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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, 11.1.., October 17. Sixty. first day. Harlem Jocksy Club. Autumn Meeting. Weather clear: track heavy. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Btartor. Richard Dwyor. Racing starts at 2:15 p.m. K 1 FlEaT liAUii 4 fcnrJonjra. Parse 00. S75 to second; 5 to thud. fj X O O 2-year-oda. Msidpns. All wancos. Ind Horaea A Wt St M Y and StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14766 HA K hit. A liU 1" lU 1U 12 1 Bnins J C Cabu 3 4 3 3 1554 OLEKMA 100 61 4 214 Domiuick V finches 10 12 10 12 116fc5 FARBIE 110 51 9 3H 3 W "Wilson J M MathewEon 40 100 40 1C0 14770 BEN CHANCE 110 84 82 tfil 4i Trotter W E Fredmsn 30 1C0 30 1C0 15C83 FAIR TEST 107 S" 112 i 54 Coaley MrsGFMrpj andCo 6 10 6 10 14997 TAWER 110 21 211 2i 61 KcTntyre Jamfs url 15 20 15 20 14997 GEO.ALEXANDER 115 114 121 7 IH J WinkfieldW B May and Son 30 40 30 40 14997 lhJt-H JEWEL 110 101 13 91 fe2 W Dean SCWtgner 6 6 41 14 15127 FANNIE LELAND ICO 9 15 12 2 LRrse T T Evans and Co 10 15 10 15 14997 ODEA 110 124 3113 104 MiQuads MorteandPatKsrson 6 7 5 6 15112 TUTBILL 113 13" 51 51 1U II bnields John acCaffery 20 40 20 40 14733 MISS FEE 107 14" 102114 123 I Powell E Shrehan 6 7 6 7 i:915 DONIZETTI 107 4 16 15 1324 Hamilton L fi Ezell 50 60 50 60 14922 "WINNEBEJOUR 107 151 14 16 142 Sheppard J D Lucas 12 10 12 30 148i63SOLACE 100 164 611132 K 2 Newrom J R Hand 6 8 6 8 14850 MAY I GO 100 17 17 17 162 Mitchell W fl WilliamEon 10 12 10 12 MI3S VALLERA 113 7" 71112117 BIofs SH Summers SO SO 10 10 Time. J2i, 25, 38, 52, 59. Winnor B. f, by Tho Bard Rica. Post 34 minutes. Start good. Won hand ridden; second, third and fourth driving. Barrica was the best. She waB also lucky in getting off well. The filly acted badly at the pest and was the mam cause of tho delay. Olekma looked dangerous about the eighth post, bnt at tha end hung a tnlle. Farrie made np a lot of ground after beng shut off on the far turn. Tab this filly for eat ly action in the mud. Fair Tost finished stontly on the inire. Tamer was much used duung ihe delay. He showed speed after getting awaj flying, but could not carry it far. ODsa k9"J?D1D? movod DP into a ff0d position on the far turn, but thon died away to nothing. Miss Vallera has worked faBt. She acted green at the post and did not seem bridle-wise. Scratched-14102 Carrie I., 110; 15C83 Mission, 103; 1420 Jeff, 103. Buries, plce. 6 to 5: show,3to5. Qlkmq. plnrp, 5 to 1: show,2itot. Farrio, show, 15 to 1 1 K "I SECOND RACE 1 Mile. Pnrae00. S75 to second ; 225 to third. JL fj fj tar 2 tear-olds. Allowances. Horses A Wt St Vt 5i StrFin JockeyB Ovmors O H L U Ml2vluTl.?KTiSNOR 102 l m m 16 14 H lj Boaa Goore Kneukor 5 9 5 8 ffi9iPUSH 19 3? 25 2, 28 25 2 T Burrs J W Schorr and Son 4-5 4-5 7-104-5 lo083 TEKLA 9i 5 33 321 34 Sh 35 Michell WFSehults a 9 5 9 1477?2HOODS RRIGADE102 24 5 48 4104124s MrQaade James Arthur 4 5 4 5 14960 TOMMY OBRIEN 1011 4" 4 515 520 Bis 512 I Powell H J Smith 10 15 10 15 14774 CHUMP 89 6 6 6 6 6 6 Borriman C Voliui 100 100 1C0 100 Time, 12, 25, 52, 1 :05i, 1 :20, 1 :47. Winner B. c, by 8iddnrtha Myriilla Off at Hrst break to a fair start. Won pnllod up; second and thrd driving. Man of Honor wasRt bornein the goirg and bad plenty of speed. Tnfs is the flist tim in numorons starts that tho colt has had a competent rider. Rose got away flying and won all the way The youDg-stor seprns to he a good one but is bdly handled. Th Ruth wao conceding too much weiphs in tho going His rBCB was up to the mark. Trkla finished stron. It took her some time to get on hr 6tr:de at the start nna thrnthe hsd a lot of ground to ma o up. This is all that kept her from b-mg tocond. Evidently McQuade, who rod Hoods Brigade, dil not think it a start and pulled the colt up. Tommy OBrien and Chump were outclassed. Overvf eights Tommy OBrien. 34 pounds; Tefcl,4 Man of Honor, place, 2 to 1; show. 4 to 5. The Raeh, place, out. Tekla, Ehow, erans. Hoods Brigade, place, evens; show, out. 1 K 1 K K THIRD RACE l 1-3 Allies. Purae 5400. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLU .tJtJ 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. nd HorseB A Wt St St j A BtrFin Jockeys .Ownera O H L C 151053 HOLDUP 3 92 14 Ui Vi U Ui H 13 J Waldo Mrs li Bradley 12 12 10 in 15105 DBL DUV1MY5 103 4 3 2211 211 24 2 Mite eli PriWe and Co 3 3 24 24 14942JACKNAPES4 109 2" 421 410 3 36 312 312 w Dean G F Murphy 3 3 3 V 151052GOO3S LIVR5 102 5 2" 3U 410 412 425 46 JWinkfieidE McCord 21 4 24 4 !f ?0.-T-,BL,E;Y7 99 74 62 720 64 62 54 58 Dominics Fo-terandBrnrn8eld7 10 7 10 ilSJirJSSS83 91 a 7i 54 54 5 63 64 M.Qaade Brannon and Mooro 15 20 15 20 149413GUN METAL 4 98 6" 5 6 725 730 712 712 PI ck S Robinton 15 20 15 15 14681 VICTORINE -4 103 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L Ro?e James KHealy 8 12 8 V Time, 13, 25, 521, 1:06, 1:20, l:4Si, 2 :C0. 2:14, 2:42. Winnor Ci. g, by Hanover Floroi ce M. Off at fiist break to a good start Won easily; second and third were driving; hard. Holdnp got away Hying and held the race safo all the way. He fauciod tho going and had by far the most Breed. Waldo rated bim cleverly in front and set a slow pace which suited tho gelding to perfection. Double Dnmrny had noexenses. He was well ridden, but simply did not have Bned enough to got within strikiDg distance of Holdnp. Jackanapes ran a good.h-nast race He labored in the going ana in the last twenty yards tire.n badly, otherwise he surely would have beaten Double Dommy for the place. Gnose Liver did well for abunt five furlongs and then went to pieces The others were strung out for a furloag. Scratched 151C5 Bert Davis, 98. Holdup, place, 4 to 1: show, 2 to 1. Donblo Dummy, place, ovons; show, 1 to 2. Jackananea. show. j4o5 Qnose Liver, place, 8 to 5; show, 7 to 10 1 1 l-S gPKTa RACE-1 aille. PnrsA 540S75to8HdT5"tolhira. 5 J i. ? 3 P 3-vnnr-oldB and nugrd Allnwtires. nd Horses A Wt at -a ?i Strain Jofkya Owner3 O H L C " 15086 ESPIONAGE 3 H 6 2 14 li 114 13 Ht c. Dey L H! Ezlt T 2 T 1EC53 HUB PRATHER 3 S8 8 64 62 61 73 214 Fogg John Arno 60 100 60 tm 15104 RUSKIN 4 97 3-22 2ii2il?,6 TB?rns BydnwBefc 5 6 5 6 14971 MARTHA FOX 3 95 Ink 3 3" 54 31 4hk Trotter LBwisandlltjlisterS 15 8 11 15085 P.THEFIDDLER3 99 6 .5- 52 4 41 52 Mitchell G Landrv 4 f 4 4 150573VOLANDIES 3 91 54 7U 75 73 62 63 McQuade HGynnandCo 2 2 2 5 15053 OWYHEE 3 91 9 4" 42 3" 53 710 8aton G F JlnrDhy 25 SO 2i ?0 148SO WORDSWORTH 5 1P8 74 82 84 812 gia 88 L Rose Mr H Morgan 12 20 1 0 12596 DR. MARKS 4 101 4 9 9 9 9 9 Domiuick J J Danovau 12 20 12 20 , , Time, 164, 25 394.521, 1:06. 1 :2i, 1:35, 1:481. dinner B. f. by r Inspector B San Maid. Off at first break to a. gooJ start. W -n easi y : nsxt four driving. E3pioaaso found the oft tracx to her liking and m it far outclassed her fMd. H ib Prathr ran a surprisingly good race He cimo from bobmd with a sharp rnsh through the scratch aud was fistcarching Ejnioaaga at the finish. Rukiri ran : fairly well. So did Martha Fox, who wis bidly intorfared with on the far turn. Pay tbe Fiddler ran a poor race. Volandies was a falsa favorifci and finished where ho belonged Owyhee had some snood. Dr. Marks was high in It sh and not fit to raca ,Jc"tcf,d Al318! 14971 Toba PdiDe. 106; 14938 Nover, 97; 14839 Mazie V..88: .. 00, 14450 Cabnlio, 115: 15058 Yuba Dam, 97. OverweighiB Espionage. 34 ponnd. Espionage, place, 6 to 5: show, 3 to 5. Ruskin, show, evens. Hub Prathor, place. 40 to L shaw, la to l.Paytiio Fiddlor, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Volandiea, plaoa. 1 ta 5; show, 2 to 5. 1 KTKi7 FIFTH "RACE3-TlHiir"PrIrie4075 to eocond; 525 to thirQ. JL tJ k. J I 3-year-oida and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt H BtrFin Jockays Owners 6 il L C 150563MONTGOMERY 6 101 2" 12 12 13 14 t Burns W P Magrane 5 u 1 15103 HERMOSO 4 101 6" 3 24 23 25 Conley A C Clark I I 6 7 14813 VERIFY 4 109 1 51 63 34 35 JWinkfieldA Cahn 21 3 24 3 15028 UNCA8 6 101 54 44 3 42 43 Flick J hn Brenock 15 30 15 fo 148133 JIM GORE II. 4 101 74 73 8 8 54 L Rose FT Wood 8 12 8 12 15136 FOUND 4 106 4" 2" 710 74 6k. Mitchell John Huffman 2 3 2 3 15028 MOCOHITO 4 101 31 6244146I 72, I Powell O P Bomigb 8 1 8 10 148013HAPSBURG 3 99 8 8 52 52 8 McQaade HMcCarrlnJr W 50 40 50 11959 LORD FAIRFAX 5 101 Lft at tho po. R Smith . J HTerrett and Co IS 30 15 25 , Time, 121, 24, 38, 521, 1:05, 1:17. m. Wiunor Ch. g, by Hanovor Bloasing. Off at first break. S:art fair. Wui eased up; second well in hind; third eased un Montgomery Tin a much improved racs and had as mach if noi ruon speid thm ho ever had The old gelding gat away well on his stride and was never fully exieadad. Herm iao ran a clever race. Ver fy bad no qarl spoed and ran below hia mirk Ha is an axtri gooi mud rumar and can do bettor tnon this. Fonnd oonid not run fast enough ,0 keap warm. Perhaps 103 u.ounds and a heavy track was too much for her. Mocorito will do better on a fait track. Do not count this race for her. ..o?catcb6dr"13103 HiJea,95: 15103 Frank Bell. 107; 142043Banish, 101; 150SlNelli Foaso 95-T??2?1: lE053 Zcato?.o.9d: 14133 Free Lady. 101; U837Btha nXibI; UI91 Pauline AaJI,a8 J.,93; 14731 Batry Thobnrn. 106; 14791 McAlbart, 101; 15103 Littla Jack Horner OB. Corrected weights Found, 106. , . M.mtgomery, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Hermoso, place, 3 to 1; show, 6 to 5. Verify, u.iiy, show snow, 1 to 2. Fonud. pl-ice. 6t"5: nho v. 1 to 2. 1P 1 SIXTHBACE 7-8 Mile Purse 00. 75 to second; 5 to third? J a tJ O 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. a tioraee A Wt St K j BtrFin Jockays Ownsra O H L C 14971 BROWN VAIL 3 HO 3j 1 2" 2 13 iis ij Murpuy W E Brasrleld -5 tin ro " 151063PAr GARRETT 3 18 5" 3 74 72 54 C M Weber J rTdmUh 10 15 10 5? 15085 UtlLER 3 100 6" 74 43 45 21 34 L Rose TKiley 7 7 f 15028 H. S TOBACCO 5 110 2t 61 31 3 1" 46 W Dean Leihand Jordan 8 lVr.2 150533 ANTIQUARY 3 105 41 2H 14 H 32 54 Mitchell James Curl I 10 B in 14788 DAalOCLES 6 109 I" fins- 56 66 pi C-nley PMOivm 6 6 5 14819 JESSIE JARBOE 3 104 91 91 101 91 92 71 McQuade rlU.C rrenJr SO SO 20 In 149412ROLLINS 5 107 12 12 62 61 71 82 W G and PZa.hlke Co 3D 30 0 W n3ArVv2AEE 2;S-41? W 13 12 12 92 RNrvaez Sweet and Co 10 15 W-15 146a0 TEUTONS 3 105 14 14 14 13 13 101 I Powell H J Smith 0 30 0 90 14247 MAMIE LOU 4 109 U" 111 112 1I2 m U2J RiBby W Gate el M 40 20 40 15085 HEROICS . 3 102 8i 8i 91 101 101 123 JWi. kfioldT Costello 15 25 15 25 151052EIGRT BELLS 4 109 7 41 84 82 81 132 Dominick MSHughesandCo 0 20 15 15 fflSfST4N 3 96 10- 10k 13 14 14 142 W Jones Mrs M E Schwabs 20 $ 20 50 laOld BIM W. 6 11116 J6 16 16 15 152 T Bnrns V, McCofd 3 G R 7012 B. ROBERTSON 3 106 15 15 15 15 16 16 Hamilton P H Keegao SO 50 30 0 15057 DEBRIDE 5 105 17 17 17 17 17 17 Shepparrf KJ Murphy ?0 50 30 50 , , Tine. 25, 51, 1:041, 1:18, 1:321. Winner Br. f, by Chatham Blno Vail. PosUO minutes Staitfair. Won well in hand; Fecnnd cleverly. Third and fourth driving. Brpwn Vil v as lucky, hod a clear courto and ran a good race Sho seemed at homo in the soft ??,LRY Pa Qa"ett had bad lock thruughont and this taken into consideration ran a bettsr race brn Uhorlnok;1.daneerousou the stretch band bnt v.ent to piecas under presaure! f 0li- S. Tob .ceo got into a b-ro gam at tno Mart and alni st feU rtovu. Tho same fate bofrll Damocles. Both weio on tha insidn aud wora lncky not to fati. Antiquary had plenty of speed bnt quit early. Sim W. had ro chauco from where he gnt away. 1 y FomiyuKmAsuA 15106 R0"0rdam 1125 938Dagmar, 102; 13990Ame!ia Overweights Pat Garrett. 2 pounds. Brown Vail, plaeo.0 to 1; show, 8 ol. Pat Garrett, place, 6 to 1; show. 3 to 1. Uhler unier, show, evens. H. S. Tobacco, place, evens; show, 1 to 2.