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i Place. 1 Scratch. This is onr recird for yoiterday. Now we can PROVE every word by the Postal Telegraph Oo. Rem-mber we havo 8PECIAL REPRESENTATIVES at every track wtier rsciug is going on. ho keep in CLOJE TOUjtf with the FORM of ad the horses; aLo leatetnber there ar over ten y-five races oach d iy to pick our GOOu TdlNGS from. Now roa sio why we are so successful Benr in mind wo do not give y ju a horse in EVERY race only a FEvVbEuEC-TIONS taken f m differ nt traoss which wo KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT OnrSPEUIALi t?OR aAlURDil will be at good odds and WILL WIN. Wo NEVER disappoint our customers. Bargain day Saturday .00. Regular tonus 510.00 for six ays selections. 60 PER CENT. winners guaranteed; bouu 2 cents for booklet GOLDEN GAIN explaining system free. The National Tarf Investment Co., Saite 605, 16? Dearborn St,, Chicago, 111.