untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-07-18


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Washington Park Club 25-DAYS RACING-25 .2 JUNE 23 TO JULY 21, INCLUSIVE £ RACES COMMENCE AT 2:30 P. M. SHARP. RAIN OR SHINE. ADMISSION, INCLUDING SEAT IN GRAND STAND, .00. » iphpiiii iiiumwwwwwwy TRAIN SERVICE. Illinois Central RriilrOrMi FXDrPSS 3nd LOCSl Tr3inS South Side Elevated Trains connecting with all Elevated Road§ via the Loop every 3 minutes. SOUTH SIDE ELEVATED EXPRESS TRAINS. Leaving Loop at Congress street and stop- T Leave t Randolph a i u etreet , t j depot as mi follows: +19 112 45. i* +1 tl nn 00. ti II n* 05, *i *1 :10, in +1 Tl :20, on ti 11:25. •** *i *1 .*n :30. +i jl -in :40, , . _„ , , . . . . . ° . _, ,7 :. 1 7„ T ., L 1 JL. IT . Y. L ■ D1D« onlv at B** and _« 3lBt streets, arriving at „_ 61st street in 20 minutes. .„ i» » 4.0 .,r io iA * «• ± :45, *1:50, f2:00, 2:05. *2:10, t2:20, :25 , t2:40. Note: indicates through express trams, no ■tops south of Van Buren street; fexpress trains with loop connections, transfer at Sixtieth CABLE AND ELECTRIC LINES. State street and Cottage Grove avenue cable lines con- strsst. stopping at Van Buren street, Hyde Park and South Park only ; Jlocal. stopping at all necting with all south side cross-town lines direct to gates. Calumet Electric Street Railway to stations with loop connections, transfer at Sixtieth street £ parlor cars on through express trains. South Park avenue and 63rd street. Harlem JocKey Clutrs SummBr State To Be Run During the Meetings of AUGUST 6 to AUGUST 18, and SEPT. 3 to SEPT. 15. Twelve Stakes Witti tlie Following Conditions : The Harlem Stakes Handicap. —For three- preceding the race, and those so named will be j race after the announcement of weights to have not won three races since Aprl 1, 7 lbs.;: year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 each ; 0 liable for starting fee. One and One-Sixteenth carry 5 lbs. extra. One and one-eighth Miles. maidens. 12 lbs. Six Furlongs, additional to start. 00 added, of which 50 Miles. I _,, -,. . . — . ,a ... »«__«. I „,. « . . _. , „ The Riverside Stakes Selling— For three-I The Aspirant Stakes.-For two-year-olds. to second and 5 to third horse Weights to he nnnmincpd three davs before the d hv an Tl,e C»mM—tt«1 Stakes Selling.-For „. all „ I year-olds. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to j Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to start. 00 ~»J?tpH flfr tl?« r»™ A winner of other than a a«e8- Entrance 0; 0 additional to start, start. 00 added, of which 50 to second and added, of which 50 to second and 5 to third 5S5£rrtiSSoSSoSol POO added, of which *1M to second and*75 to the 5 to third horse. The winner to be sold atauc- horse. Weights 113 lbs Winners of three or weights to carrv 5 lbs extra One and One- t»lrd horse. The winner to be sold at auction, tion. Horses entered to be sold for .a00 to more races other than selling since April 1 to TfiVMh MilflB Horses entered not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. I carry scale weight ; 2 lbs. allowed for each f0 carry 1 lb. extra for each such race won since- ■ g above the scale. Those entered to be sold for to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to ,000; then that date. Non-winners this year of three races The Fort Uearborn Stakes —For three- I if**.000 to carry weight for age, for ,100, allowed 2 lbs. for each 00 to 00. A winner, after May i of any kind allowed 3 lbs.; maidens. X lbs. and upward. Entrance 0 each ; 0 I 5 !b,8- j .on 2 %• for each 50 to 00. Starters. 1, of a race of the value of ,000 to be entered Four and one-half Furlongs, year-olds h be tk the for less than 00 Starters with I additional to start. 00 added, of which 10 I wl B.eU"»K P"ces- m.u.8t namfd rough not selling to second and 5 to third horse. Weights 5 lbs. ! entry box at the usual hour of closing the day prices, must be named through entry box at the , JUSZm T.aOrance stakes v4*iaT«T2r Selling For two v.i. ... ti,o ai„ TCinn«rK in inmnfu mcp nf preceding the race, and those so named will be usual hour of closing the day preceding the edr ola5~ entrance MO 3 iu each. ?4U additional to th« ™h,« V2 ono tnZ 7 lbs extrt Non liable for starting * fee. One Mile. race, and thoseso named will be liablefor start- ?tart. 00 added, of which 50 to second and the value of to carry lbs. extra. on- .1000 ing fee °° Seven Furlongs. 5 to third horse. The winner to be sold at winners in 1900 of a race of the value of ,500 The Spee l Stakes.-For all ages. Entrance ™" " I auction. Horses entered to be sold for ,000 to allowed 3 lbs.; of 50, if non-winners of live 0 each ; 0 additional to start. 00 added, of The Petite Stakes.-For two-year old fillies, carry scale weight ; 1 lb. allowed for each 50 races other than .-elling since May la, i lbs. wnich 50 to second and §75 to third horse. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to start. 00 , to .000 ; t hen 2 lbs. for each 00 to 00. Start-Other horses that have not won a race of the I Two-year-old to carry 90 lbs. ; three-year-olds, added, of which 50 to second and 5 to third I ers with selling prices, must be named through value of this year allowed 10 1ns. ; of 50. i08 iD8_ . four-year-olds and upward, 113 lbs. | horse. Winners of a race of the value of ,500 entry box at the usual hour of closing the day 15 lbs. One Mile. Winners of 00 since May 1 to carry 2 lbs. ex- | to carry 3 lbs.: of ,000. 5 lbs. extra. Non- preceding the race, and those so named will bo . . , ! tra for each race of that value won since that ; winners of a race of ,200 allowed 3 lbs. ; ifsuch liable for Parting fee. Five and One-Half Fur- ,u it- * it The I rairie state stakes belling.— ror ,ate. Three-year-old and upward that have j have not won three races since June 1. 6 lbs. ; longs, three-year olds and upward. Entrance *10 each ; no, won a race of the value of 00 in 1900 al- three since April 1. 9 lbs. ; maidens. 12 lbs. Five 0 additional to start. 700 added, of which ]owe l 3 lbs. ; if such are non-winners of three Furlongs. The „„ September Handicap Steeplechase. 50 to second and to third horse. 1 he win- races of any value in 1900 6 lbs Six Furlongs —For four-year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 ner to be sold at auction. Horses entered to be I The Graduate stakes.— For two-year-olds, j each : 0 additional to start. 00 added, of sold for ,000 to carry weight forage; ,000, al- The Senior Stakes Handicap.— For three- Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to start. 00 ! which 50 to second and s75 to third horse, lowed 5 lbs. ; then 1 lb. for each 00 to -400. A year-olds. Entrance 0 each ; 0 additional to added, of which 50 to second and 5 to third Weights to be announced three days before the winner in 1900 of a race of the value of ,200 to start. s700 added, of which 50 to second and horse. Winners of two races of the value of I day appointed for the race A winner • f a be entered for not less than ,200. Starters. 5 to third horse. Weights to be announced ,200 each to carry 3 lbs. j of four or more races , steeplechase race other than selling after the-with selling prices, must be named through three days before the day appointed for the of the value of ,000 each. 5 lbs. extra. Non- announcement of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra, entry box at the usual hour of closing the day race. A winner of other than a selling purse winners of a race of ,200 allowed 3 lbs. ; if such I Full Course. Entries Close Monday, July 23, at Midnight. M. NATHANSON, Secretary, 201 Lakeside Building, Chicago. The Harlem Turf Congress Stakes. Closed with 90 Nominations, will be Run During the September Meeting

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900071801/drf1900071801_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1900071801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800