DoBeauvoir La SoreJa. Post 5 minnteo. atari good. Won hunady; second essily. Capionwas the best and ie.eivod perfect bandliug. Siabuw and Hits Mae Day were tired out contending in front. Recompense was not fast enough to stay with them. There was nothing to the race, but the first three. Duke of Melbourne got off all tangled up. bciatched 14062 Sir fci.zhogu, 101. Capron, pltce, 4 10 5; Bhow, 2 10 5. Bidbow, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Miss Mae Day, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. Recompense, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. FOUHTH HACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olda and upward. Handicap. jjJfc Int. JioieoH AWtStj Yt H. BtrFin Jockeys Owners O It L L. 14095 D1SER 3 92 2 52 24 l2 l2 J Ward HintonandEdwards7-5 7-5 9-101 1409a DIGGd 7 100 1 31 42 32 2 Nutc James Arthur 7 7 5 6 140943AL1NDA 4 90 5 11 14 23 32 Kaach T W Sumner 6 12 5 12 lltb32HAKRLS FLOYD 5 95 3 7 7 68 43 Fiazee C M Bairow 8 10 8 10 1409aTllli CHEMIaT 5 108 4 41 53 51 55 McJv.ynt J T Stewart andSon9-5 2 8-5 8-5 11094 MlaS VliUME 5 90 6 22 3 34 6 KaVanaughJ H Gray 30 40 30 40 14065 KEEFEK 4 90 7 6 6 7 7 Dommick R E Maddox 30 100 30 100 Time, 25, 50, 1:15. Winner Blk. f, by Troubadour Katie A. Post 12 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving Diser went to tho front when rtauy and made her titlct look cheap at the end. Diggs showed considerable improvement under good handdtjg. Saiiuoa was all out. The bard track was agaiust The chemists cnauces. He was kicaed in the shoulder while at the post. Miss Yerne pulled up lame. HurriB Fiojd came again after be.n tmowu out of it at the Mart. Scratched 13101 Cotton t lant, 99; 13900Lddas, 90; 14094 Good Hope, 90. Diter. place, 1 to 2; sbow, out. DiBga, place, 7 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Salinda, place, 3 to 1; show, jv Bus. The Chemist, place, 3 to 5 ; show, out. 1 i 1 ,lk FIFTH ttAUUi- 6 1-3 Furlongs 3-year-olds and upward. JL tab JL A J Autumn celling stakes. Value ,500; Ind. noraoB A Wt St 34 ft ii BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13958HARBY DDKE 7 101 2 1" 1" 11 13 13 R Smith LACella 2 21 9-5 2 14058MONiGUMERY 6 101 1 23 23 23 23 22 Moree W P Magrane 6 15 5 15 140653 U1BUAL.TAR 4 104 3 3 3" 43 45 33 Sunt Lard C C Marhtt 15 15 10 15 1379l--lNDOONET 4 104 6 6" 6" 7 63 44 C A Tulas 4 4 4 4 13323V.c.Bit! Y 4 113 7 7 7 63 52 5 McJoyut A Conn 6 8 5 8 HOTHEAD nATER 3 HO 5 52 52 3" 34 6" Nutt HLJocejandCo 7-5 8-5 7-5 8-5 14065 B. OF MEMPHIS 4 107 4 4h 4h 515 7 7 L.mes T J McHale 12 15 12 15 Time, 24, 48. l:14i, 1:21. Winner B. g, by Duke of Montrose Meinonul. Poit 23 minutes, atan struggling. Wou easily ; tecond tho same. Harry Duke was probably the bott, bu he got away vntu a runuing start ana soon raced Montgomery into submission. Hinuoonai had an the bard inck ot the rate. With an eveu or tan. 1.0 wouid have been a ketn contender. Gibraltar ian to his best form. Headwater and Verify got away budiy. Harry Duke, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Montgomery, place, 5 to 1; snow, 2 to 1. Gibraltar, show, 2 to 1. nmauunet, place, ev.ns; thow, 3 10 5. tleauwator, plhCe, 2 to 5; show, out. DlXin KdoJi; 1 aiile. Puree 30U. All ages. Allowances. jjjj Ind nuiBoa A Wt Bt k Yt BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H L TJ 14C643JDA LEDFORD 2 83 3 22 1 lt l2 1and Dominick George H Moore 3 4i 2i 4 14064Ai,loE-J.UnJNER 2 fc3 2 la 21 21 2t 21 Rauoh Keitn and Patton 6-5 7-511-105-5 14t20FEEttOi.L 4 108 4 430 450 450 450 32 Mor0e Rodeau and Co 5 5 34 4 140o4inlADlTZA 2 78 5 32 3 31 33 430 wuteon TNopper 2 2i 21 2i 8l4i C. B. cUsH 5 115 1 5 5 5 5 5 Lines R E Maddox 100 100 100 100 Time, 25J, 49r, 1:15, 1:41. Winner B. f, by Top Gallant Miss Courinby. Post 2 minutes. Start gouu. Won easily ; second and thiid driving. Ida Ledford is a good filly over a roUia with light weight up. Tnere was notnibg to it after ehe had raced A.icd Turner into submission. Triadnza received wietchtd handling, Ferroll rn her race. C. B. Bash was out of hm class. Scratched 14065 Alleviate, 103. Ida Ledforu, place, evens; snow, out. Alice Turner, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Ferroll, place, evens; show, out. Tiioduza. place, 7 t j 10; snow, out. a I I SEVEN 1H nAUlx l x-10 Jttiifcs7Purso 00. 3-year-olds and upward. XabJLOX Hanuicap. jna noises A Wt Bt ft Y M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 140662P1NOCHLE 4 98 6 4 4n 3 2 1" Raucu F W Holtgrewe 3 4 21 4 14066a.LaZa.ltUSEandQ 3 lo2 4 13 110 18 H v3 Domiuick F M Artuur 31 4 3 3 14008 ED FAftK.fc.LL 4 105 5 21 31 43 42 3 McJoyut W L Simmons 4 4 3 31 14066FOUGjiT NOi 4 lu3 3 33 2i 24 33 1 Lines W W D rden 5 8 5 8 137o7aIli HOLLA 4 114 2 6 6 6 58 515 Southard C C Maffilt 6 7 5 7 140962PAROLE DOR 5 102 1 5 51 5" 6 6 W Narvaez W Mulkey 31 16-53 16-5 Time, 8, 32, 57, 1:23, 1:49. Winr er B c, by Panique Mamie S, PoEt 3 minutes. Start good. "Won in a hard drive of two. Bam Lazarus Eeq. was probably the best, but he was made too much use of acd tiied at ihe end. At the weights Pincchle was th best cf the tl eis. Ed Fairell ran kindly end cloted strorg?y. Sir Rolla was asked to con cede too rruch weght. Parole dOr was bumped out of the raio on the fiiat turn. Scratch-d 14C013Osr c II., 106. Pinochle, plf ce. 6 to 5; thow, 3 to 5. Sam Lszarus Eeq., place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Ed Far. rell, show, 1 to 2. Parole dOr, place, 6 to 5; thow, 3 to 5 :