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WINDSOR OPENS MONDAY. A dispatch from Detroit to the Enquirer of yesterday says: Windsor Driving Park Association has postponed the opening of its meeting from Saturday until Monday, owing to the fact that the Blue Ribbon trotting meeting at Detroit, on account of a postponement for raiu. will not close until Saturday evening. Everything is in readiness at the Windsor track, however, for the thirty-day meeting. There is at this time no lack of horses. The 317 stalls in the Windsor Park are already-filled or engaged, about 275 horses now being quartered within the tracks enclosure. Nearly 100 are stabled outside of the track, and accommodations have been secured on the outside for fifty more. Yesterday forty-three horses arrived from St. Louis, and Racing Secretary Elmer Lawrence, who came from Chicago this morning, brought witli him applications for eighty-four stalls. The Windsor people are not worried on the score of not having a sufficiently great number of horses for their meeting, but the perplexing problem with which they are now confronted is where to put the horses for which accommodations have been requested. The fact is. the Windsor people are so situated that they can afford to be a little fastidious, and tomorrow the owners of about fifty skates that are occupying stalls at the track will be required to vacate them. The parties referred to are squatters. They arrived here from various points while the trotting meeting was in progress, and when the trotters left the track they proceeded to help themselves to stall-without permission from Secretary Haurahanor any one else in authority. They will be required to vacate to make room for the lot to come from Chicago Sunday. Alex Shields has arrived at the track with Zoroaster and all the others of the Caruthers A Shields string, ten head, with the exception of Advance Guard. The crack three-year-old was left at Washington Park to run in the Wheeler Handicap Saturday and will be shipped here Sunday. Other recent arrivals from Chicago were : P. M. Civill. 5; W. Mclnerney. 4; James Davis. 3. and C. R. McLean. 2. Among those who have signified an intention to ship to Windsor from Chicago Sunday, are: Thompson Bros., with the American Derby winner. Sidney Lucas, and the others of their string, W. H. Robinson A Co., with 14. including John Yerkes and Larkspur: "Lucky Baldwin, with 5, iu charge of W. J. Speirs; J.J. Donovan. 10; J. H. Smith. 8; J. J. Marklein and Sidney Bender, 7; W. M. Wallace. 7; T. H. Ryan. 4. and Tony Licalzi, 4. L. H. Ezell has also asked for stalls,, intimating that he would probably bring his entire string of 14 here. Chicago will also furnish a number of bookmakers for the meeting at Windsor, where there will be an open betting ring. a6 again-t a syndicate ring at Highland Park. A special from Chicago last night is to the effect that the following bookmakers will leave Windsor Sunday night: Social Smith, J. P. Atkinson. W. H. Howell, Jack Scully. Chambers and Walker, Sam Wagner. J. R. Hughes and R. Simpson. The Windsor people and the horsemen are very much elated over the prospect- for the coming meeting.