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LOUISVILLE FORM CHART CHARTLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE KY May 3 Fifth day New Louisville Jockey Club Spring Meeting MeetingWeather Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge W F Schnlte Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 230 p m 24723 FIRST RACK 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St A 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 23084 FLEURON 4 108 1 tt IB In IN Cochran A C McCafferty 35 71071014 71071014246503QALATHEE 246503QALATHEE 5 112 4 21 22 22 23 Boland Mnir Hunter 21 2 11512 2416 KING ELKWOOD6 108 5 5 3 43 3 Winkfield J A Maxwell 20 30 30 7 24649 ECONOMIC 3 90 7 61 52 3 43 Ransom 8 8 Brown 25 25 25 5 24650 A BALDWIN SR 5 112 3 4 4 52 53 Gilmore H Bensinger 40 100 100 30 24609 WATSONS REBL7 101 6 7 6i 63 65 Chambers Fox Stewart 150 200 200 50 21649 SOCAPA 3 93 2 3 7 7 7 J T Woods H Robinson 10 12 12 3 3Time Time 25 50 1 15i 15iWinner Winner Ch f by Albert Entricia EntriciaWent Went to post at 238 At post 10 minutes Start good Won in a drive second easily Fleuron ran a good race and ontgamed Qalathee when it came to the final drive The pair raced like a team all the way and Galathee pulled up lame King Elkwood only got third place in the last stride Socapa did not run her race tihe can do bettor Economic showed improvement and finished stoutly stoutlyFleuron Fleuron show out Galathee show out King Elkwood show 8 to 5 24724 SECOND RACE58 Mile Purse 1400 2yearolds Selling ind Horses A Wt St 4 K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O 24647 MISS CHARLIE 98 1 42 41 Si 1 R Murphy Settle Co 8 25 25 5 246153JORDAN 103 4 2H 23 22 22 Cochran T P Hayes 35 35 25 out 24676 JAUBERT 105 2 U 11 1 33 Gilmore H J Scoggan 3 31 31 710 710245S33BADGER 245S33BADGER 101 3 31 31 410 45 Irvin S T Gaines Bro 5 15 15 24 24647 SCORTIC 93 5 5 5 5 5 J T Woods Wells Co 5 12 12 21 21Time Time 13 241 50 1 02 02Winner Winner B f by Badge Wild Olive II IIWent Went to post at 3 24 At post 7 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Miss Charlie improved suddenly went all around her field and finished strongly on the outside Cochran waa overconfident with Jordan and would have won had he gone about his business Jaubert ran well to the stretch but tired in the last furlong Scortic stumbled after going a six ¬ teenth and was pulled up upScratched Scratched 24580 Drummond 108 246473Sallie Green 104 104Miss Miss Charlie show evens Jaubert show out O1TO THIRD RACE 1 Mite Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Allowances Lnd Horses A Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 246I82THE UNKNOWN 4 115 1 2 2U 22 I K if J Woods T P Hayes 25 25 310 out out19935BANQLE 19935BANQLE 6 112 3 H IH IH 2H 2 Gilmore E 8 Gardner Jr 2 31 31 13 13143483H1S 143483H1S LORDSHIP 5 112 2 3 3 3 3 3 Winkfleld J D Smith 8 10 10 32 32Time Time 25 50i 1161142 1161142Winner Winner Blk c by Pirate of Penrance Romana RomanaWent Went to post at 3 59 At post 5 minutes Start good W9n cleverly second ridden out The Unknown shook off Bangle at the stretch turn and was going away at the end The latter was short and had all he could do to stall off His Lordship who was wearing the first two down at the end endScratched Scratched 231353Qeneral Mart Gary 112 24726 O A T O C ± FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse WOO 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M Y StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24813JTHE PURITAN 3 105 1 2 23 26 2 1 Cochran J J McCafferty 85 13513512 24579JTHE RUSH 4 117 2 U 12 12 H 210 Winkfield W H May Son 65 75 65 13 23781 JOE FHEY 3 110 3 4 31 312 350 350 J Woods J F Schorr 2 2 95 35 24179 SPUD CALDWLL3 100 4 31 4 4 4 4 Paretto Mrs R J Searcy 100 200 200 40 40Time Time 24i 49 1144 127 127Winner Winner B c by Deceiver Lizzie Montrose MontroseWont Wont to post at 435 At post 2 minutes Start good Won in a drive second easily The Puritan ran a good race caught The Rush tiring and putgamod him when it came to the de ¬ cisive drive The Rush showed great speed for over six furlongs Joe Frey was never a serious contender at any part of the race and was no doubt short shortScratched22002 Scratched22002 Omdurman 100246483Isobel95 100246483Isobel95No No show betting against the first three 24727 FIFTH RACK 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St X H S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 246502ONOMA8TU8 5114 3 13 12 11 1 J Woods Joplin Ranzal 322 7512 24611 JANO WOOD 3 95 1 3 3 32 2 R Murphy J A Maxwell Co 10 10 10 3 3246493SAM 246493SAM P COCHRAN3 lOli 4 21 22 2 31 Irvin K L Biggins 5 10 9 3 24584 LOCST BLOSSOM6 109 7 61 5 42 42 Cochran Leopold Pascoe 3 1653 65 24614 ELSIE BARNES 7 1101 2 7 7 SH 52 WedstrandW H Billings 20 50 50 15 24609 LITTLE RITA 5 109 5 5 61 7 62 Callahan Moore Hardeaty 40 60 60 20 24650 FULL DRESS 5 109 6 8 8 8 7 E Miller R W English 30 75 75 25 246492ALEX PEARSON 3 97 8 41 42 61 8 Ransom W H May Son 4 5 4 85 85Time Time 25 50i 1151 1151Winner Winner Ch h by Onondaga Patty of Cork CorkWent Went to post at 511 At post 6 minutes Start good Won driving and all out second easily Onomastus was best and showed the most speed but tired and barely lasted long enough Woods kept looking around at the stretch turn in place of coming along about his business and nearly threw the race away Janowood finished strongly and would have won in another stride Sam P Cochran showed speed but tired at the end Locust Blossom was in a pocket for the first half Alex Pearson was ridden all over the track Throw his race out outScratched Scratched 24584 Slips 95 95Overweights Overweights Sam P Cochran 11 pounds Elsie Barnes 11 11Onomastus Onomastus show out Janowood show 3 to 2 Sam P Cochran show 6 to 5 Locust Blos ¬ som show 1 to 2 Alex Pearson show 7 to 10 24728 I TO Q SIXTH ° RACK 1 11 Miles Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 24581 BARILLA 4 100 2 4i 31 36 2 In Cochran Settle Co 2 21 11512 1151224611A 24611A 8TRATHMOHE4 110 5 IH 2 l li 2 Wmkfield T H Stevens 12112012 out 20500 Q W W 3102 1 2 1 23 3 3io Callahan QH Whitney 10 40 40 6 246463TEKLA 4 101 3 5 5 5 4 41 Ransom W F Schnlte 5 12 12 32 24646 SCORPOLETTE 3 86 4 31 41 4 5 5 Fredericks S T Gaines Bio 20 SO SO 15 Time 15Time 24i 50 1 16i 1 42 1 49i Winner 49iWinner Br f by Spendthrift Mabel A AWent Went to post at 543 At post 3 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second easily Barilla caught Amelia Strathmpre tiring and fought it out stoutly with her through the last six ¬ teenth winning in tho last stride Amelia Strathmore was well ridden but did not run to her best form G W W showed much speed and ran a good race but tired as if short and the race should improve him himScratched Scratched 246462Andronicus 110 110Overweights Overweights G W W 2 pounds Scorpolette 1 1Barilla Barilla show out G W W show 6 to 5