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OCTOBER AND OTHER FORM BOOKS. October books of Form Charts in paper and leather covers are on sale. They contain all the Form Charts of all tracks from October 1 to October 31 inclusive. Price, paper cover, ; soft morocco, -50. The editions of both aro limited. There are five morocco-covered volumes of charts from January 1 to June 30 inclusive on sale at 0. the AMERICAN HANDICAPPERS The bsst of reliable information by wire from our agents at San Francisco and New Orleans daily. We" guarantee two winners or money refunded. Price 50 cents. Our good things yesterday were: New Orleans, Mizpah, Jolly Roger, Cleora. Oakland. Yellow Tail, Rosor-monde, Morinel. Remember no guess work. All horses figured by experts. Address all communications to J. V. EEYNOLDS, Room 78, I -J 5 Clark Street. Virgie O., place, 5 to 1. Grandeur, 2 to 1. Queen of Song, 4 to 1. These good things wired to our clients yesterday. Today at New Orleans something fine at 8 to 1 and Saturday at Oakland a 10 to 1 shot and our representative wires its a sure thing. To show the public our superior ability in thia line we have reduced our price for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY to .00 for both days. Wired xnywbere by 10 a. m. REMEMBER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR .00. Chicago Turf Advisory Co.. Boom 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 2Winoers Daily2 AT NEW ORLEANS OR WE WILL REFUND HONEY. TBIADITZA, 8 TO 1, Was our good thing at New Orleans Thursday. Saturday we have one at 10 to 1 that is just aa good aa Triaditza. Our handicap ready at 9 a.m. Telegraphed anywhere at 9 a.m. .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Winter or Summer. One trial will convince the most skeptical that we have more winners than all turf companies combined. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU, SUITE 500, 263 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO, ILL. YOUOUGHTTOUSE Our information if you play tha races. Oar service is the best. We give you our selections on EVERY RACE that is being run at ALL THE TRACKS together with a FEW SPECIALS, as yon know there are ALWAY8 a few SOFT 3POT8 among all races, which enablo you to win BIG MONEY before the day ends if you FOLLOW THESE SPECIALS. 0 00 for six days service. Information ready by 11 a.m. National Turl Investment Go,, SUITE 605. 167 DEARBORN ST.. COR. MONROE, CHICAGO, ILL