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CLOHESEY and CO., PRINTERS. Bookmakers Supplies, Tickets, Sheets, Slates, Cash Boxes, Etc., 86 to 94 Fifth Avenue, Times Building, Telephone Main 2134. Complete booking outfit furnished in an hours notice. Harlem. Harlem. Last day and last chance. Our 20 to 1 shot starts TODAY. Absolutely reliable information on this good thing. IT WILL WIN. A great finish to our successful two weeks at that track. Handicap and special selections ready at 10 a.m. .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HORSES THAT WIN At good prices, many of them long snots. We have given our subscribers most of the 20 and 30 to 1 shots that have been winnipg since April 15 0 weo1nsoui:i ....haa;k ,000 On our information. All our subscrib-ers are good winners. Delivered any-where without extra charge before noon. ...TELEGRAMS 11 A.M.... fjmerican Jjorsemensfjgency SUITE 516, 167 DEARBORN ST. |30-1 1 THREE |30-1| GRAND SPECIALS ALL AT Washington Park. No 3 to 5 Favorites. All Good Long Shots. ....Only Known at the.... Race Track information Bureau, Rooms 500-502-504 I Joy Is to 11 Bldg., 263-269 Dearborn Street. Delivered TREE Anywhere at 9 A. M. .00 DAILY. .00 SIX DAYS. One trial will convince the most sceptical that we are reliable. Rooms 500-502-504, 263 Dearborn Street, Tel. Harrison 1580, Chicago. WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOODS. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Friday Night Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB. Sam Summerfield, 58SS2U:; C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. ....CARD FOR JUNE 22, 1900.... Sig Hart, Chicago, vs. Teddy Evans, Australia, 110. Pat Hogan, Buffalo, vs. Dick Fitzpatrick, Chicago, 118. Tom Shrosbree, Chicago, vs. Mat. Drees, Chicago, 133. Ole Olson, Chicago, vs. . Larry Gleason, Chicago, 130. WIND-UP EDDIE GARDNER Challenger of the world in the 126 pound class vs. ELWOOD MCLOSKEY The only man who ever beat Champion Terry McGovern at his own game of in-fighting. THE HORSEMENS FAVORITE ROUTE BETWEEN CHICAGO ..and.. ST. LOUIS And All Points Shown in the Above Map. The Route of "THE ALTON LIMITED" The Handsomest Train in the World. Ticket 101 AdamsSt. R. Sombevillb, Office oen.agt. pas. dpt I ; ! ; Most All Well Dressed X People Wear... 0 why Dont You? —JVfrg -sANH-3 — .00, .00 and .00 - ...SOLD IN CHICAGO ONLY BY... DeMuth and CO., I09 and 2I7-2I9 State St