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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESTCHESTEB WESTCHESTEB If T May F9nrth day Wostchester Racing Association Spring AssociationSpring Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 pm VJ I Q I FIRST RACE 1 1S Miles Over 6 hurdles 4yearolds and upward 4tO4lO Allowances The St Nicholas 600 added f d Horses A Wt 8t 1 3 5 6 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 241923DBGHTSMAN5 161 5 41 41 4io 2H 2 U Mr Hayes W C Hayea 5 76 85 24740 P PARTOUT 5 161 2 12 13 12 12 o Huoston R J Laughlin 6 8 8 2J 24299T L CHORD 6 165 6 6 51 3 3 510 30 Farrell R G Fell 6 10 10 21 18417 SEMPER EGO 8 168 4 21 2n 6 4n 31 4 Veitch Mr Chamblett 1 75 45 25 24607 CHARAWIND 4 151 1 5 6 51 53 in 520 Finnegan Mrs L Curtis 67685 22165 ISLINQTEM 5 164 3 31 31 21 6 6 6 Dayton J Schwartz 40 100 CO 10 2501Winner Time 10Time 2501 Winner SneezeWent Br g by Owaa Sneeze Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Draughts ¬ man waa a good Lorso today and cleverly handled He closed strongly at the end Passe Part out is evidently above the average at this game and showed unusual speed ou the flat in view of hie recent severe task through the field Tho Lost Chord also finished well Semper Ego lacked his usual brilliant speed and moreover jumped so badly as to convey the idea that he had either not been schooled during his long retirement or the fall which nearly terminated his career a year or two ago may have rendered him worthless for jumping races Charawind lost a half dozou himDraughtsman lengths at each hurdle Throw tho race out as to him Draughtsman show 4 to 5 Pasee Partout ehow ovens The Lost Chord show evene Semper Ego show 1 to 5 6 I Q I A SECOND RACJS Kclipse Course 700 added 3yearolds and upward firOtJb t Handicap Jnii Horses A Wt St H StrFin Jockeya Owners 21813 RED PATH 4111 1 3 11 11 H T Burns T Hitchcock Jr 2 21 2 35 6585853524S072CERVERA 2473CHESPER 352473CHESPER 4115 2 41 3 21 22 Bnllman TD Sullivan 65858535 24S072CERVERA 3 89 3 11 21 32 32 King G B Walters 10 15 15 4 24635HUITPOCHTLI 5 100 5 5 43 43 4 Brennan M F Stophenson 4541 245533QNDURDI8 4541245533QNDURDI8 3 87 4 21 5 5 5 Thompson G F Johnson 5 12 10 3 13Winner Time 3Time 1 13 GirlWent Winner Ch g by Rayon dOr Bed Girl Went to post at 3 00 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Red path was easily best was fresh and fit and favors tho Eclipso Course always Hesper lacked tho early spaed to keep within striking distance of the winner but closed strongly at the end Cer vera is a speedy horse and emphasized the excellence of his last two races Hnitzilo pochtli found the company a little too speedy He is a good weight carrier and bast ia the mud but be ¬ longs among tho selling platers Ondurdis ia apparently no account and has failed to train on from her twoyearold form form8cratchpd247762Holiobas 8cratchpd247762Holiobas 131 2149S Colonel Padden 107 24529Donna Henrietta 105 Overweights 105Overweights Cervera 4 pounds Redpath poundsRedpath show out Hesper show out Corvera show 7 to 5 Hnitzilopochtli show 2 to 5 6s A Q I K THIRD RACK Last 4 12 Furlongs Eclipse Course 550 added L4i0ttr 2yearolds Selling Ind Horseo AWt St K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 21550 HONOLULU 103 3 11 It IH Landrj AJJoyner 566 24633 RIGHTAWAY 104 6 51 41 2 Shaw O L Richards 6 8 6 24550JRED DAMSEL 107 1 31 31 311 T Burns G C Johnson 4 5 31 65 24139 JHONA 91 4 21 2 42 Thompson GoughacresStableS 20 15 6 24574 ASHBROOK 91 2 41 51 51 H Michaels P S P Randolph 60 100 100 30 2460630 ROSENFELD 112 9 71 61 61 Vandnsen P H Sullivan 12 30 20 8 246712EQUALIZE 99 8 8246362SILVER 9 7i 71 Wonderly T F Buckley 10 12 12 5 246362SILVER CHIMES 100 7 8 8 82 Smith W Oliver 20 50 SO 10 24779 VELLEDA 100 11 10 10 93 Dangman J E Madden 8 10 S 3 23908 ILLUMINATE 112 13 12 12 10 Daly J McLaughlin 100 100 CO 20 24772 SHANDONFIELD 107 12 11 11 11 Bnllman P H McCarren 15 20 20 8 BONUS 104 5 61 9 12 Slack C Littlefleld Jr 8 8 6 2 GERALD YN 102 10 13 13 13 Kelly J G Follansbso 12 20 12 5 24606 POSTILLION 110 14 14 14 14 Henry Setauket Stable 10 15 12 5 LADY CAPRICE 101 15 15 15 15 McDermott D Boland 100 100 100 40 55Winner Time 40Time 55 BabyWent Winner B g by Star Ruby Baby Went to post at 332 At post S minutes Start good Won driving second the same Hon ¬ olulu ran a fast race and finished strongly Rightaway finished with an unusual burst of speed and is in good form again Red Damsel was well handled and ran her race Rona also ran a good race Ashbrook did well and probably likes this track C Rosenfeld wants a longer route Velloda has worked fast She got away badly and showed some speed but quit in the last furlong Scratched 24255 The Referee 91 91Overweights Overweights Rightaway 1 ponnd Shandonfiold 1 Geraldyn 2 Honolulu show 6 to 5 Rightaway show evens Red Damsel show 7 to 10 O A O i if FOURTH HACE Last C8 Mile Eclipse Course 2yoarolds Helling 5ttO4tO The Bouquet Stakes 1000 added Ind Horses A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24739 MISLEADER 105 2 31 41 31 1 Bullman P H McCarron 20 20 15 6 VAGRANT 108 6 51 3 H 21 Littlefleld C Littlefield Jr 10 50 4010 240192 DCE FAR NIENTE 112 8 61 71 71 41 MsCn3 A H fe D H Morria 6 983 24576APRIL SHOWER 103 5 41 51 G 51 Hinry AJJoyaar 6 8 7 n 213748IRTOMTIDDLER107 n213748IRTOMTIDDLER107 3 2 1 21 61 Michaala LElmica 39 40 30 10 24606 EDWIN KENTON lOt 4 8 61 8 72 OConnor N Bsnnintrtoa 10 12 1 4 21605ELSE L 107 1 U 21 41 Si T Barns HT Griffin 75959535 CRYPTOGRAM 75959535CRYPTOGRAM 102 12 9999 Slack F R Hltsticouk 20 33 20 8 23905 CARRINGTON 9711 11 10 10 10 Boonr J 3Liu ilin 30 10350 15 24460 JAMES FITZ 91 9 10 It 11 11 Dily AJJoynir 6 87 2k 245502MARU 2k245502MARU 89 10 12 12 12 12 Thonpsoi GonV 5 a3tablal2 20 13 G LAODICE 10013 13 13 13 13 Dingam J E Midden G 12 12 a 24739 CRISSCRO33 107 14 14 14 14 14 Mitcnall M ilarphy 15 20 20 8 Couplod in tho betting Timo 1 01 01Winner Winner B c by Deceiver Nance NanceWent Went to post at 403 At post 23 minutes Start good Won driving second tha sama Mis loader ran a very fine race under an able ride Vagrant was easily bsat howevar bat Littlenald threw tho race away Ho is a grand looker Lady Holyrood closed fast at the end and made up a lot of ground from a bad start Dolce Far Niante also finished fast April Showir was pock eted when a furlong away and came with a rash at the end Sir Tom Tiddlirshowed a fine burst of speed and hung on well in a driving finish with no help from his rider Elsie L suffered from frequent bumping by Vagrant in tho last quarter and that destroyed her chances Carrington showing was good goodScratched Scratched 24815 Postillion 97 24772 Sinecure 96 Overweights Crisscross 1 pound fclisleador show 3 to lVagrant show 5 tol Lady Holyrood show 4 to5 Elsie L show2 to 5 5Q Q A Q A H FIFTH RACKLsiHt 78 Withers Mile J600 added 3yaarolds and upward JdtOTr i Fillies and Mares Allowances laa Horses A Wt St A V 5 StrFiu Jockeys Owners O H C P 21230 3 LAVENDER 3 113 4 2 31 i 2 11 11 Littlofisld C Littlefiild Jrl 85 75 12 21032 LA VALLIERE 3 103 3 3 4 U 2 i 22 Landry R T Wilson Jr 4 5 3 65 21529D HENRIETTA 3 93 2 51 3 52 45 3 OConnor J Boden 68585 20093 QUEEN PEPPER 3 93 7 74 7 61 5 4 Rnttar Peppar Stable 20 40 20 6 18735 AiVARD 3 93 5 41 2 32 3 52 J Daly J S tfadsworth 50 10010030 21707 MINTAGE 3 93 6 61 6 71 63 66 CrosthwiteA Featherstono 50 100 100 30 20727 EDNA J 3 93 8 8 8 8 8 75 J OConnor N Bannington 50 10010030 219G3CANDLE 10010030219G3CANDLE 3 93 1 H 1 INK 71 8 J Slack W L Powers 3 4 3 1 LADYCHORISTRS 93 Laft at the post H Michanls AD HaraptoaCo20 10010030 Timo 12 24 48J l14g 129 LydiaWont Winner 129Winner B f by Goldfinch Lydia Wont to post at 4 53 At post 5 minutes Start fair for all bat Laiy Chorister Won clev ¬ erly second easily Sweet Lavender receivod a flying start and was the bast and vary fit She was lucky however to win La Valliero was badly shut off and pockotod and weakly handled in the stretch was as easily second best and should have won as weighted Sho is a good class fllly fast and game Donna Henrietta came with a good burst of spaed in the last furlong Qaoan Pepper off badly and carried wido on tho turn was short bat ran wall Candlo tirad and quit badly endScratched from racing with Sweet Lavender on the stretch turn and was easad up at the end Scratched 24771The Amazon 118 2473G2Potra II 103 24773 Katharine 103 24577 Balloon 98 Sweet 98Sweet Lavonder show out La Valliere show 3 to 5 Donna Henrietta snow 4 to 5 Can ¬ dle show 3 to 5 OJQ1Q SIXTH RACE Withers Mile 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling lEd Horses A Wt St 4 K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 246373TYR 8 HEN A 5 102 9 10 10 9 7 12 Miles Plate Co 6772 24673ALARD 3 96 7 3 1 la H 22 JDaly MnrphyRiordan21 2 11345 24773 Madden247362PETRA LANCEMAN 3 99 1 5H 41 31 3 3 Dangman J E Madden 5652 247362PETRA II 3 98 4 IH 31 2 2 4 Slack R H Loud Co 95 13521 910 910F I 24673 Milden246733MATT BLUEAWAY 6 107 8 2 2a 4ss G 51 Shaw F H Milden Jr 5 6 4 85 85W 246733MATT Daly246702MERCER SIMPSON 4 107 5 61 8 81 41 62 Brennan W C Daly 15 30 20 8 8H 246702MERCER 4101 3 9 6t 6 51 7i Booker H T Griffin 6883 6883MFinlfln 24670 LUCKY STAR 7 lOt 10 8a 9 10 101 8 White M MFinlfln Finlfln 10 30 30 10 10PSP 24575 ROBT MEICALF4 102 2 4 51 71 8 915 Miller P PSP 8 P Randi Randolph 20 39 30 10 24803 SPEEDMAST 5 103 6 71 7 5 9 10 T Burns G C Johnson 8 20 20 6 Winner Ch h by Tyrant Shena Van VanWent Went to post at 525 At post 5 minutes Start good Wen easily sacond the same Tyr Shena saved in tha first part of the race and benefited by the terrific early pace set which was responsible for tho dofeat of tho pacemaker saved ground on the turn and finished fast Alard off poorly and rushed to the front was a good horsa badly ridden Lanceman seamed to ba tho probable winner nearly throughout but was carried wido on the stretch turn and finished on tha outside This colt is rounding to in good shape Potra II swerved so much under the whip in tho last furlong as to lose her chances for third place Blneaway showad good form Mercar wants mud So does Lucky Star StarScratched Scratched 24577 Balloon SJ SJTyr Tyr Shena show 6 to 5 Alard show 2 to 5 Lancoman show 6 to 5 Petra II show 1 to 2 Blneaway show 4 to 5