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LIST OF LICENSED JOCKEYS. The following named persons have been granted Jockey licenses for the year 1899: A. Adams, Joseph, Aker, Charles, B. Burrls, C. N., Ball, Frank, Bedenbender, Ed., Broschart, Joseph, Butler, Henry, Bradford, J. Jr., Brendle, John, Bisping. T., Brown, Lee, Bums, Robert, BurreU, Peter, Barnes, W., BalUnger, Avery, Britton, T. M., Booker, Charles, Bloss, W.. Boland, J., Brophy, Bichard, Brown, J., Burns, Thomas, Bnllman, J. J.. . Boyd, J., Beauchamp, William, Bassinger, Irving, Bennett, FT, Bozeman, James, Brown, Jamea, C. Carter, J. J., Caddy, Harry, Carter, W. A., Cogswell, Spencer, Crutchville, William, Castro, Q., Connelly, James, Conley, Jesse, CMidy, Boy, Caywood, W Clay, Peter, Clerico, John, Cairns, Bobert, Cowman, Frank, Combs, C. Crowhurst, Bichard, Coylie, John, Cummings, W. H., Cunningham, John, Cooper, Siney, Coburn, William, Clark, John, Cole, Charles C, D. Dominick, Eddie, Dorsey, Arthur, DoweU, Joseph, Duffy, J. B., Dunn, M., DupeeJames, Dingley, W. P., Dean, W., Daly, J., Dugan,John, Doano, F. S., DaUy, Frank, Devin, F., E. Everett, J. H., Easley, Tom, Ellison, George, Ellis, E., Eggerson, Arthur, F. Franklin, B., Freeman, J. H., Fogg, Ira, Frazee.J. A., Frost, W., Flick, Bobert, Foucon, E., Frawley, George, Flick, G. F., G. Givens, Frank, . Gormley, James, Givens, Fred, Graham, Charles, Gilmore, B. J., Gisbourne, F., Gray, L., Gray, C. B., Guiners, M., Gatewood, John, Gordon, J., Glover, Thomas F., Grantland, Henderson, W. Gleason, H. Hogan, W., Hall, Louis, Harris, Kento, Hart, Jesse, Hayes, Hugh, Howell, Hugh, Hill, T., Hill, J., Harris, J., Hill, Nathan, Hicks, John, Hiram, Frank, Henson, Sam, Hamilton, Anthony, Higgins, J. J., Hennessy, Michael, Harshberger, J. W., Higgins, E. T., HothersaQ, J. W., Holden, George, Henry, David, Halm, J.. Hoyt, L. G., HouckCharles, Hendricks, E. C, Head, Bichard, Huffman, J. W., Harrington, Daniel, Hinkey, F. T., Hicks, Jasper, Hopkins, Michael, Hanna, Bobert, Hall, M.; , Huston, F., Holmes, W., Irvin, J. H., Irven, J. E J. Jones, Willie, Johnaon.C, Johnson, S., Jordan, Philip, James, Elmer, Jackson, Lee, Jones, Eddie, Jenkins, Clem, Jones, B. D., K. Enapp, B., Kane, Tony, Eeenan. Joseph, . Eendrick, W., Kidd, Charles, Kelly, J.. Eitley,T.. Euhn, Charles, Kiley, Walter, Kerin, Joseph, Kelly, Michael, Kenney, Mike, Knight, T., EeUy, A., L. LouUierJ., Lew, Charles, Landry, F., Lamley, John, Lawless, Frank, Lendrum, B. G., Lines, C, Lynch, John, Littlefield, F., Lenhart, Charles, Lowe, C. M., Livermore, Joseph, Lambertson, S. M., Lloyd, E., M. Martin, W. H., Morgan, Kelly, Murphy, Tim, Mattier, Louis, MackUn, C, Maher, Daniel, Mason, B. J., Myers, James, Michaels, M., Mitchell, C, Moody, Thomas, Mooney, W., Morris, William, Murphy, T., McCafferty, J. J., McCann, James, McKinney, Thomas, McKeand, Elmer, McLouden. H., Murphy, C., Morrison, Albert, Melton, C. N., Mayberry, Hal., McDowell, Charles, Mclntyre, ., Martin, W., Matthews, Jesse, Martin, Henry, Morris, Thomas, Montgomery, C., Murphy, P., Martin, O., Morse, Q. E., McQuade, John, Mclntyre, C. J., Morrison, John, McClusky, G. A., Morris, Emanuel, Morrissey, Daniel, McHugh, T., Mills, Willie, Mounce, O., Meagher. P., N. Narvaez, W., Narvaez, B., Nutt, William, Neal, G., Newcom, J. W., O. Overton, W. F., OBrien, Lawrence, Odom, George, OLeary, Frank, , OConnor, W., P. Patton, George, Patterson, H., Pierce, George, Penn, William, Peterman, S., Porretto, Albert, Porter, V., Powers, Thomas, PoweU, I., Piggott, Joseph, Paget, B., Power, James, Quinn, Jo, B. Butter, Frank, Eebo, B. My Bietz, Alexander, Bigby, W. J., Bigby, B., Boss, E., Beiff , J., Bomero, Bafael, Bymal,Harry, Boyce, Everett, Biley, C. B., Bose, L., Bold.Othy, Boullier, O. Bauch, J Bathbone, H. B., Bay, Is., Robinson, Charles, Bichards, Charles, Robertson, E., 8. Shaw, William, Stewart. W., Silvers, B. Shore, W. A., Shannon, Mike, Sherer, Edward, Sweeney, W. H., Scovill, F., Sutherland, H., Seaton, Hezekiah, Slack, John, Songer, A., Southard,Edward, Stevens, G., Shepard, B., Sloan, Cass., Spencer, Henry, Shields, John, bcherrer, Joseph, Shields, Henry, Stimpson, Earl, Snider, George, Smith, Raymond, Sheppard, Raymond, Schmitz, L., Strode, J. M., Stock well, H. M,, Stanhope, Frank, Salnrds, Sam. Bee, William W., T. Tuberville, Franks Turner, Nash, Thorpe, C. A., Tanner, George, Tally, Henry, Tabor, J., Taylor, W., Taylor, S., Tully, Edward, Thompson, J. C, Taylor, G. E., Trotter, Virgil, Trimletts, Thomas, Thompson, P., Tompkins, Nathan, U. Utter, L. M., T. Vandusen, Charles, Vitatoe, Henry, Van Camp, Q., W. Wilkins, John, Wedderstrand, C, Walker, T. J., Winkfield, King, Wooster, Allie, Weaver, Charles, Washington, William, Washbore, A. H., Williams, Harry, Ward, H. Watson, William, Woods, J., Williams. W., Weber, J., Wood, William, Wilson, WiUiam, Whitlock, Fred, T. Young, Josoph, To ride for his stable only. E. C. Hopfeb, Secretary.