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NOTES OF THIS TUBF. The stewards of tbe Jockey Club have chosen the Gray starting machine for use in starting the two-yer-olds at Newmarket Heath next yaar. The club does not limit other couraeB under its jurisdiction to the use of the Gray machine, but allows them to choose either the Kenny, Johnstone and Gleason or Carrandini gates if such should ba their preference. All the horse3 in the stable of W. H. Laude-man, with the exception of Onomastus and one other, which have recently been fired, will ba 1 taken by Trainer Albert Franklin to Memphis to winter and be got ready for next seasons campaign. The two that have been fired will be taken to Lexington and turned out, Mondays New Orleans Picayune says: "The entries to the twenty-two stakes of the meeting closed Saturday night, and up to date Mr. Clark has received 1136 nominations ; sixty-five of this number are in the Derby, and among the number are several of the bast known horses in the country." George C. Bennetts two-year-old Siboney died recently at Bowling Green, Ky en route from Chicago to Memphis Siboney waa a biy colt by Quicklime Monta Robb, the dam cf that crack racemare Marquise. R. Bain, Chicago The Unknown baa starred in but three raos. . 1 i : 3 f . ,