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HARLEM FORM CHART. CBICAGO, 1I.L.., Cctober 16.-8ixtieth day. Harlem Jockey Clnb. Autiima Meatinr. Weather cloudy and showery; track fast first three races; gccd last three, bnt a trifle enppy. Presiding Jndge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Rneinir strt nt 2:15 n m pT 1 1 FIRS11 KACJS--6 l- Uur.onjrs. Parse 00. S75 to second; 5 to thira. OIOI 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. fad Horses A Wt Bt M, Vt U Btrffia JockoyB Owners OH L r 14201 LUfKY MONDAY4 112 1h 1 6 25 1 Mitchell R M Westerfield 10 12 10 10 15082 LOYAL ETTA 5 109 5" 25 1" li 22 J WinkfleldLeonurOandMorgan8 12 8 10 149982 BR1GB TIE 8. 4 109 6i 5h 4 3 32 Cnnley W F !-chnlte 3 5 3 5 15104 BORDUN 4 112 2 3W 31 42 4H T Bnrns J P Mayberry 6 8 6 8 14691 THERESA H. 5 109 1C 10a 102 io 52 KerinB G B Havill 15 40 15 40 147873FRED BARK 6 112 12 112 m 112 6 Wilson JWMcKinleyandCo 15 40 15 40 14338IOH 8 109 13 41 i 55 6i Hi Flick Lamasnejr Bros 2 3 2 13-5 14747 JENNIE F. 4 109 7h 92 84 82 81 W Dean R S Bender 10 12 10 12 14681 J. H C 5 112 8" 71 72 9 9 Mclntyre J Moore and Co 8 8 6 7 14694 PAPA HARRY 4 109 14h 134 122 1211102 Sheooard H Cotton 30 60 30 60 151043 WOODRANGER 4 K9 17 14 93 132 Hi MrQaado M Jordan 8 10 8 8 14861 ISEN 4 109 16" 153 142 14 123 L Boss T CostpRo 10 15 10 15 15082 f ZAPOWITZ 5 112 3 121 15 7113 Rfgby J S OBrien 12 20 12 20 14998 PLYMOUTH 4 112 4 82131153 J42 Ralph H Robinson 15 40 15 30 149683BONNIE IONE 4 109 J 165 16 162 15 I Powrll F J Stores 20 30 20 30 1478 1NUENDO 4 109 15 P 61 52 16U A Booker J N Hathaway 15 30 15 30 14791 HON D LAND 6 112 11 17 17 17 17 C Hicks M Monro 30 100 30 100 15082 GLEN MOYNE 8 109 Left at the cost. M VVtber J H Smith 30 60 30 60 Time. 12, 231, 482, 1:14, 1 :21. Winner Br. c. by Ute Chief Irish Molie. Post 5 minutes. Start good consh ericg the unwif lriy field. The first two were driving hrd. Lucky Mondey was most fortunate ana after getting a flying start rao a good race for him. The eariy pace wss fast and both Lucky Monday and Lojaletta were staggering at the finish. The latter bs d as mnch speed as nsnal and had she beea 1 1 all game sbe would have won. Winkfleld rode her well. Brightio S. finished stoutly. Iola was away in a jam and bad bad racing lack throughout. J. H. C. seemed a trifle sore s nd had no speed. Borden had no excuses. Theresa H. came from a long way back in the stretch Scratched 14938 Inverary II., 1C9; 14791 The Plotocrat, 112. Lurky Monday, plce, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Loyaletta, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Brigbtie S., bLow. 6TODS Iola, place, eveps; show, 1 to 2. "1 Kl QO SECOND SACK 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to thira. .A. tJ X. O and 2-year-olds Allowance. Ind Horses A Wt Ht j y3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O U L C 118U21U LKDFOKD 100 3 31 3l 5 124 1 Burns Brannoi and Moore6-5 7-5 6-5 7-5 149S9 GTJS-IE FAY 95 41 22 12 1 20 Drmiaick J W ONeall and Co4 4 4 4 15030 SATAN 1C0 6 53 51 5U 3 Mitchell James Cnrl 15 15 12 12 15027 EMMA M. 95 71 1 22 22 Soatnn H A Cottrn 15 20 15 15 1527 FLORNCE ANETIA95 8 9 72 75 5U McQaade James B Gray 20 30 20 30 151023TOM GILMORE 98 9a 102 81 63 6s Tnlly J H Smith 12 20 12 20 H030 MONT EAGLE lC9illa 8" 91 92 7 NT mpkinsA Simons 20 60 .20 60 1556 MAUD WALLACE 95 5a 61102 10 82 Flick Keith and Patton 4 7 4 7 151022MAN OF HONOR 98 la 41618 910 Trotter George Knenker 10 15 10 15 1306 Hi JAY 95 12 11 113 112 102 A Booker Gardrer and Sibley 50 100 50 100 14859 IN LOOK 103 2 75 41 43 116 L Roso CVolini 15 20 15 20 15102 LADY CU 2 ZON 95 10" 12 12 12 12 Paretto J S OBrien 12 40 12 40 Time. 12, 24. 36,481, l:00i. Wjnrer B. f. by Top Gallant Miss Courtney. Post. a minute Siart koou. Won efiandi-y at the end after an early drive; sccoEd hand ridden; third, fourth and filth driving to the limit Ida Ledfrrd is a nice filly and won in a hich clas3 way. When Burns culled enter at the hesd of ilio strerh she responded gamely. Gus6ie Fay lost a lot of ground on ail the turns. She is a f st filly but not a stayer. Satsn hnishtd with a sharp rnsh. Emma M. showed a keen turn f speed for half a mile and then quit badly. Florenc Aneia rtn a good race. The route was not far enough for Tom Gilmore. Mcnt Eagle was off poorly. fccratcbed l9033Morris Volmor, 93; 14697 Niverna, 95; 14997 Brampton, 95. Overweiehts Inlook, 5 i onnds; Mont Eagle. 4. Ida Lecford, place. 1 to 2: show. out. Gnssie Fay, plsce, 3to2;show, 2to5. Satan, show.2i tol 1 K1 OQ THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse J500. 5 to second ; 5 to third. .1 Q L Q rj All Agea. Allowances. Ind florsea A Wt St M Vi StrFin JockeyB Owners O E L 150S62ST REAMER 3 99 5i 42 35 36 H 1 T Burns J W Schorr and Son 6-5 glTando 3-2 1S057 KGS HIGHWAY 4 103 la 5 55 4222 25 Kitchell Mrs R Bradley 15 25 15 25 15r29J BENNEVILTK 4 111 3 22 23 21 31 3 W Dean J H Smith 9-5 11-59-5 11-5 150O22ALICE TURNER 2 79 ii 1 l li 410 41 Dominick Ki:h and Patton 5 5 4 4 15057BISHOP REED 5 106 2n 3 41 51 512 524 Conloy P M Civill 5 15 5 15 14972 EIN 5 103 6 6 6 6 6 6 McQuade H McCarren Jr 15 20 15 20 Time. 24i, 50, 1 :02, 1 :14i, 1 :40, 1 :46f . Winter Br. c, by Top Gallant Kiciy Gunn. Off at the first break to a gcod start. Won handily; recond and third easily. Streamer has improved with each of his last three starts and ran a smashing good rac. Burns placed him nicely, end hen celled upon the colt went to the front like a flash. Kings Highway came to life with b start again. Ho is one of the acrobats of the track. The gelaing seemed to bo ontclessed hero, bnt he ren a fine race. Benneville hardly ran up to his recent mark. Alico Turner was raced into submission by Benneville the first three-quartet s. Bishop Reed and Ein seemed to be outclassed Scratched 14774Micror cope, 77; 14942 Jackacapes, 1C3. Overweights Streamer, 2 pounds. Strramer, place, 1 to 2; thow, out. Kings Highway, place, 8 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Benneville, place. 7 o 10; show, out. 1 Kl JJ FOURTH HAWS 1 1-8 Mile.-. PurBe 00. 5 to second; 5 to third" lt 1 Ota: 3-year-olda and npward. belling. Ind Horses A Wt St Bt Vi hi StrFin JockeyB Owners O H Ii C 15f85.JlMP 3 105 4 4 56 56 4i 22 lsi Oonley H Robinson 5 6 4 4 149721EINSTEIN 4 98 3" 3i 2i 22 1 13 22 Dominick Earnshaw Bros 5 6 4 51 150572 TAPPAN 5 111 1 2i 32 3 33 32 32 T Burns E Dinfley and Co 2 3 2 3 15C8I3BARATARIA 4 100 2" 53 4a 4a 56 5 4 Mitchell W P. Fessenden 3 3 2 13-5 15084 EGBART 8 106 5i la 11 l 22 41 51 McQoade G W Poole 6 8 6 8 14926 INTRIGUER 5 100 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 W Wilson J M. Mathowson 20 30 20 20 15085 BGHT NIG HT3 92 6 62 65 7 7 7 7 J Waldo J H Smith 50 50 30 50 Time, 12, 2Z. J. 1 :C2i. 1:15, 1:42, 1:55. Winner Ch. c, by Donatello Lady RosslDgton. Off at first break to a good start. Won after n hard hand drive. The others were doing their bett. Jimp, givicg away a lot of weight, ran an f xtra good race. He was well ridden and could have won farther 1 ff. Einstein If oked to be winning at lh head of the stretch Here Dominick tried to us his whip afcd in doing so drorpod the geldings head. Then he naturally flonncered badly. Dominick is a midget end should not be given a whip. He does well to stick on a torso and as far s his ftrcngth gre is a clever youngster. Tappn does not run as well as he aid when J. H. Smith bad him. Barataria took tie long route. Egbert had a lot of speed but conld not carry it far. The others wore outclassed. Scratched U746Elicad. 101; 14880 Hanlight. 89; 15107 Tony Honing, 101; 1C057 Vincpnnes, 94: 150.r8 Hosi, 98; 14942 Little Singer, 103; 14550 Teutons, 97; 14773George L6e, 103; 150S52Mr. Johneon, 101. Jimp, plc, 8 to 5; show, 4to 5. Einstein, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Tappan, show, I to 2. Barntariw. place, evfns; abo, 1 to 2. Tj fr 1 1? K FIFTH RACK 1 Mile Purse 00. S75 to second ; S25 to third. X O JL O y 3-voar-oldn anduownrd Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St and 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners O H L J 150352pEKlvli 5 109 5" 2- 2 22 li H oDley W F Schulte 21 6 3 6 15086 MISTRAL II. 5 112 3 42 3" 31 3J 2i Hamilton Earnshaw Bros 4 6 4 6 15055SD TIPTON 3 103 2a 1213 1 22 3 T Bums WHMayand8cn 6-5 6-5 1 1 150863MORONI 4 112 4 3 410 415 42 4l0McQuaro JamfS Arthur 41 4 4 4i 146962MONONGAH 3 1C0 la 7 7 66 52 58 H Plte rsonM L Kuntz and Co 20 25 20 25 14968 DKPEND1NG 4 101 6 6J 5" 5" 66 612 I Powell E M Bergen 30 50 30 50 14632 SKIN K 4 102 7 5U 6" 7 7 7 Berriman F Odom and Co 100 200 100 200 Time, 12i, 21i, 50, l:02i,l:15J, 1:42. Winnei B. g, by Argyle Peri. Oil at first break to a good start. Won mildly driven: second and third driving hard. Periwig is in bis best form now and rftn another good race. Ho liked the going, which was a trifle cuppy, and could havo gnne to the front at any time. Mistral II. lost a lot of ground on the far turn. Hamilton started through on th inside vith him, then changed his mind andnd pulled out and went around. Had the horse got through on tbo inndo he would have given Periwig a stout argcrnont. Ed Tiptcn had speed, but not as much as in his last race. He quit much earlier, too. j Mornni ran a fair rec and Mohongab a bad one. ! Scratct ed 11086 Espionage, 100; 15057 Sam Lszeras. Esq., 103; 150553Great Bond, 112. Overweights- Depending, 2 pounds. Periwig, place, 2 to 1; how, evens. Mistral II , place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Ed TiUon,place, 1 to 2; show, out. 1K1 9 SIXTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. fj X f J w 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt 8t H H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H Ii C 2E95NI 4,06 7 13 12i 13 16 18 Mitchell John Hnffmra 6-5 7-5 6-5 6-5 HfpAiOE 3 101 3 66 612 612 21 2 Flick N B Hall and Co 3 3 3 3 15082DIGGS 7 106 5 3 42 5 4 3 T Burns James Arhur 6 7 6 7 15031 3PRESTAR 4 1C6 6 5 52 32 32 4 JWinkfl8ldLennardandMoreaa6 6 5 5 HL8.?, PENNY 9 111 4i 42 8a 2U 52 56 W Daa HBGoodricbRec10 12 10 10 il?gZ 5 106 ZH 21 2k 4i 66 63 McQuade H McCarren Jr 20 25 20 25 150a5 WARREN POINT nn 6 105 14 7 7 7 7 7 R Narva ez Ira Glasscock 50 75 50 75 Time. 13, 26, 38, 50, 1:15, 1:29K Winner B. f, by Bncl master Pickup Post 5 mjnntfs. Startgood. Won pulling up; second just as easily ; third and fourth driv-lag hard. FoDnd outclassed her field and bad an easy rara. Sbo is an exceptionally fast filly that likes to run in front by herself. Canace ran her usual good honest race. Sho was badly rntrnn tho first part f it but in the la6t three furlongs made up ground raoldly. Diggs and Prestar hsd a battle royal for third place. BurnR ontrinished Winkfield and Diggs got the decision. Hugh Penny feems to be a "hesbeen." Atlty had some speed raly. rri Scratched 1528 H. S. Tobacco, 114; 150823Vio!et Persons, ... 1C6; 12760 Lucid, 106; w, I4903King Boimuda, 111; 14814 Miss Edwards, 101. Found, piece, 1 to 2: show, out. Canace, place, eveas; show, 2 to 5. Digga, show, evens.