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OAKLAND FORM CHART. ! OAKLAND, CAI November 29 Forty-flfth day. California Jockey Club. Fall Maet- ing. Weather cloudy ; track muddy. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, J. B. Ferguson. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. FIRST HACK 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-oldB and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St and H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 154UMAGDALENE3 3 104 3 11 11 11 12 T Burns S P Tate 21 2t 8-5 8-5 158531ALASKA 4 109 8 82 6i 41 2a Conley J 6 Gibson 8 12 8 12 15390 LADY HELOI3E 5 109 5 23 2 25 32 Vititoe Thomas and Co 5 7 5 7 15902 I DONT KNOW 10 109 6 52 51 7 4a Henry DemingandCaldw1115 15 12 15 15876 JIM BROWNELL 4 109 2 41 4a 51 51 J Ranch J L Crooks 40 50 40 50 15902 SKIRMISH 4 11110 10 10 10 61 L Turner B F Hobart 30 50 30 50 3408ST. CUTHBERT 4 109 2 31 31 32 72 E Jones H E Rowell 8 8 6 6 15503 STRONGOLI 3 104 9 9 7 6a 86 E Ross Cambridge StablelO 15 10 15 15877 ALEXANDER 3 107 11 11 11 11 91 T Walsh M Coffey 30 100 30 100 158792SILVER MAID 5 109 4 7 8 9 105 J Weber ThpanandHgrmn 30 50 30 50 15484 CHIHUAHUA 4 111 1 6 9 8 11 Thorpe H E Whitman 3 31 3 31 Time, 131, 361, 501, 1:03. Winner Ch. f, by Emperor of Norfolk Eapirito Santo. a Post 10 minutes. Start good. Won easily : second driving. Magdalenes was best, liked tha fping and ran more gamely than usual. Alaska mad up a lot of ground and finished fast. Lady Leloiee showed great speed but stopped in the last furlong. St. Cuthberfc did well to the homestretch and will ns to watch. Chihuahua ran a disgraceful race. Scratched 15914 Mafada, 112. Overweights 8kirmish. 2 pounds: Chihuahua, 2. Magdalenes, place, 7 to 10; show, 1 to 3. Alaska, place, 4 to 1; Bhow, 2 to 1. LadyHeloise, Bhow, evens. Chihuahua, place. 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. K Q A Ci SECOND BACE-Futurlty Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile,-Pursea6; J-OytJbO 2-year-olds. Belling. nd Horses A Wt St H, K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L O 15406MI3S MADELINE 97 4 2a 4a 32 la J Rauch S P Tate 6 8 6 6 15839 GIRO 100 2 1 15 12 21 J Martin J N Burk 3 41 3 41 158392ABORIGINE 101 1 52 32 41 32 T Burns Smith and Abrams 7-5 8-5 6-5 7-5 1578 RACETTO 101 3 61 6 6 42 Vititoe I W ORourke 8 8 6 8 15499 SEN SEN 97 6 81 2a 2a 55 Givena J N Miller and Co 8 8 6 6 15877 FINE SHOT 100 7 4a 53 53 6 Phelan B Schreiber 8 10 6 10 15433 HALIFAX 97 8 7 7 7 7 H Brown H C Ahlers 30 100 30 100 11955 JULETTO 103 5 Pulled up. E Ross J Hutchison 12 20 12 20 Time, 22i, 471,1:04,1 :14i. Winner Ch. f, by Rio Bravo Cinderella. Post 4 minutes. Start good. The first three finished in a hard drive. Miss Madeline finished fast and ran a game race. Giro weakened a little just at the end. Aborigine finished strongly and would have won had the race been fifty yards further. Sen Sen was weakly handled. Racetto closed etuidily through the stretch. Scratched-15360Gundava, 105; 15687 Gold Finder, 97. Miss Madeline, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Giro, place, 7 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Aborigine, show. 3 toJO. JIQT-THIRDnaACEJ 3T5lile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horsea A Wt St and V StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L O 158803JERID 3 105 4 2a 12 i z Vititoe J H Shielda 4-5 4-5 7-1045 15875 EARL ISLINGTN3 105 3 41 22 22 2 E Ross Holman and Hollia 8 12 8 12 15344 LOrJT GIRL 5 111 1 32 42 31 33 Thorpe E G McConnell 8 8 8 8 158412MONROVIA 9 107 5 la 31 4 4 E Jonea ABSpreckels 21 21 2 11-5 15500 ORAIBEE 3 102 7 7 7 51 5a Postel P Hildreth 20 50 20 50 12059 ROMANY 3 110 2 5 6 61 61 M Bergen J Givena 50 100 50 100 15727 TERRENE 3 102 6 68 51 7 7 Heinson G F Murphy 25 60 25 69 Time, 251, 51, 1:04, 1:171. Winner Ch. c, by Sabine Fedalma. Post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; the next two were driving. Jerid reveled in the going and was much the beat and romped in. Earl Islington ran well, but barely lasted long enough to finish second. Lost Girl closed strongly. Monrovia quit badly when challenged. Loving Cup went lame in her preliminary and was excused and a new book made, Scratched 15023 Loving Cup, 109; 15746 Aluminum, 107; 14781 Good Hope, 102. Overweights Lost Girl, 4 pounds. Jerid, place, out. Earl Islington, place, 3 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Lost Girl, show, 4 to 5. Mon- rovia, place, 1 to 2; show, out. 1 PTAI Q FOURTH RACK futurity Course. 1170 feet leas than 3-4 mile. PurBS 50. 1041:0 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 34 V4 Str Fin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 15839 AN J OU 110 1 12 12 12 12 E Jones W B Jennings 8-5 2 8-5 9-5 1542UTHE LADY 103 6 51 56 510 2a Vititoe L H Ezall 10 20 6 6 15860DUOKOY 102 2 23 23 25 31 T Burns BurnsandWaterhse4-5 1 4-5 1 15898 MANDAMUS 97 3 42 42 41 410 J Martin Mrs E J SchwartzlO 15 10 J5 15913TIZONA 97 4 36 35 Si 5 Phelan Partington Bros 12 0 12 20 15839 CHOTEAU 100 5 6 6 6 6 C Wilson E Hubbsll 15 30 15 30 Time, 22, 47, 1:031, 1:131. Winner B. c. by St. Andrew Jude. Post 2 minutes. Btart poor. Won easily; second driving. Anjou outclassed hi3 opposition and ran under restraint all the way. Ha is a good colt. The Lady ran a great race from a poor start. Duckoys rider pulled him up in the last sixteenth and was suapended ten days for throwing away second placa. Duokoy was lame before and after the race. Anjou, place, 3 to 5; show, out. The Lady, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Duckoy, place, 3 to 10; show, out. - g" f A f FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. JL O if tir j Allowances. - - Ind Horsea AWt St St H Y and BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H L C 15854 L. MEDAN03 3 91 4 32 1 11 11 21 1 J Martin E J Baldwin 3-2 9-5 8-2 9-5 1590C3SATSUMA 7.107 3 2a 3a 4 32 la 23 E Jonea H E Rowell 2 21 2 11-5 15G92DR. 8HPARD5 112 2 It 21 21 2" 3 3" Thorpe Burnsand Waterhse 2 2 8-5 2 1539233NIP3 4 97 14 4 31 4 4 4 Phelan J S Gibson 15 2o 15 25 Time, 7, 32i, 59, 1 :28, 1 :451, 1 :52. Winner Br. c, by Chesterfleld-Janoya. . Post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Los Medanos received flrst-claBB handling and ran a good race finishing straight and true. Satnuma faltered momentarily in tha stretch and could not afterwards get up. Dr. Sheppard did iiot show his usual speed andrau b0lLos Medanos, place, 9 to 20; show, out. Satsuma, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Dr. Sheppard, place, 1 to 2; show, out. . SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward, SeUing. JlCPjQ Ind Horses A Wt Bt M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 15771 MOCORITO 4 107 4 21 12 11 12 Pnelan O P Romigh 8 12 8 12 158613ALLEVIATE 4 111 2 51 51 31 2 Conley W F Schulte 5 8 5.8, f 15878 WHITCOMB 5 107 1 11 21 23 32 E Jones H E Rowell 5 5 3 31 15858 MISTRAL II. 5 112 3 61 61 61 42 L Turner Earnshaw Bros 20 50 20 50 li902RECREATION 4 107 7 7 41 51 51 T Burns BnrnsandWaterhae2 2 9-5 9-5 159023KTTAH. 5 107 5 41 31 4 62 E Boas EE Edwards 3 4 21 4 1 15876 1 M. FERGUSON 3 102 6 31 7 7 7 Vititoe T G Ferguson 5 7 5 6 Time, 251, 50, 1 :03, 1 :161. Winner Ch. f, by Amiero Santa Monica. . . . Post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won handily; Becond driving. Mocorito liked the going and ran a good race, much in contrast with her recent efforts. Alleviate improved greatly and should win soon. Whitcomb hardly showed his usual spaed, but did his beat. Mistral II. closed very fast through the Btretch and is about ready. Recreation ran a bad race. Jfitta H, and MaBcrched-15 15932 Tullamore, 107; 15914 Sister Alice, 107; 1571Mocorito0,7place, 4 to 1; show, 2T0 1. Alleviate, place, 3 to 1; show, 7 to 5. Whitcomb, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. Recreation, place, 3 to 5 ; sho w. 3 to 10. Etta H., place, 8 to o : show. 4 to 5.